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Everything posted by xxATLowxx

  1. aw okay! that sucks! :supersad: i'll talk to you later meg! :happy:

  2. dang lucky duck :shifty::LOL:

    it's the 4th thursday of november. :p so it's the 25th of november this year!

  3. :LOL: what story?

    luckyyyyy! :p i've only just finished my 6th week of school and i don't think there's any break till thanksgiving. :shifty::chuckle:

  4. i'm great! about to go out with my boyfriend. excited that it's the weekend! :happy: you?

  5. same... but i'm speedy in the mornings. :LOL: it's 10.34 right now. :3

  6. :eek: 10.30's early for you? :LOL: i wake up at 7.20 every morning for school. but the school starts later than it did last year, last year i had to wake up at 6 :eek: but i give myself 15 minutes to get ready so i'm pretty fast. :LOL:
  7. hmm not too much! excited for the weekend to come finally! :LOL: haha i looove october. what about you? :p

  8. hi! :happy: i'm doing alright! how about yourself? :)

  9. yeah i've done that before. :p but never any of the best songs on radio. :noey:

  10. :eek: once i heard in your world in a restaurant called chillies... you have no idea how happy i was. :awesome:
  11. i shall. :LOL:

    lucky! well i never listen to the radio anyways but all i've heard is uprising. :noey::chuckle:

  12. :shifty: i'm totally gonna taste the confetti, no matter how bad it tastes. :LOL: i hope it doesn't ruin my taste buds. :p
  13. :eek: as tempting as that'll be...


    i probably will. :LOL:

  14. :LOL: well does your tongue taste of salt still? :p
  15. that's why i told you not to taste it! :LOL:

  16. don't taste the confetti. i hear it's quite salty. :LOL:

    and yup! i've got no job to get money though... meh... :shifty::rolleyes: oh wellll

  17. yup! and i want to buy merch. :p

  18. yus!~ awesomesauce! :awesome: sauce! :LOL:

    i should start saving money... i'm totally broke now. :LOL:

  19. it'll be my first gig - as well as my first muse gig as well! i can't wait! :awesome:sauce

  20. i've been on the boards just not interactive as much as i used to. but now that my muse concert's in 25 days i'm pumped! :awesome: :awesome:

  21. yikes it's been such a long time! :eek:

    i've been doing wonderful! :awesome: how about you?

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