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Everything posted by Luigi.

  1. Looking forward to Supremacy though, sounds like it's going to be heavy.

  2. I think it's going to be similar to UD live.

  3. Yeah and I found it very boring.

  4. Yeah and I found it very boring. New album isn't looking good.

  5. I read in an interview that was posted on the board that they're going to be rotating more on this tour. We'll see if they actually do that. Yeah they're definitely going to tour North America next year.


    I'm going to check if it's on Netflix. Don't think they'll have the director's cut though.

  6. It was sarcasm.:awesome:

  7. Two weeks for me.:awesome:

  8. Yeah its only a few more days.

  9. Yeah it's only a few more days.

  10. Noticed that too.

  11. Yeah just wait till the tour starts, then the board gets interesting with all of the setlist beef.

    I've never been on Radiohead's site.:chuckle:


    It was actually pretty short. I've had other job interviews too so I hope they hire me.

    I've never gotten around to watching Donnie Darko.

    Babel is a fantastic film.


    No problem.

  12. It was a decent performance with a good falsetto. Don't like the song still.

  13. Apparently it wasn't shown on American tv. Still saw it on the stream though.

  14. It's slowly growing on me. Maybe I'll like it more when I see live videos of it.

  15. Yeah and I found it to be underwhelming.

  16. Thanks, appreciate it.

  17. Had a job interview, hoping to get a job.

  18. So what's up?

  19. Nah don't worry about it. There's not much to do on the boards nowadays either.:chuckle:

    I like the new look.


    I've been good, have a job interview today at Home Depot. You?

    Yeah that is one way that they could have done it.

    I've actually never talked about it. Didn't know about it before the trailer came out. It's about six stories that are connected and looks great.



    Have fun.

  20. Yeah the board looks different too, I like it.

  21. Hopefully it's better than Survival.

  22. Haha yeah.:chuckle:

    I thought it was August 20?

  23. That's pretty long, not sure if I would watch it all.:chuckle:

  24. Awesome.:yesey:

    Haven't seen it. What do they say in it?

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