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Everything posted by Maa.

  1. Im bored:LOL: I really dont have a reason to be hyper, but i downloaded the muse toolbar:LOL: Its :awesome: Yaaay, you got oout of your house. *mission accomplished*:ninja::dance: LOL WUTT. Yes in some places the have moved all the snow on one side and its 2 times bigger than me:eek::LOL:

  2. Naawww:supersad: That sure is a little like, "Dont rub it in my face":fear: I hope you will see them:p You MUST:yesey:

  3. Ohmynomnom:LOL: Good luck, I still have 2 years to practise:LOL: It works for safari:happy: there's a musechat in the toolbar:LOL:

  4. IM Finnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:dance: How was your dayyyyyyyyy:happy:

  5. I got it from this thread:http://board.muse.mu/showthread.php?t=71003

    Not sure, what internet browser do you use?:happy: Im having driving lessons too:dance:

  6. :LOL: me too:chuckle: Im very fine thanks, just installed the muse toolbar..Its :awesome: How was your day?:happy:
  7. ohaaaaaai:LOL: Im bored:shifty::ninja:


  9. :supersad:byeeeeee

  10. Ok tomorrow, and I have to go now, see ya tomorrow:kiss:byyeee:LOL:

  11. Oh what i didnt see the black text:facepalm::LOL:

  12. Ok lets go in now?

  13. I've never had the courage enough to visit:LOL: You wanna do it now:LOL: We can jump in and disturb or make friends:LOL:

  14. Haah i swe that:LOL: I was like :wtf: why would you say that to yourself?:facepalm: We are failiors:noey::LOL: By the way have you visited the chat?:LOL:

  15. :LOL: :yesey:my mum is forcing me to get off the compuuter:fear::LOL:
  16. Dont forget tha chickennnnn!:fear: Why facePALM? You said it was a fun party?:LOL:moahahahahahha

  17. Hahaa Prootege moooooooiii :facepalm: FAAIIILLLLL!:LOL::dance:Ok i'll give you my adress!

  18. Dooonttt just stay out of the chicken in your fridge, or else it would kill you! Your bored? come to sweden:dance:

  19. wutwut:LOL: Im back i went to a restaurant and ate with the family and some relatives.:happy:

    EDIT: but your gone:facepalm::LOL:

  20. Ehuuuuuuut:LOL: Im chatting in omegle, look how much fun im having being annoying:awesome:

    Stranger: hi

    You: Ohai

    Stranger: asl

    You: las?

    Stranger: your age?

    You: your age?

    Stranger: how old are u

    You: how old are u


  22. Heej, trodde inte att du skulle vara svensk:facepalm: tänkte på ditt namn:p Trevligt med svenskar:D

  23. :LOL: Yaaay you and your friends must feel proud:awesome::facepalme: Im fine a little bored so did some math:LOL::facepalm: How are you, hope your feeling happier, whait I know you do:awesome::LOL:
  24. :LOL: now you have an extra day:dance: woho
  25. :eek:whutt thats unfair:phu: they would never do that in sweden:'(:fear:

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