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Everything posted by Maa.


  2. YOU GAVE HIM A COOKIEE!:eek:NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Didn't you learn in school that when you give a bellamy a cookie, he will kill cookies instead!NOOOOOOOOOO! You damaged the population of all world cookies!:pope:

  3. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!O!!!!!!! YOu CANT DO THAT! Then matt would kill your bananas!!:eek: without chewing them to DEATH"!!!!!!:eek:

  4. Åh, jag får inte heller åka dit:( men jag ska ändå se dem spela i Wembley:happy: Jag hoppas att dem spelar andra festivaler här i Sverige i år:) Annars åker man till norge:LOL:

  5. Blehblehbleh.Estás hecho un pervertido!!!:fear: My spanish is less fail than yours then!HA!:phu:

    Why do you hate your internet connection, your internet connection hates you!:ninja: A WAR HAS BRAKEN LOOSE! Your bananas againts my spacechickens!:fear:

  6. Yes, yes:LOL: I must learn physics:eek: But im on a brake noooow:LOL: Hopefully i will continue:facepalm:I luff that man and you too:LOL:MOHAHA:kiss:

  7. Learn what:LOL: YES He is my hero too. :LOL: Im watching him whilst writing:eek: up-upsidedown-down-straight-up-upsidedown-down-straight-up-upsidedown-down-straight-up-upsidedown-down-straight-up-upsidedown-down-straight-up-upsidedown-down-straight-up-upsidedown-down-straight-up-upsidedown-down-straight-up-upsidedown-down-straight-up-upsidedown-down-straight-up-upsidedown-down-straight-up-upsidedown-down-straight-up-upsidedown-down-straight-up-upsidedown-down-straight-up-upsidedown-down-straight-up-upsidedown-down-straight-up-upsidedown-down-straight-up-upsidedown-down-straight-up-upsidedown-down-straight-up-upsidedown-down-straight-up-upsidedown-down-straight-up-upsidedown-down-straight-up-upsidedown-down-straight-up-upsidedown-down-straight-up-upsidedown-down-straight-up-upsidedown-down-straight:eek:

  8. Im finee and you my friend?:LOL:

  9. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiii:lol:


  10. Have to go now:kiss:byee!

  11. NO:fear:Didnt find it just a trailer for it:eek:CREEPPPY:eek::LOL:

  12. NOOOO:fear: COME RIDEEE WITH MEE! It would be soo awesome if you also could go to wembley:awesome::yesey::LOL:

  13. I only found a fan vid:LOL:Its pretty cool


    Im fine a bit bored. I will still continue my search of the lost video:LOL:

  14. I cant open it:eek::'( What song is it?:happy: How are you?:awesome:

  15. Im fine a bit tired and bored, tomorrow I have to study muchisimo:fear::LOL: and you?:awesome:


  17. Why DOES MY SHIRT TALK?:eek:

    I must ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!:cry::eek:

  18. Matt did not kill his cousin and I DONT CARE!!:fear::phu: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! YOU DIDNT!! If you chipped it with royal mail it should arrive in 9 days like my cds!!!:phu:MOAHAHA!!!!

    And in that time i've already fled the country!HA!:phu:!

  19. Why am I lucky?:LOL: YOU KILLEDDD BOOBBBBBBB!!!!:fear::phu:

  20. Well if you can kill a banana why not a teacher:phu: oh de you have wooden floors?:eek:

  21. You killed your teacher:awesome: OR Your teacher gave you more!:fear::eek:

  22. Because I love listening to it:LOL: And the real one is soo wierd:LOL: But then again I love all sorts off accents i think:LOL: Haven't heard anything thats not to love:shifty::LOL:

  23. Naaww, once again stupid ass teacher:LOL: poor you:kiss:

    Cause half of the class had to do laboratory experiments for 3 hours and the rest could go home. But we have to do it next week:LOL: I LOVE THE SCOTTISH ACCENT!:LOL:

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