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Everything posted by •am•

  1. i thought you were suspended? i dunno... if you're not then PM me :shifty:

  2. damn i wish you hadn't gotten banned from the elimination thread.... we could really use you right now :(

  3. i seriously freaked the f out when it said order is complete :LOL:

  4. :LOL: OK i reread it and NOW i see! :LOL: you're too funny! I thought you were commenting about my thread post.


    hahaha ok i'm gonna reread your vistor message again in about 10 mins :D

  5. i really did :LOL: when i saw your message... i know my time zone! :chuckle: i'm not THAT :confused: with everything. hahaha i was doing a test run. Since i've never used the site before i wanted to know how it works. i'm sure i made things a tad bit harder for the philly people (sorry) but i wanted to see how everything was set up and get an idea of how fast they get sold out. :eek: my presale is in 20 mins!!!! :vomit:

  6. those vids are :awesome: and YOU are :awesome: THANKS! 2007 Wish they sould have played SS last night. LOVE the dead star riff.


    Shirtless Chris is.... :eek: shirtless :stongue:

  7. BOTH! definitely going to both! :dance::D

  8. Thanks for your shirt design! it's :awesome:

  9. thanks for your idea of the forum shirts :)

  10. :LOL: the moment will come... :ninja: it's just a matter of time... :shifty:



  11. *ahem* duck.... :shifty: we need TWO people over in Other Muse Topics for a quick kill... if you know what I mean :shifty:

  12. :chuckle: let me see... i thought bon jovi was hot and then you dumped me because you said i was cheating.. .and then all of a sudden you loved me again... and that's it .... a full recap. still doesn't take away from the fact that i could your much much older... um sister? i suppose. lol or maybe your young aunt.
  13. HAHA! OMG that's one pissed off kitten. But I guess I'd be pissed off too if I had to deal with all that hair everyday.



    Great choice!

  14. true... she's a bit scary too... like the angry tiger. aww yeah a little kitten with a paper hat. :yesey: (don't know why the hat... but yeah)

  15. i think the angry tiger should be your avatar :chuckle:

  16. Woo! Yay for Christmas! Family stuff yea yea... really I can't wait for some time off from work! lol

  17. Happy Turkey Day to you too!!!

  18. Hey! Sorry I didn't get a chance to reply! Hope you had a great thanksgiving!

  19. concert was awesome for me as well! i've gotta see them soon! i'm having withdrawls! lol

  20. Ack!!!!!!! Today's the day!

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