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Me Rug I Sty

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Status Updates posted by Me Rug I Sty

  1. They'll be expected to win that. And I don't know if they can handle that pressure:(


    Do you have PS2 or PS3?



    It's a very sensistive issue.

  3. Well, I reckon pro Evo only used to be better. But I haven't played the last 2 so I can't judge I guess

  4. FIFA is SO much more realistic though! And what do you mean "the characters are more real"?

  5. Did you already know that site?


    Pro Evo sucks. :phu:Get FIFA

  6. You know how you were complaining about the price of CD's?

    Well the place I get mine from is CDwow. Which is the cheapest place I've seen cd's. They ship worldwide (for free) so you might want to have a look. The website is http://www.cdwow.com

    Just thought you may be interested :)

    Just so you know, as far as I can tell the NZ store is cheaper than the UK one, but you will have to look at each of them to figure out which is cheapest :)

  7. Quick question about Torrents (out of interest);

    You know how you download it in a torrent file(Which is usually less than 1mb) and then import it into uTorrent to get the files. Well does it download the files, or are they compressed into the torrent file? If that makes sense...


    And once again, thanks for helping figure out how to do this:happy:

  8. Well, imma sleep now. You better have reconsidered by the morning...*cracks knuckles ominously*



    Late night spelling ftw!:awesome:

  9. Not a very good one :phu:


    You've told me worse before...

  10. Who told you!?:mad:


    All the more reason to do it!

  11. Ouch. :phu:

    No. Where was I last night then?:ninja:


    Cause I'm a very nosy person. Thought you would know that by now.

  12. I, now rite?.


    I don't use it during the day anymore. Just nights when I'm not out.


    What DID you say!?:supersad:

  13. I was left. Then can back to see if you had told me.

  14. Sorry-I was sending a long PM




    If you feel like telling me :shifty:


    (yes. You got to me.)

  15. If you are trying to mess with me it's not working.

  16. Quit with the sarcasm.


    Message has been deleted by generalfernandotorres

    Freaky shit:eek:

  17. Was that a subtle attack?

    And in my defence I have been helping a friend through something and just using the board to waste time whilst I wait for responses.

  18. it was good untill today

  19. You had no pwoper response. I'm shocked and apalled.

  20. No. I'm sure you can take it, but I'd be pissed off at myself.

  21. Not really. At least I haven't stooped to attacking your sexuality :phu:

  22. Do you have any other shitty insults?

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