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Me Rug I Sty

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Status Updates posted by Me Rug I Sty

  1. Oh, um maybe you didn't know, but thats an English phrase which basically means, "let's not talk about that/do that, we would be venturing into dangerous territory if we did". Basically in the context I used it in, it meant "I'd rather not talk about that".

  2. Erm, I'd rather not go there.

  3. I'm not. I might soon.

  4. Stop the illegal downloads then! Or at least get some GOOD anti-virus software.


    Ah, I guess some just can't be helped :chuckle:





    Wow, WTF, I feel sleepy already. :erm:

  5. Thats karma. BIIIATCH! sorry, I got a little excited there. :$


    Hey, I was trying to help!


    Whatever :rolleyes:

  6. Bastards :indiff:


    Lucky you!


    (sorry it's getting to the time of night where I put no effort into my messages:facepalm:)

  7. Don't, you'll probably get another virus and break your computer. :yesey:


    Punctuation tip; we don't use commas(,) after question marks (?). Okay?

    So you meant

    "really? Is it that long?"



    It's too long and hard to control:phu:

  8. I haven't seen it yet, so I'll have to wait and tell you I it's any good.


    I haven't finished the feature!


    Thats the only pasta I don't like :phu:

  9. Yes :yesey:


    Oh, we'll see, I guess...


    I think TK wanted to go really over the top with features to impress the fans after D&A :yesey:


    Is gerald a member of MCR?


    What type!?:awesome:

  10. Are you No ones going to take me live in a new name?

  11. Yep. :yesey:


    I don't get what you mean with Tim Burton :unsure:




    You do:yesey:


    Have fun eating :chuckle:

  12. For your Chris video you should try and isolate teacher Bass line from a song for the intro. My suggestion; Hysteria, Muscle Museum or Showbiz. I love the Showbiz bass line :happy:


    Just a suggestion. No pressure :)

  13. well they did a 25 song setlist (if you include entrilude plus extilude).

    And in the back the extras are

    Behind the scenes documentary with interview of crew and fans

    Fans eye view (whatever that is)

    Then from festivals;

    Tranquilize-oxegyn festival

    human-Hyde Park

    Mr Brightside-Hyde Park

    SLYMI-V festival

    WYWY-V festival.


    So pretty damn long!

  14. Oh, I still haven't finished the feature!:LOL:

  15. 4)yes

    5)wrong. It's mark

    6)wrong it's ronnie.

    7) yes. The only place Brandon looks relatively normal is on stage. IMO.

  16. Oh, and I was, I only got 2 more songs in before stopping :facepalm: maybe 4th time lucky :LOL:

    I did find the menu though :awesome:

    It's either a hidden feature or after the feature. I had to click the menu button to get it. It might Still be after the feature though.

  17. 1) yes.

    2) well, the introduction was for Mr Brightside, but move away might of been on the demo.

    3) no, wywy was the closer, that was the intro for spaceman.


    4) which 2 songs merge together before the half time break?

    (next 3 are based on my opinion)

    5) which member dances most like a "special" child?

    6) which member plays most like a "special" child?

    7) which talks most like a "special" child?

  18. I'll watch it soon. I have a TK quiz for you. No googling.

    It's about RAH. You'll have to guess probably

    1) Which song was introduced as a "real rattlesnake"?

    2) which song did dave have on a demo tape for Brandon when they first met?

    3) which song "steps up" the performance "a little"?

  19. I think I'd of liked it if they had just improved the quality. :LOL:

  20. ah, well having mainly male friends means that you get stick for anything and everything :LOL:

    They'll go "oh, I tried listening to muse, but everythig sound the same. They are monotone. Matt breaths really heavily before each line". The last part is true, but you have to concentrate to hear it, which means they were listening hard to pick up flaws :LOL::facepalm:

  21. SHUT UP!:'(


    It's a bit...weird innit?

  22. The one with the hand?

  23. 12, actually :phu:


    I don't want to listen to it again :LOL:

  24. I am so jelous right now!:'(

    I bet no-one else knew the answers except for maybe SMBH.

    I don't know a single pwoper muser :eek:

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