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Status Updates posted by museyanne

  1. Could you please delete my account?

  2. aw thanks dude, yeah i had a lovely day. my friends surprised me and kidnapped me and took me on a picnic and then i went down and bought my first drink at the bar, and played the pokies with my grandad and bought a scratchie! haha.

    well i have an exam thursday, and i havent really started the study.. im getting on it now.. :erm:

    good luck for your last exam! and your formal!

  3. argh they were hell, i was so stressed out! but they are over now, and hopefully i did ok.

    how about you? you've got one on friday havent you? have you been having a bit of a break?


    ah i cant wait for it to be over!

    and its my birthday tomorrow.. things might get messy.. haha

  4. ah well in ext exam there's 2 parts, essay and creative writing. hour for each. our module was science fiction, which was laaaame but also good. i actually based my story on the book matt talks about being an influence to USoE, "The Grand Chessboard". they expect about a booklet and a half i guess, so i think i did ok :)

    i know how you feel, i have drama on the 12th. its going on forever!

    big few weeks for me too! my 18th birthday is next monday, and my party is on the 12th. should be epic! hope my house doesnt get trashed though...

    have you got your suit for your formal? an outrageous colour? haha

  5. ah well general for me wasnt too bad. i dont feel like i got 100% but i THINK i did most things ok. but you know how sometimes you just dont know? ahhhh. and yeah. extension was yesty, and it went really well! luckily the questions suited what i had prepared, otherwise i would have been screwed. i have modern and legal tuesday and wednesday though, so they will be really tough. how many have you got left?

  6. how've your exams been going? how was general and ancient together?

    rahhhhh i still have 3 left! :(

  7. cause i'm lazy and i really dont like maths all that much, so i figured that if i can get high 90's with a little effort, its much better than working really hard at something i hate and only getting 70's. its also good cause all my other subjects have so much content, it gives me a break.. and by the sounds of it you dont find it too hard yourself...

  8. well im not really looking forward to it, but maths will be good i guess, a bit of a break. its probs my easiest subject, so i enjoy it a bit more than the stress hell of english. and yeah, i am coming first actually :D ah it will be nice to have 2 days with no exams, just nice relaxing study..

  9. yeah same as you, but did harwood's poetry for section2. i thought i did really well on sections 1 and 2, and alright on 3. the questions were all really nice and broad, i just didnt get enough time for the last one. but i got onto my second booklet for each so i was happy. did you think the questions were any good?

    woo! general maths monday!

  10. how did you go for paper 2? :)

  11. argh well i think it went pretty well. short answer texts were a bit weird, you never know if you've done it right.. but i think it was pretty good. the creative response fit the story i had already written perfectly.

    but oh my god when i read that they only wanted ONE related text for the essay i freaked out, cause i had preped for two. but i eventually calmed down and i got 10 pages out so i was happy. but some of it was made up....


    how about you? what prescribed text do you do? we do Romulus My Father- aka worlds shittest book.

  12. yeah well enjoy the nice bludgy homework while it lasts... i'm actually about to go to bed and do some last minute cramming. i have my first HSC exam tomorrow!


    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :eek: :eek: :eek:

  13. thanks for the add, lovely!

    whats happening?

  14. ah i have adv english tomorrow and friday but with religion in the middle on thursday (ugh). then general on monday, ext english friday, modern the next tuesday and legal that wednesday. ahhh then over a week off and i have drama on the 12th. my 18th bitrthday is on the 9th though, EPIC FAIL.


    holy shit

    it all starts tomorrow!

    good luck!

  15. ahhhhh not really... well i WILL be, they're all pretty spread out, but i (yet again) have left my study mostly to the last minute.

    but my timetable is pretty spread out, so i'll be sweet. i hope.

    how about you?

    what subjects are you doing?

  16. nah most people i know are going to the goldcoast, but my friends and i decided we wanted to go overseas instead, and its prettymuch the same price, so we're going for cheap cocktails, elephant rides and day spas! (come to think of it, sounds a bit better than homebake...)

    but i am still jealous of your homebake ticket. :p

  17. i can see your point, seeing as you are going to see some of those bands anyway.. but i guess i am just keen for the whole thing, spesh bludjuice, dizzee, girltalk, peaches, lisa mitchell and temper trap should be amazing! pft, even if the lineup was shit i think i'd still go, i just love the atmosphere!


    ahhhh no! i really wanted to go to homebake, and i'll finally be 18! but... i'm flying back from schoolies in thailand that day... so i will be in NO state to attend. :( oh well, im still going to schoolies!!

    you're in yr 12 hey? you going to schoolies?

  18. ahh man, you should have got tickets anyway! of course their own show will be better, but i mean you will definitely want to see them in a festival atmosphere! i am for sure going to a sideshow if it happens, i cant freaking wait!


    but have you been to a BDO before? cause its pretty flippin sweet.. and the lineup is waaaay solid!

  19. thanks for the add ;)

    so are you going to sydney BDO?

  20. well i missed out on tickets to their tour in january, but then by chance i saw they were doing a myspace secret show! so me and my friends lined up for like 6 hrs, got in for free, and then at the end of the set they asked if anyone wanted to come on stage to sing the last song- so i jumped up!


    and i danced with alex kapranos!!!! what a fucking babe, is all i can say.


    ohk, well all of the negatives you mentioned about bigdayout are pretty true and are shit, BUT i went last year and had the time of my life! and the lineup was pretty ordinary... so i know this year will be awesome. i dont know how ill brave the mosh pit, but ill give it a go.

    and i think the lineup is amazing- like all the triple j bands like bluejuice and temper trap are going to go OFF!

    you really should consider it, you'll want to tell your grandkids you were at BDO when muse headlined.


    ps: a jihad on the bowie-conspirators, that got me so excited!

  21. welcome!


    ah i see you have an alex kapranos thing going on.... i must say i am also quite partial to a bit of alex-loving. i got to go on stage with franz ferdinand earlier this year- one of the best moments of my life!


    so are you happy with the BDO lineup?

  22. my username is MA_megalomania

    oh and ill go and make a request now, even though my radio's broked, ill just play it to myself later!


    ah the dust wasnt quite as bad as sydney, but the sky was pretty bad red, we all thought it was bushfires cause there have been heaps near us lately.

    yeah i know townsville, everyone knows townsville! they get their own weather on jjj! haha

    ah yr 9? just enjoy it dude, you'll realise when you're in your final year that nothing else really mattered. so yeah, work hard, but not too hard and remember to haev heaps of fun with your friends, cause now its all nearly over for me and i cant believe it!


    oh and origin is my fave album by faaaaaaaaar. yours too? most peoples i think...

    what do you think about the resistance?



  23. :)

    yeah, i think ive heard you a few times.. and maybe on twitter? ah im a bit slack with the requests.. maybe i'll give it a go tonight.


    oh thanks for the heads up, ill subscribe and just start posting like ive always been there (no one will notice..)


    i'm Maryanne, im from the south coast of nsw- like 2 hrs south of sydney, town called Nowra (its a bit of a hole) and i actually graduate in under a week- i cant believe it!

    how abut you? where are you from? whats doing?



  24. hi :)

    you must be amethyst as in rosies-best-friend-and-top-muse-requester-amethyst ?

    im new to the forums and that, but its an honor... haha.

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