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Everything posted by rumpska

  1. What effects are you using for that very start riff? Sounds close to Matt's ~04ish SS tone
  2. Pretty pleased with how this turned out. First attempt at putting a guitar together (so I used Warmoth for the neck and body blank . And made it a Mattocaster.) Color changing light b/c of the toan, of course. I didn't have time to get the finish all nice looking before heading back to college, so that'll have to wait until the summer. Taken with my camera http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v238/scomo13/Guitar/
  3. Hey there,

    I've been reading the forums for a while, haven't ever posted, though, but I saw your post in the Minneapolis gig thread, and I'll be going to it. I have a question though. This will be my first Muse gig (FINALLY), and I'm taking my younger sister, so I got seats instead of going GA, so I won't be lining up early or anything. At the gig you were at did the stuff sell out really quickly before the gig or was it mostly after? Cause, not gonna lie, that's a pretty awesome sweatshirt. I wasn't planning on getting there earlier than 7:30ish, but if everything sells by then I think I'd want to. How much is the sweatshirt anyway? I'm at college here at Notre Dame, but I live in Minnesota and I'll be arriving in the cities on the afternoon of the 17th for fall break, so that should work too, if you still need someone to help you out.


    So yeah, basically, did the merch sell out right away? If so, I won't be waiting in line, the earliest I'd get there is probably 6 or 6:30 when the doors open, so if it does sell out quick, everyone ahead of me would get there first, so maybe I'm not the best man for the job. Let me know. I'll also be going to the Milwaukee gig the next day, too, so I'd have a second chance to get it, provided they restock overnight.

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