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Status Updates posted by AnnaMarie

  1. And good on you for doing the boys pround and coverting an American!

  2. That's awesome! I'm so glad she advanced to other aspects of Muse. oh and sorry I haven't been on in ages, school has been soooo busy recently

  3. That'll be awesome! I've ever flown anywhere before. Alwaqys just driving. I've heard Alaska is breathtakingly gorgeous. My older rother was stationed there at the air force in Anchorage, he loved it.

  4. Then your almost there! is it 151/2 to get you permit in Texas too?

  5. :LOL: Well yea a permit is a step in the right direction. i guess i thought you were older lol, your not fifteen then? I didn't get my permit until I was almost sixteen, I was really busy in high school with waterpolo and swim team.
  6. You could drive to a show right? I have no idea how far it is, but that's crazy that Ozzie came down with the flu before he could show up.:stunned: At least we know Matt won't bite off any Bat heads :LOL: But maybe a chicken head :D

  7. Alaska??? Aww that's harsh for show and fans and sunlight.

  8. I know! He was lame though, he kept trying to one up me on how huge of a fan he was. I told him firstly, It's not a competition, and secondly, you can't steal their music:noey::fear:, that's their art, it's how they make their living, I might as well go up to you and throw your wallet in a fire pit. A real fan if they were that broke would scounge up the money somehow and then be frugal or not eat :LOL:, but really :stunned: I just bought tickets to see them this morning and I won't be going or eating out for at least a week, but it's worth it, that's how you show your love.

  9. I get that a lot, and then there was the guy who said he was a die hard fan and loved them so much, but he stole the resistance, and this kid has a job, your not a true fan if your going to steal their music:mad:

  10. Most people either give me the Muse What? IWell if it's not Lil Wayne I wouldn't know who your speaking of. :stunned::wtf: Or you run into the Oh yea I love Muse Twlight and Starlight OMg Stephanie Meyer Bla Bla Bla. But to run into a true fan, who really knows them, That's a Privilege and quite the treat for us americans. And wow your in Texas? You probablly hardly ever run into fans :(

  11. Isn't it true??? Sightings are rare, and i say lurking because no one understands!:LOL: It's like I'm on the hunt for Musers and it's always so fun when you run into them.

  12. That's intense, it's how i felt when graduating High School haha, that was so much easier to face. I know! I could start whoring myself to accumulate funds?:LOL: God Damn car payment.

  13. your not ready to graduate? :( it is quite the leap, hopes and dreams:LOL: that made me giggle

  14. oh that's right! You'll be graduating soon! that's awesome!! I definitely can't afford that at all, until my graduation gifts start rolling in in a year or so:LOL: I hope you can go though, that would be amazing. And New York flights are expensive too! lol

  15. There's no way I can afford that! what are the ticket prices looking like? oh and are you coming to cali this summer?

  16. I will kill myself out of jealousy if you go to fucking Webledy shit I know I didn't spell that right, forgive me, but that would be amazing!!!

  17. It was amazing Alden, best weekend of my life so far, I'll be going to the honda center and Staples center this fall as well I'm so glad they're coming back!

  18. hey buddy! I've been wanting to write you to say that i wasent ignoring you on facebook chat or on IM, it was just the few times you tred to chat I was in the midst of final ugh so how have you been?

  19. yay! so glad to not have been cut, and yes I am a lucky sod, it was wonderful, are you going to go see them?

  20. I'm confused, the last date listed is in Colorado

  21. :stunned:They're touring again this fall???? :D I had no idea! (fail) I'm so excited now! I'll have to see them again! I thought that was it for America yay!

  22. :erm:Right, I'll just go hang myself then, lol no it was still the best night of my life, I'm just jealous of others

  23. wow RBS and Bliss in one show??? or just the same continent? lol Sorry I had to bail on Sunday, I had to settle in for the 4 hour drive home from Vegas...

  24. Awww *gives hug* I'm honored to have been one of your first noob friends, we were all noobs at one point, and word on the street is I didn't get any rarities, still it was fantastic You'll have to let me know if I heard anything fancy here's the set list ..... (in no particular order)

    Uprising, Resistance, Newborn, Hysteria, Plug In Baby, MOtP, Supermassive Black Hole, Feeling Good, Plug In Baby, United Sates of Eurasia, Undisclosed Desires, Knights of Cydonia, Starlight, Unnatural Selection, Time is Running Out, and Stockholm Syndrome :)

  25. some got RBS??? lucky awwwww, wow and bliss???? jealousy has grown immensly

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