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Status Updates posted by Einafets

  1. Gibt es davon Fotos? :stunned: Oh man, der treibt uns noch in den Wahnsinn! :fear:

    Der macht das auf jeden Fall mit Absicht, hat wohl langsam begriffen, dass ihn alle sexy finden ;)

  2. Was genau ist gestern passiert? Hab so gar nix mitgekriegt? Es gab keine Wellenbrecher?? :erm: Wie war es sonst?

  3. That is kinda risky on Friday :eek:

    I think my friend and Tiia wanted to stay around the venue after the gig anyway, atlhough there is no chance that we see the guys. :supersad: So maybe we can see each other then! :awesome:

    Or some other day would be fine too. We all be tired as fuck I guess :chuckle:

  4. What kind of alcohol? :shifty:

    So, are you only going to the 11th gig? Maybe we can meet up on Sunday? Seems like there won't be a PDT picninc though because everybody will leave so early :supersad: The Claudias and Kristina won't be able to meet up with us :supersad:

    But Tiia, Aurora, Sian, me and my friend will still be threre on Sunday. I am staying til Wednesday anyway.

  5. haha, famous not really ;) Still weird to see my face on a Twitpic.

  6. Ja, ich glaube wir wollten beide Tage queuen, schlafen kann ich wenn ich tot bin ;) Aber auch erstmal sehen wie es Freitag so war und ob sich das Anstellen überhaupt gelohnt hat.

  7. Zum Glück hatte ich Anna gleich danach angerufen, bevor das Bild aufgetaucht ist, die hätte mich sonst umgbracht! :LOL::shifty: Und das war ja so schnell bei Twitter.

    Musst du dir schnell überlegen mit dem Schicken, die werden die nächsten Tage wohl losgeschickt, hab vorhin mal den Status bei Seetickets nachgeseen.

    Ich glaube wir wollen beide Tage queuen, kenn das Ganze ja auch schon von weiter hinten. Fliegen aber auch erst Mittwoch zuück, müssen ja noch zu Stonhenge ;)

  8. Du hast das auf der Arbeit gesehen? :LOL:

    Schade, Sonntag wäre perfect gewesen, weil wir Sian wohl eh treffen wollten. :( Donnerstag ist ja dann auch blöd. Wann wolltest du zum Wembley? Gehst du beide Tage?

  9. Schade, schade :supersad: Donnerstag ist ja dann auch blöd! Vielleicht trifft man sich am Wembley, wann wolltet ihr euch anstellen?

  10. oh nein, wie blöd! Wann kommt ihr denn an?

  11. Das ist auch alles noch nicht geplant. Vor gefühlten 100 PDT's hatten wir doch mal so ne Schnapsidee und ich dachte mir heute, dass das eigentlich ganz nett wäre. So viele sind wir dann ja eh nicht mehr, vielleicht du und Claudia, Tiia und Aurora, Sian und Frankie und keine Ahnung wer noch mag.

    Bisher dachte ich Sonntag wäre ganz gut, spät! ;) Sind ja dann alle fertig aber wahrscheinlich zu fertig um großartig Sightseeing zu machen, da wäre ein Treffen vielleicht ganz nett.

  12. Huch, ich bin ja auch hier vertreten! :eek:


    PDT Picknick...London...Interesse? :shifty:

  13. Huhu!

    Bist du eigentlich dabei sich in London zu nem PDT Picknick zu treffen, wie vor Ewigkeiten mal geplant? :shifty:

  14. Hey girl! I hope everything is still fine in Africa! :happy:

    When are you coming back btw? Are you still fond of the idea of a PDT picnic? :shifty:

  15. Yeah, you are right and I know my brain is looking for stuff that must be wrong with me :erm:

    And there is nothing wrong with you either and I can't believe you are cold, you aren't here :erm:

    Maybe all the guys just have gotten weird! :noey: They can't handle independent and educated women! :yesey: I'm sure a lot of guys have problems with it when you're smarter then them. I mean you clone cells! How can guys compete with that? ;)

    I have to go to bed now! Good night girl! :kiss:

  16. It probably was :LOL: since he talked about that quite often. Musicians do, no clue what it is but a guy who can play guitar has already won ;)


    That was long ago though and mostly a one night thing! :noey: So no guys wants to have a relationship with me :indiff: Maybe it's stupid but I keep blaming that I'm not skinny enough to attract them. :supersad:

    But you can train your brain maybe? Or just stop thinking at all at one point ;) I mean isn't it easier when a guy does the first step?

  17. Yeah me too :shifty: Maybe just equipment?

    They are :LOL: And of course they love it :chuckle: Didn't Matt wanted to be in a band to get laid? :LOL:


    Yeah same here and I'm older than you, I gave up hope seriously :erm:

  18. I have no clue, and it didn't sound like a party. One looked like the kitchen tent I saw in Bern backstage but no idea about all the others, and they were seperated from the others and spread all around :erm:

    I guess :chuckle:


    Yeah, same here, same here :indiff:

  19. Yeah, that sounds nice indeed :stunned:...I bet that's why there were tents everywhere :LOL: We wanted to get invited to a garden party too :LOL: Such a rockstar thing though. :LOL: Coming from stage, some girl giving him a blowjob :LOL:


    I hope it can't get much worse :indiff: Yeah tomorrow would be ok too, I guess :erm:

  20. Yeah, after they left, we were giggling like maniacs, the people in the cafes probably all watching us :LOL: And a guy that passed took a pic of us :chuckle:

    Would be a shame if he had to do it by himself, I guess there are plenty of girls that would like to help :yesey: And they had all those tents spread around the park backstage, the scenery would have been nice :eyebrows:

    I have the feeling it just sums up and sums up, one they I will explode and not in a good way :noey:

  21. Wonder what the people thought anyway :LOL: And that random guy that took a picture of us :LOL:

    Well, getting rid of it would be after the gig though ;)

    Hahaha :chuckle:


    And I thought lurking around here makes it worse :chuckle:

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