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Status Updates posted by fuesch

  1. Und ich dachte, dass man die Kombination aus Doctor Who und Muse allgemein nur sehr selten findet. Sieht aus als hätt ich mich geirrt. Irgendwo gibts ne LJ Community, wenn ich die wiederfinde, sollt ich der beitreten. Du kennst die nicht zufällig?


    Mit dem Berlin Konzert hatt ich echt Glück. Musste erst um 11 auf Arbeit sein, und die Tickets gabs ja ab um 10. Bin dann trotzdem n bisschen später auf Arbeit gewesen, war's aber total wert!

  2. Warst du auch U8?

  3. War klasse! Auch wenn ich nicht allzu gute Sicht hatte, weil ich Plätze in der vorvorletzen Reihe hatte und größere Leute vor mir standen. Aber ich bin froh, dass ich Muse in nem kleinen Veranstaltungsort sehen konnte.

  4. Ja, hab ich schon gehört. Bin ich auch mächtig stolz drauf. Danke. :happy:

  5. Sorry, I'm confused. :confused:

    What add?

  6. O hai! Do you know a bit more about synesthesia? I wonder if the year having an oval shape for me has anything to do with it. I don't know much about synesthesia, can't even remember how I found out about it.

  7. Hm, I don't really remember. I think I talked with friends about how letter & numbers have colors and they didn't see it like that. Well, I wasn't too surprised about that. I was more surprised when I found out that it has a name.

    Btw, songs have colors too. I think most of the time they get their colors from their titles. But sometimes they get it from the vision I get from them. Sing for Absolution was a blue song once. When I saw the video, the song's color changed to yellow. I like it much better as a yellow song.

  8. Vowels tend to be more dominant than consonants, so they usually make the color for a whole word (sometimes I can't even tell what color the consonants are). Like Absolution is yellow because of the A. Interestingly 4 is yellow too. 1 and I are both white. My brain is so leet XD. Well not really, for example E and 3 are pretty much opposite colors. Red and green. Hm, Space Dementia is red and green... it gets the red from the Es, not sure where that green (haha, green is a kind of red word) comes from though. I think it's the calmer part. That could be why I sometimes kind of confuse Citizen Erased and Space Dementia. They are they same colors, bit different mix, though. CE gets its green definitely from that floaty part at the end.

  9. I think it doesn't happen that much that the music influences the color of a song.


    Yeah, when I saw that bit about the beige year I wondered at first. But then I thought it's probably got something to do with the golden. I mean it is kind of a related color.

    And I think if Matt has synesthesia, I imagine it would be something more musical. Maybe sounds have colors for him. He said something about music being the purest form of communication, so he seems to understand music in a way that I totally can't imagine. I'd really like to know how he 'sees' music.


    Nice name! I was about to ask the stupid question if it is your name (hey, could have been something else) because I don't think I've ever heard it before. But then I thought I better ask the internet. I like your name's meaning, it's pretty cool. :awesome:

  10. I had to look that up. Now I'm amused. XD

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