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Posts posted by Demonocracy

  1. I don't think Health and Safety will allow drones to be used at gigs, much less a million drones :p


    These things seem like they can inflict some nasty injuries... and may not be sufficiently reliable.


    In the news today, Jay Chou (quite a famous Taiwanese pop star) narrowly missed a drone mishap out at sea while filming a music video. Now, imagine multiple drones over a crowd of thousands... seems like a potential disaster :stunned:



  2. Only source for that was XFM. As with anything with one source I'd take that info with salt. It's entirely possible it might get "officially" released sooner. Probably not though


    Ah I see, thanks. Personally, I'ld rather get new music (or even snippets of new music of studio quality) though. That said, the video looks like it could be interesting!

  3. I'm sorry I'm probably missing out on something, but where did we get the May 4th date from? I've looked through instagram, twitter and the last few pages of this thread but still left none the wiser.

  4. Because between the casual racism by Hopix and your clueless shitposting from a false moral highground, it has become clear to me that your head is so far up your own ass that you can't even see the sheer irony of your posts.


    More ad hominem. You fail to impress.

  5. Your analogy is quite flawed though. If women could prevent rape by ignoring rapists, we would obviously tell them to do so. The problem is that they're forced, and are therefore victims. Not sure I'd consider the pikachu guy a victim in this case.

    That wasn't my point though - my point was we should not be asking the "victims" to act and let the "perpetrator" do as they wish, but instead take the "perpetrators" to task and address the root of the problem. I was not calling for rape victims to ignore rapists - thats a ludicrous claim.

  6. Get over yourself.


    By the way, please explain why my example was ridiculous and offensive. I thought it was sound. In no way was I condoning rape, and I acknowledged the difference in severity of the two acts, but I think my example clearly proved my point. You may want to take some time to re-read it and understand where I'm coming from instead of just writing it off at first glance.

  7. I was using another ridiculous comparison to show how fucking ridiculous your post was. I'm sorry that went past you even though it was fairly obvious.


    Sorry for my lack of wisdom, O Great Socrates.

  8. You're right. The Muse board is almost the same as someone being raped and then blamed for it. Nice try, Hitler.


    If I may, the similarity lies in not tackling what is arguably the real cause of the problem - that is, people posting less-than-cordial posts in the case of the board, and rapists raping in my example, and instead asking the "victims" to act to defend themselves, by blocking the users who posts those posts in the case of the board, and asking ladies to dress more modestly in the case of rape.


    Of course, I wasn't asserting that making less-than-cordial posts on an online forum is equivalent to a heinous crime like rape. I wonder why you thought so. Not very charitable, are we?

  9. "I'm not surprised that you felt the need to reply in such a manner. Not being very nice, are we?"


    The context is obviously different. My post here was in defense of myself from a post directly targeting me. Tjet's original post which I took issue with was used against another user of our community.

  10. Your response however, only tells me that you didn't read my previous posts where you were exposed as a hypocrite and where I explained what you can do to dry your eyes rather than derailing threads based on some misguided mission to be an Internet rightfighter.


    I acknowledged the occasion in which I used an offensive word, and apologised for that oversight. I don't think this singular attempt really makes me a hypocrite for it was just a slip, and one without malicious attempt too. I don't think my mission is misguided. Its true that people can block other users if certain posts trouble them. But if I may use an example (a little bit strong, admittedly) - thats like the case where people blame females for dressing scantily as the cause of rape cases, and ask them to dress more modestly.

  11. Stop shitposting then.


    Really? You are calling me out for shitposting? I started this discussion precisely because I feel that there is too much shitposting on the boards. While i admit that in starting this discussion, I have attracted more shitposts, I hope my point has been made and there will be less shitposting in the future. And my post to Dee was merely in response to his unjustified shitpost. I don't see how my posts are shit. There are some errors in my posts but they are genuine errors. I don't intentionally post shit. Sorry if "shit" is offensive to some, I'm merely "talking with the vulgar".

  12. I disagree.


    Your response merely strengthens my point that you merely throw our statements of disagreement and insult, without justifying your claims, or even attempting to provide an explanation.

  13. It can be used to good effect though, see rap/hip hop. And my vocabulary is fine, in fact it's larger due to the fact I'm okay with the use of such words, it's the context in which they are used that counts, and the context which renders it unacceptable or not.


    Context and intention is irrelevant.


    In addition, I don't see how you can "agree" with ninsp's post when I just rebutted every single point in his post.

  14. Home

    It's becoming a killing field


    I disagree with your constant use of ad hominem against me in the past few pages, calling me a troll without justification. But this made me chuckle hah. Most on-topic post (yes, not even from Dead Inside but thats how far we have drifted off topic) in a few pages, and pretty apt for the current atmosphere in this thread :LOL:

  15. Go back to tumblr.




    Ableism is a hilarious term.


    If you're offended on a forum over someone using a word that offends you or making fun of your language capabilities, grow a thicker shell and go back to tumblr.


    1. I do not use tumblr.


    2. Where or when, pray tell, was I offended by someone using a word? I just felt sorry that he could not express himself (or did not choose to express himself) without resorting to vulgarity.


    3. No one made fun of my language capabilities. I think they are decent, by the way.


    Your entire post is based on falsehoods and misinterpretations.

  16. It really isn't incessant, but I'll let it slide because I do have a history.


    I never make fun of someone's English unless it's their first language and I'm not certain they have a learning disability. Obviously still slightly ableist I admit. But in the case of this pikachu guy, it obviously wasn't a case of lacking proficiency in English, but rather a typo. Not that it would have been ableism anyway, but keep throwing terms around.


    Right. So you do have a history. Thank you for having the honesty to admit that. Now, if we can agree that such posts are unpleasant and unnecessary, you should try to make less of such posts. I'm not here to annoy you or bring threads off topic, but I seriously think there's much to be improved in this community, and if we all work together, treat each other with mutual respect, treat others as you would like them to treat you, we will slowly, but surely make these boards a better place to frequent.


    My honest, heartfelt opinion. Sorry for going off topic.

  17. Isn't ableism a form of prejudice against disabilities? Doubt that has much to do with the inability to write in proper english.


    Right, I used the wrong term. Still doesn't mean it is alright to make fun of people's poor command of a language.

  18. Context and intention is irrelevant. People unintentionally say racist, sexist and overall offensive shit all the time, that doesn't mean it's okay. It means it should be forgiven if they apologise and learn something. However, if someone's response is to defend their usage of the word because "I didn't mean to offend you by saying this offensive thing", then they're an asshole.


    And if you have to use slurs to defend yourself, you're not really anyone to speak about pleasant environments.


    I have admitted that I should not have used that word, and clarified thay I meant no offense. If people are still offended, I offer my sincere apologies. That was a single occassion though.

    On the other hand, your posts to make fun of others and/or be unpleasant are incessant. What do you have to say about that? And like I've mentioned in the previous post, his mistakes were likely to be due to his poor command of the English language. Making fun of people's inability to write in proper English now, are we? Are you an ableist?

  19. People don't get offensive too me !


    i am a fan of Muse LIKE you all


    i meant DEAD INSIDE is a good song to crack the charts (thats not the most important thing of a song)


    but personally i don't like it. Of course i downloaded via amazon but I'm a little bit disappointed.


    The new album will become free of glam rock, queen-esque sounds but more mainstream rock radio friendly stuff.


    This guy sounds like someone with a heart of gold. Was it really necessary to make fun of him, now? Especially when the mistake was likely to be because of his poorer command of the English language? Does that contribute towards making the board a more pleasant place?

  20. So you don't think using the r-slur contributes to an unpleasant environment?


    Maybe you could look at the context and intent of my message. It was a defensive one, unlike the offensive ones that some of you guys like to post. I admit I could have had chosen a better word, though I was in no way intending it as a slight to people with mental disability.

  21. Let's all be nice to each other, and let's also talk about unicorns, little ponies, kittens and puppies.


    We can be nice without talking about little ponies, kittens and puppies. Though if you want to chat about those I'll gladly do so with you in Banter.;)

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