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Everything posted by Vader

  1. I don't even remember if it was metal :LOL: It was some Swedish band, Look, I think they were called.


    Thanks, I guess.

    Good imagery is always important :LOL: It is though, really :p

  2. I don't know how easy they are to come across though :(


    :LOL: I was scared for several months after watching a music video by some metal band (or something) when I was about 6. I had a nightmare about it and everything.


    :LOL: I can't read stuff that's not well written and correct. I'm very fussy about that, and I'm not even English :chuckle:

  3. I like nerds. If I ever marry someone, it's gonna be a hot nerd who's into good music :happy::LOL:


    I usually hate scary stuff, I've never watched a horror film in my life. I can't deal with stuff that pops up. It scares the shit out of me. Never watched a real gore film either but I usually don't have problems watching "gorey" stuff.


    Sounds.... interesting :erm::LOL:

  4. Oh BTW, I formspringed you :D

  5. I know! :awesome: Anyone's hot as long as they're a nerd :nerd:


    :yesey: That's the one. I love it, it's so scary. I watched it the first time by myself in the middle of the night... :eek:


    Well, I've mainly read HP and Gossip Girl fanfic. And mind you, most of it's been T-rated.

  6. :yesey: Human Nature and Family of Blood are proper good episodes. I was just saying my mum today that there's one DVD in the box that's the best cause it has both of those and Blink on it :awesome:

    The weeping angels are the creepy statues that move when you're not looking at them

    And I think it'll take some time to get used to the new logo and catchphrase :noey:


    I probably wouldn't be convincing enough either. Some of the fanfic reading I've done in my time might help though :shifty:

  7. Part 1 started of great, but then it just got... sort of silly, yes. Hair was good :chuckle:

    Trailer :awesome: And yay for return of the weeping angels. Blink is my favourite episode. Steven Moffat's episodes are all the best.


    Yeah, but whenever I try to do stuff for teh lulz they always disconnect :indiff: One thing I've always wanted to do is to fake-cyber and then do something totally weird :shifty: It just seems so funny :chuckle:

  8. Sorry about the thing with the friend. Did you have an argument or something?


    I watched The Runaway Bride :happy: I thought the end of End of Time was to stretched out. When he came out of that chamber I was like: Well, what are they gonna do for the last twenty minutes? But part 2 was definitely better than part 1. What do you think of Matt Smith? I reckon he could make a good doctor, after seeing the trailer thingy.


    I love Omegle, but I usually just end up having normal conversations. Did have some slightly funny ones today though.

  9. I'm good, I'm good, just a bit bored. Just watched some Doctor Who :awesome:, don't know what I'm going to do now. Lurk in the YMT perhaps, might go on Omegle. How're you?

  10. That's how I am, just with my sister's feet. I don't think I'd be too happy if it was someone else's feet either though.


    I haven't listened to Blackout in a long time. I actually listened to Muse for the first time in a couple of weeks today. Might not seem strange, but it is, considering I used to listen to them every day.

  11. :LOL: Definitely


    I don't actually like feet that much myself. For some reason I'm disgusted with my sister's feet. I can't stand them, they make me shudder. It's a bit weird :erm: Whenever her feet come close I have to ask her to move them away from me.

  12. I've spent the last few days in bed, basically not moving for the whole day. It was just too comfy :chuckle: Having a laptop is great :awesome:

    And my feet are cold too. They feel like two big foot-shaped popsicles :supersad:

  13. I complain a lot too, at times anyway. When I'm tired or hungry I bitch and moan about everything :chuckle:


    My school is quite cold too. I never sit by the windows, there it's freezing.

    I'm wearing my robe at the moment, warm and cosy :happy: When I'm at home I'm always under a blanket or sitting in my bed :LOL: I get cold easily.

  14. There aren't many things that are as nice as getting sent home early from school :awesome:


    Why does it seem like it's always really cold indoors in Britain during the winter? I've heard lots of people complaining about it.

  15. So, how was the first day back at school?

  16. I did that once too. No, I think it was actually twice :chuckle: Think it was sometime around 3 or 4am :LOL:

  17. Never stayed up until 1am though :chuckle:

  18. And in answer to the one you posted on your own profile, I've recently started doing that do sometimes. Mostly because of this board :chuckle: I just sleep on the bus to school. It's probably not that good for me :erm:

  19. Good night :happy: Have fun at school tomorrow :p

  20. Let's hope so :chuckle:


    Not to sound rude or anything, I like talking to you (:D), but shouldn't you be going to bed soon? :erm: Or what time do you start school?

  21. :LOL: It does sound a bit boring. When is it supposed to be done? Tomorrow?
  22. Aaw :( What are you supposed to do?

  23. :LOL: I can't do work on the computer anymore. I just end up here, reading stuff. Then I try to work, but I don't get anything done and then I take another "break" :chuckle: Then I do everything the day before it's supposed to be handed in.
  24. The clouds? :awesome:



    Doesn't sound fun :( Since I joined the board I've gotten quite skilled when it comes to multi-tasking. At least if it involves the computer and the TV. Otherwise I still suck :LOL:

    After a while it kind of starts to make sense, yes. But that sometimes takes repeating it a few times.

  25. The angels will be crying when you go back to school... or something. Don't believe in god, do you?


    I don't think maths is that complicated, but other subjects can be. Biology for example, I think a lot of the stuff I've learnt is just things I remember, not things that I actually understand.

    And no, we don't have January exams. I have an exam towards the end of each course, had the first one in November, in maths.

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