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Everything posted by Vader

  1. Reading that Pocahontas comparison totally turned me off from seeing it :noey: And sometimes when something gets really hyped I automatically dislike it :erm: It's kind of stupid because when I get around to check it out I usually like it.


    My feet haven't grown in so long, most of my shoes from a few years back still fit. I have the tiniest feet, considering my height. My favourite pair are all worn out though. Holes in the soles and all that :(


    I was just about to go to bed, when my mum came home and announced that we were going to eat some ice cream :LOL:

  2. Titanic is awesome! I love it :happy: Even though it makes me cry for 50 minutes straight :LOL:

    I probably shouldn't say anything though, because I feel like avoiding Avatar at any cost :chuckle: Have you seen it?



    Hot :awesome:


    (Posted on my own profile again :facepalm:)

  3. A lot of books make me cry, no matter when during the month I read it. I'm soft :LOL: It's the same with films, especially Titanic :supersad:


    Nice, that's always good. I'm happy because I bought a pair of shoes the other day :awesome: Not one of those I told you about though. These were better :awesome:

  4. I've read quite a few embarrassingly bad books myself. One was just disgusting though, it was a total Lolita rip-off :LOL: But it made me want to throw up :noey:

    I feel a bit stupid for wanting to read 1984, because Matt talked about it. That's not why I want to read it, I want to read it because everyone says it's a great book.

    I don't know if I ever liked romance novels but it seems like more than half the books for teens are about that. They're just silly, predictable shite.

  5. I've read all my books, or at least almost all of them. I used to read all the time but then I got my laptop... :LOL:

    But nowadays whenever I try to read I always think the books are silly, so I figured maybe I should start reading some more "grown-up" books, and not those awful teen romance novels.

  6. Sounds about the same as me. Not really always happy perhaps, but not "depressed" either. Of course there is the occasional bad day, but overall it's alright.


    I see English everyday, at the weekends I probably see more English than I do Swedish, because I'm always on the internet. But I've been thinking about maybe taking some sort of break from the computer and try to do something else for a while, maybe read. I'd like to read 1984, Catch-22 and A Clockwork Orange.

  7. They did? :erm: When I was feeling the worst, when I was 14 and wanted to die (:erm:), I didn't tell my friend. I only told her a year later when she didn't get the difference between being suicidal and wanting to die. Ah, such a strange part of my life. At least I don't feel that bad now :happy:


    I love English! :happy: I don't now if it's particularly beautiful but it's just awesome. But I suppose I don't really get why anyone would like Swedish either.


    :LOL: True that

  8. Emo music :noey: It's pure shite.

    My friend told me to go to the welfare officer a couple of days ago :erm: I told her I was exaggerating.

    :LOL: If I were to go I'd probably go to England :chuckle: I just love the English language :LOL:


    Innit :( I sometimes feel like doing all kinds of crazy shit, since I'm always such a goody two-shoes.

    :vomit: FML

  9. Gosh, I'm happy that I never actually turned emo :noey: But I am always very negative and pessimistic and all that kind of stuff. A bit blue :LOL:

    We can go to Holland or England. But we're only there for a few days, maybe about five.


    I don't even know where I should go if I felt like doing something. I could go to the nearby city, but I don't know anyone there good enough, because I'm too shy to properly talk to them. I'm never invited to their parties. But I don't really think that's my thing either. And my best friend and I have known each other since we were seven and we hang out all the time in school, which means we never do stuff in our free time. I just wish I had a more exciting and fulfilling life :( I always seem to be waiting for later, thinking in the future it will somehow magically change.

    I need to stop this ramble now :facepalm:

  10. Ugh, everything feels unnecessary :noey: This is making me go all emo :LOL:

    What places are you exchanging with, and for how long?


    And the sad thing is I really want to do stuff, but I don't know what. It's like a vicious circle of boredom, I want to do stuff because I'm bored, but I'm too bored to go look for stuff to do, if that makes sense :facepalm:

  11. My week's felt very unnecessary :LOL: I had that test first thing Monday morning and after that nothing whatsoever seemed to happen in school (I have no life outside of school :facepalm:) For example, in Swedish we did some thing where we were supposed to decide if a certain bible thing was from the old or new testament :noey: They did talk about some exchange programs though, that could be fun if you get to go.

  12. No problem :D

    How's your week been? How was the exam?

  13. Oh my, that was far too long :stunned:

  14. Already? Wow. But I suppose I probably could do with some university research as well. Although we dont take a few subjects, here you study to become something (:LOL: That sounded weird) I meant like a profession. You study to become a doctor or psychologist or whatever it is you want to do.


    GH is pretty fun, but I prefer GH:3 to GH:World tour. When the songs are supposed to be for all instruments they aren't as exciting to play.

    Most of the time when I'm on the computer I just sit and try to come up with something to do. Even when I really should go to bed, I need to come up with something. Lately it's been worrying me more, I might be addicted for real :stunned:


    When I write by hand I make stupid mistakes, but the teachers usually don't care. I forget to put dots over i, ö and ä. Sometimes I put them over the wrong letter. If I'm going to write glömma, I might accidentally write glommä instead. I notice that right away though.


    Early night was major fail for me too. I always do that when there's something I don't want to do the day after. It's like I think that the next day won't come if I never get to bed, when in fact it's usually better the earlier I do it :facepalm: I just hope the physics won't be to difficult and that I'll have enough time anyway :(


    That was quite a lengthy reply :chuckle: And I'm going to be a daredevil and not check if it's correct :cool:

  15. Even though I moan about it sometimes I quite like studying a lot of subjects. That way not a lot is different now. And I perhaps don't have to study as hard :awesome::LOL:

    Do you just study a few subjects at university as well?


    Yeah, I did :LOL: I hadn't played it ages before today and I'd lost all "Guitar Hero muscle" (and skills :chuckle:)

    A quarter? :eek: I think 30 pages is a lot.

    Not looking forward to tomorrow and Monday. I'll be studying the whole time (or at least I should)

    A turned off computer calls to me, begging to be started :LOL: But really, as soon as I don't have anything else to do, I start the computer, and then I can't turn it off, even if I should :facepalm:


    (I'm such a grammar/spelling nazi. It took half an hour to write this, just because I had to check that everything was correct :facepalm: (which it probably still isn't :facepalm:))

  16. I was sooo close to posting that on my own profile :LOL:

  17. I'll never understand your school system :LOL: I just get more and more confused about how it works.


    I feel a lot better today, but my wrists are hurting, cause I've been playing Guitar Hero all day. I feel a bit stressed about all the work I have to do tomorrow, but I really don't feel like doing it right now.

    How are you?

  18. Religious like real religious education? Because we study religion, but in that class we learn about different religions in the world. If it's not like that, then it's a bit weird :erm:

    I walk around in constant boredom :LOL:

  19. Weird :LOL: The only law about school in Sweden that I know of is that you have to go to school until 9th grade. Actually when I think about it there are a few more, though they might just be rules... :erm: I actually have no idea :LOL:


    It probably will, it usually doesn't last that long for me :)

  20. I slept for an hour before dinner yesterday, but that was because of the fever. But I think it helped, I managed to get to through the whole day at school. I feel worse now though :(


    Sounds... very... interesting and useful :LOL: Why do you have to take it?

  21. I try to go to bed early, go to bed at the same time as I usually do and then I still lie awake :facepalm: But I think lying awake for half an hour is a lot, because I usually fall asleep very quickly :chuckle: I'm one of those people who can sleep anywhere.


    No, but I've heard a bit about it. What is it?

  22. :LOL:


    Mmm, some songs should never ever be dropped :awesome:


    I failed at early nights too :chuckle: And I really really tried.

    My week's been so-so. As you know, school started, I have that physics test coming up on Monday and I have to analyse some short stories for Tuesday. Plus I have a fever at the moment. And I've been bored as usual. Meh.

  23. :eek: They did? That's just crazy! Playing stuff like GL and UD but no SS? :noey:

    Mmm, it's a bit strange that they didn't really rehearse before :wtf:

    It was for me anyway :happy: I was just jumping, singing, cheering and clapping the whole time. The encore especially was crazy, SS and KOC. Since I knew it was the end of the gig I just went all out :LOL:

    Man, I really want to see them this year :(


    Anyway, how's your week been?

  24. Stockholm Syndrome and Hysteria are kind of setlist staples, aren't they? It would be very strange if they didn't play them.

    I am gutted that they didn't play MK at Hovet. At first I was okay with it, but now that they seem to play it at every gig I feel a bit disapointed. But it doesn't really matter when you're there, at least it didn't for me. I was just going nuts to whatever they were playing :happy: I'm sure you'll have an awesome time.

  25. :( Why didn't they play that at the gig I was at?


    I hope you will. Muse should give the European fans some nice setlists as well ;)

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