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Everything posted by the_invincible_dude

  1. Hiya, haven't spoken to ya for a while... I read on the Autumn Tour thread that your tickets have come... I'm definitely gonna see Muse in Berlin and my tickets came today! YAY! :party:

    Anyways... how are you? :D

  2. Aww, I'm sorry for leaving you yesterday, but I was just so tired! I'd done too much running during the day... waaay too much running! :happy: And I see that you have a loveboat for your awesomeness, neato! :LOL:

  3. I'm fine thank you, tis great to be friends with you! :happy:

    One small detail though, I'm a girl, so that makes me miss dude. no worries! :LOL:

    So, how are you? :D

  4. Favourite album is Oos... And my favourite version of matt is either black haired insane matt or red matt. Yeah, you sure are the red matt fan! :D

  5. yeah, sure. Well obvioulsy I know you from the Muse game but you seem pretty funky! :awesome:

  6. haha no worries! Yeah the muse game is good to pass the time. :D

  7. hello orsetto, thanks for befriending me! I figured that we played the muse game enough together, so hi! :happy:

  8. Errrm... not much at the moment, but I've managed to get tickets to see Muse in Berlin! :awesome: You been doing much?

  9. Hiyaz, how are ya? I have good news... I'VE GOT TICKETS TO SEE MUSE IN BERLIN! :awesome: as you call tell I'm a little bit hyper. :LOL:

  10. I'm cool thanks. I take it you like Dark Shines? :D


  11. Hi there new friend, how you doing? :happy:

  12. HAAAAAAAAAA! <3 I'm not forgetting hullabaloo and the tiro tabs alrighty??? :D luvs ya xxx oh yeh, i'm not gone YET!

  13. My dad aint here atm. I sent you a lil message or 2...or 3... or I dunno! :D

  14. Yoings! :happy: I'm not on for much longer, but be grateful that I am!

  15. :LOL: Yeah, ah well! I'm a scrawney thing anyway, time to put on weight! Haha! :D I'm teaching myself and a friend bass guitar atm. It's pretty tricky. :happy:
  16. I love art... but I kinda suck at that :facepalm: I've always loved to write, random stories about planets and stuff! That got me a good grade in an english exam! :LOL:

  17. My dreams... I'd love to be in a band. I sort of am, that's why I'm teaching my friend bass, because she plays the saxophone too. But we're lacking a drummer... I wanna play the drums too! :LOL: Other than that, I'd either love to be some kind of journalist or forensic. They're all completely different but hey! :happy: Howz about you?

  18. Yeah, I've got a keyboard and I'm always messing about with voices and that. It rocks! :awesome:

    I've been playing piano for about six years, guitar for two and bass for um... a month or two? :LOL: I taught myself in school over several lunchtimes. :awesome: One of my friends play the double bass, the damn instrument is bigger than I am! :LOL:

  19. whooo! Go self taught people! Unlike me. I really admire self taught people! :happy: I love Italian too, especially Italian food! Good job I'm going there then, eh? :awesome:

  20. Oh yeah, that was meant for me, soz! Oh, my TOP? My mum was like wtf? I just laughed sheepishly and said "erm, don't ask. But it aint blood." :LOL:

  21. I do French, but I'm not carrying it on next year, because I've been doing German for longer and music took the place of French. :cool: i always wanted to learn Spanish, I always walk around yelling HOLA! at people, they look at me like I'm odd... well actually I don't blame them. :LOL:

  22. Yeah, I dabble in bass, but I play piano & the old guitar. Taking up the violin would be ace though! :awesome: I always liked stringed instruments! :chuckle:

  23. My mum's getting pretty fed up I think. I've been playing Muse for over six years now and going on and on and on about them! :LOL: I've been studying German for several years now, so I should get around no problem. Well, hopefully! :happy:

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