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Everything posted by Ahkmed

  1. :LOL: Oh YES..I do. In fact I could use more pics just to make sure...
  2. How does YOU being naked in the shower make you horny? :LOL:


    Me too ;) I should take a shower soon as well!

  3. Thinking about what? :chuckle: Take me with you! ..to the shower of course..

  4. Well...just..certain..things :eyebrows: Idk, I'm just not much of a lazy person. I can't sit around on my computer for more than a day otherwise I go a little crazy. :stunned:

  5. I know you like it :eyebrows:


    Aww..poor Donovan :( I'm terrible when I'm sick because I don't like to lay around for too long...I like to do things :happy: I'm good!

  6. :LOL: Awesome! I would probably be saying the last one :shifty: Nah..I'm too shy in real life. :chuckle: How you been? <3
  7. Oh sweet! You played, right? That's so cool :happy: I bet you played fantastic! :awesome:

  8. :awesome: Aww.. I try hard for you. I really do
  9. :happy: We didn't. We spontaneously combusted because we didn't know what to do.
  10. Oh right. Well only you then ;)


    Oh man..what a good choice. I love music so much...I would seriously love to take that but I don't how easy it is to get work from that. Maybe I'll back it up with something else. I definitely want to do something in the medical field. :awesome: Hows your drumming going?!

  11. that's my smiley! I own that smiley :]

    Ah ok...I really don't know either. I'm so afraid that I have to choose a career..I have no idea what to do! :'(

  12. It's not funny! :phu: Ok..it is a little :chuckle: Right now I'm just in algebra. I've done geometry already and I'm planning on doing trig and calculus and such in college. :happy: how about you?

  13. :( I'm so behind on my maths I don't even want to think about :'( I'll just make sure I get it done by the end of the school year..that's my goal :LOL:
  14. So humble aren't you? :chuckle: Maybe so... I'll think about it. So how have you been sir?

  15. :( oh ok..I'll look for it.
  16. ? :erm: I don't see anything..

  17. I'll think about it :shifty:

  18. that's true too. You're a smart cookie, arent you? :chuckle:


    I do have a dog. :LOL: I'm not lonely in that sense..meh..I'll get over it.

  19. well yes obviously..I would date a lot before I got married. but It's hard because I don't want to date right now because I want to ahem...stay a virgin but I'm also lonely. :(

  20. Yeah, :LOL: I've never had a boyfriend. I don't really want to date til I can get married but I'm so desperate right now. :'( and yes that is sooo true. so many douchebags out there. :(

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