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Everything posted by Cosmo57

  1. Ha. Nice :p

  2. Yeh, she's mental :stunned:


    Bai :happy:

  3. There are some things you just can't put into words... why that picture is so fucking funny is one of them :LOL:


    I'm looking at the Horrible Covers thread in K&T. So much horribleness :awesome:

  4. It's just so funny for some reason :LOL:

  5. Ha... no, I don't. I just found it in anti-PMT one day :p


    Thread's deleted now :(

  6. Haha. I'm not so good at drawing people either :p

  7. Ha... I think you got the impression that Dorset was maybe a town or something. It's a whole big county, with tons of towns and villages and stuff...


    Cool. Never really bought HAARP, I just watch teh live vids on YouTube. I've heard the CD, but I way prefer the ones in the video.

  8. Um... I honestly do not know :stunned:


    Whereabouts in Dorset? It's a big county, you know...

  9. Ha, cool =]


    I love that name :happy:

  10. Cheers :awesome:


    Not too bad meself... you? :)

  11. Oh, well, so sorry.

  12. Oh, go suck some wood, windbitch :p

  13. No, I don't know how you look at all :LOL:


    Man, I've made a right cock of myself, haven't I? :p

  14. *ahem*


    I believe trumpet is brass - not woodwind.


    It is indeed wind, but not made of wood.


    Pwnt :D

  15. Strings = win.


    Woodwind = Peter Pan, or whatever :p


    Just kidding :D

  16. Well, you gotta stay at it. I was crap at chords at first, but I kept at it, started slowly, and worked on it.


    The TiRO part isn't that hard to me, although I guess it would be to beginners. You just add and remove notes to two chords, so you've got the vocal melody (buuuury it, etc) playing on those notes, and the two chords back it. It sounds really, really good on its own :)


    You'll get it ;)

  17. Yaaaay :awesome:


    I love the bit during "bury it" etc... it's really awesome to play.

  18. :D


    I gots a new amplifier today... I made a post about it in Kit & Tab, in the general gear and tab thread... it's so awesome :awesome:

  19. Nope :chuckle:


    Well, I have, but only once or twice.

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