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Status Updates posted by happypanda

  1. oh that is so nice of them! :happy:

    Yeahhhh I had a great time, Christmas holidays = <3 :awesome:

  2. wooo xbox :awesome:

    It was quite good, and yes very warm :happy:

    I can't even imagine a cold Christmas :p

    You too , even though it's a little late :p:party:

  3. Thank you!:happy: Hope you had a great Christmas :) xx

  4. Thanks :) And happy late Christmas to you too :D

    Did you have a good one? :happy:

  5. Aww thank you! :D

    Did you have a good Christmas? :happy::awesome:

  6. hey thanks for the message rob but I've found it's too late. Hope you can sell it :)

  7. thanks, I'm SO excited right now haha :D well i have to sleep, it's kind of late :erm: nice talking to you again :happy: xx

  8. oh that's pretty good :D Thanks, I'm going to two shows :awesome: ooh yeah I'm hoping to get on or near the barrier so I'll hold on to that for dear life :LOL:

  9. :eek::awesome: Tell me about it! What songs did they play? I'm seeing them in December and I'm so excited :D ohh lucky, enjoy the last week while you can!
  10. umm not really much, I've just got back to school so it's always a bit eh around now, but only one more term until the end :happy: and how about you? :)

  11. hey! :D sorry for the late reply. I've been great :) how are you? :D

  12. Wow, really? What a small world :erm: Who are our mutual friends?

  13. I watch it too much:chuckle: oh, well I sent one on there too:D

  14. hahah I know right:awesome: ooh I heard that in The Simpsons:LOL:

    Whhhatt we're not friends on here?:eek: well that's fixed - I sent you a request

  15. I'm not stalking you or anything.. but I clicked on your fb link and we have the same last name:awesome::chuckle:

  16. That sounds interesting :LOL: Yeah they're just songs that you can love so much when you first hear them:happy:

  17. Yeah I love that album, well both really:happy: I've got all of them but United, but I've only really listened to Wolfgang and It's Never Been Like That so I can't really pick a favourite yet. They're such a great band, I wish I found them earlier - I only started listening to them when triple j started playing Lisztomania :)

  18. another Phoenix fan! :awesome:

    I quite like my undertitle haha:happy:

  19. *spaz dances in chair*

  20. sorry but I've got to get to sleep now :( - it's 5am and I only got 4 hours last night:chuckle:

    bye :) xx

  21. hi dudy:happy:

    yeah, I got tired of my other one.... again:p and thank you:happy:

    Good thanks:) the holidays are nearly over though, oh well, its been a good one:)

    How about you?:happy:

  22. Why thank you Birdget, it was quite a battle to get it haha

  23. ahahahah saaaad pandaaaa

    yeah I'll just ask Kev again? Idk I don't want to bother him too much.


    are you staying up tonight? we missed out on friday night :p

  24. I spy a new avi:awesome:


  25. Wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwoooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh

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