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Everything posted by Hat

  1. Well, you english are very bad. You arguments be wrong.

  2. Your grammar is imperfect, therefore your argument is invalid!

  3. It was a bit of an anti-climax with all the hype it was getting with being "a whole new level for the band" and "very very special guest". It was a ordinary cover, and The Edge? Come on! A good gig, not anything special though.
  4. Damn you for leaving me there all alone with that englisch/frnsh/spanich speaking guy :(

  5. Well maybe that's not so wierd considering you never listen to Radiohead. By the way, his name is Thom. And USoE was almost a homage to Queen, at least very inspired, Muse said so themselves. If you can't hear it, well that's your problem.
  6. Hmm, what pictures?


    Oh, Kiev! Nice. And congrats with the exams, did it go well with the last ones?


    I'm spending my days watching tv-shows and writing, and soon I'm going to a festival :D

  7. Well we obviously have different views on how to listen to an album. When I listen to a cd I'm not jumping back and forward to listen to my favorite songs, I listen to it from start to end, as you should. BH&R makes that really hard, especially when it has songs like Starlight, especially right after TaB. And then I know that Muse made better songs that didn't even make it to the album, that makes the album a disappointment. Especially when you got to hear songs like the early Exo-Politics and Assassins, songs that were later butchered for the album release. BTW, I can't judge an album by the songs that they destroyed and left out? Well don't think you're the one to talk, admitting you haven't even listened to the whole album. Oh, and I never said it was a bad album, I love BH&R.
  8. It gets hate because they ruined a lot of good songs, like Assassin and Exo-Politics, and also for the order and flow of the album. Also a lot of people think that Easily and Glorious are a lot better than for example Exo-Politics and Starlight.
  9. Well, I don't like Muse as a band, and I'm still here. I have lost almost all my respect for them, and could easily be one of those people. Seriously, if you don't have anything good to say, shut up. Negative opinions are fine, even good, but fucking overreacted whining is just stupid. Ah, I don't have time to finish my post in a good way, but you get my point! I agree, if you didn't get that
  10. Because they still love the old albums? It's not like they will stop liking OoS just because TR "sucks" But yeah, some people could really have a better tone when complaining. Saying "OMG IT SUX SO BAD!" is just stupid.
  11. The thing that you forget is that the "people" all say different things. One person hates this, another person hates that. I don't think that there is anyone on this board that complains about everything, but there are complains about everything, see the difference? To be extra clear. Someone doesn't like when Muse do something, and then when they don't do that, someone else doesn't like it. There will always be people complaining, because people have different opinions.
  12. Not trying to be a dick or anything, but PLEASE, show me one single post that says something even close to that The complains about the setlists has been: Too short, too little changes from gig to gig, Muse not choosing the fans choices from the polls and also just being lazy. Perfectly normal reactions to what Muse are doing at the moment. Where they expecting us to just vote for the singles? Because they are obviously not planning on rehearsing any new songs from the polls besides Bliss and CE. I have no respect for Muse as a band at the moment, but I still love their music, so I probably will stay on this board forever, because the old albums aren't gonna be any worse no matter what Muse do in the future. Gah, I really need to sleep... And maybe it's just me, but when I bought a ticket for Muse it wasn't to hear Uprising->Resistance->Supermassive Black Hole->NSC->Starlight->Guiding Light->Feeling Good and then some Undisclosed Desires, but hey, that's my fault for thinking Muse were a better band than that.
  13. Actually, I don't think this board would be that depressing if the "loving no mater what"-fans didn't bitch all the time. "I don't like this and this with Muse" "Oh, then maybe you should just leave, Muse can do what they want" "Yes, of course, I'm just saying what I th..." "SHUSH! If you're gonna complain, do it someplace else" instead of just: "I don't like this and this with Muse" "Okay, too bad" You see, I don't have a problem with complains, why should I? This is a messageboard for opinions, if you don't like someones opinion about Muse, get over it and stop bitching.
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