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Everything posted by lightisbright

  1. It's really okay. (:

  2. You are welcome. Bye!

  3. Just do it.


    Log off. And clear your mind. It's tough, but you can do it.

  4. Of course I'll forgive you. :happy:

  5. You've got learn to take the split with maturity.

  6. Oh, well I've gotta go do some chores around the house at the moment. :p


    Really, why?

  7. Ha! Enjoy your new found freedom! :p


    Well good night! Thanks, I try. :happy:

  8. Ahhh well. :awesome: I'll probably get both eventually.

  9. I saw the trailer with Bells in it awhile back. :awesome:


    Van Halen! My Mummy loves them. :awesome:

  10. :awesome: Is GH5 any good? :erm: I've been thinking on getting it, but ehh.
  11. You know, I've actually played that before. It's been years, but I have. :awesome:

  12. You'll find someone. :) Just try hard not to worry about it too much.

  13. Well now you know what you'd like in someone.

    Just be patient.

  14. Maybe she wasn't the right one for you, yet.

    You've got plenty of time to find that special someone. :happy:

  15. Way to be positive! :)

  16. Nahhh it's okay. I understand.


    I'd be devastated if something happened between Seth and I. :(

  17. Eh. Life's life. *shrugs* Meh.

  18. Yep. 6 six week increments.


    Oh yeah? What are you listening to? :happy:

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