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Everything posted by lightisbright

  1. ...No. :$ But thank you. :happy::kiss:


    You're not so bad yourself. :p In fact, you're the bomb. :cool:

  2. It doesn't make it harder. And even if it did, I would gladly go through it for you. :happy:

  3. Don't be!!


    That's okay. :kiss:

  4. You're just being paranoid. :supersad:

  5. Ohhh, I'll be sure to do so. :yesey:

  6. Thank you for the notificaton! Splendid! :awesome:

  7. Has a date been released for Texas yet?!?!?!?! :eek: Then I would! :awesome:

  8. That's what the rest of our lives are for. :happy:

  9. :chuckle: That's a mighty large order, sir. :p


    Yes, of course there would be. :D

  10. Ohhh nothing. :p

    Darn! You've already guessed my list. :LOL: I was also asking for a couple of little things like gift cards and cds and movies, etcetera. I'm not really in want of anything, oddly enough. :happy:

  11. :D Yay for churchy spammage. <3 :kiss:


    I think I am going to go spam my failboat. It has no hope. So I may just deem a mod to trash it.

  12. Youuuu do? *feigns surprise* I never knew. :p


    Mhmmmm. :LOL:

  13. Ha! :happy:


    :stunned: I woooould, but I'm entangled in the bushes. :p

  14. Yikes. I wonder why? Is it because I secretly stalk you?:ninja:

  15. But I do! Am I hinting that I do not? :confused:

  16. Hmmm perhaps we should.

  17. No, no it's really okay. :happy::kiss:


    It woooould. :D But I'm not going to say where I live or anything. I think you could figure it out. :p

  18. You missed me?! :supersad: I only went to bed.


    You're coming here?

  19. Happy ... two months. :p

  20. You are welcome .... OH GOSH. Today is the tenth, isn't it? :chuckle:


    I'm sorry. :(

  21. 10/10 is our anniversary. :p:LOL:


    School/friends/family are the reasons I have to be gone so much. :(

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