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Everything posted by lightisbright

  1. Mhmmm. I feel like it is going to be a marvelous year. Wonderful, in fact!

  2. Happy New Year to you too, Alexandria! :dance:

  3. Mmmmmm, sparkling grape juice. The wine alternative at our house. :LOL:

  4. Thank you! :awesome:!


    Oh, sorry! We were toasting to the new year in our time zone. :happy:

  5. Happy New Years, love!! :awesome::dance::party:!

  6. Ooooo, HAPPY NEWWW YEARS! :awesome:!

  7. You'll have to excuse me. :supersad: I have to get off.

  8. You've only just gotten home, and you're already got the horn. :p

  9. Sounds ... frisky.

  10. Oooo, your happy place? :eyebrows:

  11. Me neither. Every time I thought or did something, it always led to you. :happy:

  12. Thank gooooodness. :D

  13. :chuckle: Well thank you. :happy:


    Happy New Year to you too! :awesome:

  14. Hmmm. Odd banter posts there, Seth.

  15. Are you playing your Xbox 360 or something? :wtf::LOL:

  16. I find it to be adorable. :happy:

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