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Everything posted by Wazlib

  1. Aw, haha. :LOL: Sounds like you had a good time though!



    Duuuude! Your Muse quest is starting soon! I'm so excited for you and Liz! :D:D

  2. Hallooooooooo! :awesome:


    I have never heard of that film before. *googles*


    As I've said about a million times, I will try my best to see them in SoCal. If only they'd annouce their NA now so I could plan! :mad: I couldn't agree more with the seeing them in a smaller venue thing. But I'm predicting that they will have an orchestra and play Exo at Wembley. :yesey: There's no way in hell I'm going to miss that. I could cry right now just picturing myself being there... aaah. :happy::supersad:


    You know what? I think I have seen those pictures before! That's so awesome. How come you didn't go?!


    Wahoo, gigs! So much fun. It's such a shame none of my mates have the same musical interests as me. I'm dragging my cousin to see The Sounds with me. :LOL: I want to try and meet the band afterwards and I'm pretty sure she won't be interested in doing that kind of thing. I'll have to talk to her about it when I see her tomorrow.


    Mr. Peabody's! :LOL: Great name. We'll go there when I (hopefully) head down there for a gig. If you ever come up here we'll have to go to the Tomahawk restaurant Alex was talking about.


    I'll have to remember to check out Nurse Jackie. It that Peter whatever-his-name is guy in it a lot? You really need to watch all of Extras. For serious. Are you still obsessing over your tea? I certainly am. The only thing that would make my tea better is if I had a Muse mug to drink it out of.


    Getting paid to do fun stuff is awesome. Whenever I do the youth shifts at work it's hard to believe I'm getting paid for it sometimes because you get to hang out and talk the whole time and play Rock Band and stuff. I even played Scrabble one night. :awesome:


    5x7 you say? H'oookay. I still haven't started mine yet. :(


    Dude, I'm a hermit all the time. No worries. :LOL:

  3. What movie was this? :wtf::LOL:


    Oooh, you should! I'm sure he could walk quite well in them. He is very ladylike after all. :chuckle: Aw, Dom. He's so easy to tease.


    Very odd indeed. But it leads me to believe that their NA tour will be done before June. I've already decided that if they do Wembley next year I'm going. :yesey: I also want to see them in NY.. not to mention AZ and all down the west coast. :facepalm: I wonder when they'll finally announce their NA tour. If they do it sometime soon I'll be kind of creeped out since I just had that dream where they announced them. One of your sisters has seen Muse?! I didn't know this! When did she see them? The first concert I went to was BSB in... grade 6? :cool: I can't remember what year that would have been. 02 or 03 I think. I can't stop going to gigs either now. I have three lined up at the end of the month. I hope that when we know when Muse will be performing around here you won't have much trouble with your sisters/parents and getting tickets.


    Next time for sure! We should write all these plans down in a notebook or something otherwise there's no way I'm going to remember them all.. since we have about 352535274 of them :LOL:. Nick's awesome. We're awesome. It's a win-win situation. Oh! You must remember to let Paul know about it next time they're in the area. What was the place called?


    CM and card making? Naaaaw. :happy: Earl Grey is nomnomnommy. I also like Orange Pekoe. I like green tea most of the time, but some brands of it I find horrible though. I like drinking green tea with the actual tea leaves, not a tea bag. My uncle always find these really neat teas that he gets us sometimes, like the white tea you were talking about and some other herbal tea that's supposed to help you get to sleep. I'd use it for that purpose, the trouble is it would make me have to wake up every few hours to pee so it would kind of defeat the purpose of drinking it. :LOL:. I've never heard of Maté tea before. You mix teas together? Interesting.


    Ozzy. :happy: Why are dogs so awesome. Seriously. They're so amazing. As are cats. I know some people don't like cats much but I don't care what they think, cats are awesome. :phu:


    That's a good thing to keep in mind when you start going to uni. Having a job that close will make things so much easier and less stressful.


    My card is going to pale in comparison to yours, just to warn you. What dimensions did you end up going with?


    I prefer playing/running when it's cooler out too. This summer was too hot to do anything, but I managed to go for two "runs" this week since it's colder (a LOT colder, and it's only going to get colder though, which I do not want :'().


    I need to get everyone's addresses too!

  4. Ehehe, that's a nice saying!


    I hope your weekend is going swell. Can't wait to hear about all the bands you run into!


    You might make people feel that way... but who cares?! :awesome:

  5. Man, you have a pretty awesome next few weeks lined up! You're lucky you get to see the Arctic Monkeys. I wanted to see them when they were here last Sunday but I had a family thing that I had to go to instead. Let me know how it goes! I'm so excited for you + Liz and the crazy adventures you both are going to have when you see Muse! :D

  6. Knives?! :eek:



    Hm... I think our best bet would be to wear some heavily leopard-printed attire. :yesey: I'm sure he'll invite us right backstage if we did that!


    Yeah.. can't remember when hers is. I'm almost certain Lisa's is within a week sometime after mine. Yeah. June 12th, 2010. Stadium. France. http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=muse+france+June+12th%2C+2010&meta=&aq=f&oq=


    So I'm guessing their North American tour will be done before June. Hopefully around March then!! Keep your fingers crossed. I hadn't been to any concerts with him until Bumbershoot... actually, I did see the Rolling Stones with my parents on 06, baha. I'm seeing U2 with them at the end of October too. A friend of mine was supposed to come with us but I don't think she is anymore. Oh my gosh, the videos. :LOL::facepalm:


    Hmm, you're probably right about other people cutting in. Stuff like that is obviously going to happen though. Haha man, that would have been crazy. It would have been fun indeed. :awesome: I still need to go to the restaurant Alex suggested I go to in Vancouver.


    Yeah, that dude makes some seriously awesome stuff. I wonder when his Muse Movie will be coming out. His trailer for it gives me massive goosepimples.


    Happy brithday to your grandmasha! How's all the packing going? Mmm tea! I've always loved tea, but I wouldn't drink it all the time. I swear my coworker from the summer got me hooked on it though. I've had it everyday for almost a month without fail. Mmm, tea. What kind of amazing tea was this? What's your dog's name (I accidentally typed "dad" instead of "dog" at first :LOL:)?


    EDIT: I said "mmm tea!" twice in that paragraph. :LOL:


    Noap. Haven't seen it. Hm... stupid age limit. I suggest when you turn 18 you apply there. :yesey: Creepy how that guy was such a weirdo though.


    Naw, your last comment cheered me up. I don't know what happened earlier. I just started thinking about certain things and I got all upset about it and wanted to do nothing besides curl up in bed and sleep. Practice was good though I guess. Freaking COLD, but it was nice to get some fresh air. I can't believe you finished the card! Ehehe. Can't wait to see it. :awesome: Once I get my essay proposal and presentation done and over with next Monday I'm going to figure out what to do for everyone's. :D

  7. Bring it oooooooon! :fear:




    We'll make sure we both get one. Dom won't be able to resist giving one to each of us. :eyebrows:


    First it's Aurora's, then you and Christina, then me, then Lisa... when is Liberty's? I can't remember if it was in May or not too. Your school schedule is so craaazy mate. When I was in highschool we were done around June 20th usually. And you get two week breaks every now and then throughout the whole year, right? Hopefully it will be sometime around the beginning of June then. Oooh, but wait. I just remembered - they're scheduled to play at a stadium venue in France sometime in June. June 12th rings a bell for some reason. I'm thinking they might tour here before then. =\ How long would it take you to drive to Phoenix? I'm pretty sure my dad would go with me to see Muse in Seattle and Portland for sure. I wonder if he'd want to see them elsewhere on the west coast... I don't know how to tell him I'd probably be hanging out with other Musers the whole time though. :( Actually, I don't really know any Seattle or Portland peeps though so we'd be able to bond during those gigs. :LOL:


    Man... I want to relive that night so bad. I know I've said that 30425 times already but I haven't thought about it for a few days and by thinking about it now it's bringing it all back. There were others talking to him though, so I didn't want to be rude and not let others get a chance to talk. Speaking of others being there, remember those sisters I was telling you about? I've been talking with one of them on fb for the past few weeks and I found out that they like Muse. She's seen them LIVE! :eek: I couldn't believe it. I'm thinking they saw them in Seattle in either 06 or 07 since they haven't played in Van since 2004. It's just so weird how I met her and her twin at the Franz gig, they both turn out to be in my history class, and they like Muse. Oh, and they were also at the Coldplay concert I was at back in June. I remember seeing them too! They were waiting for the band to come out after as well. So crazy. :LOL: Anyway... where was I? Oh, right, Nick. When it was just Ashley, myself, Alex, Nick, and that other lady who was working with them walking along the path (omg... totally freaking out about that right now. I was walking side by side with Alex through fucking Stanley Park, ioguaoiur2po342prfa :eek::awesome:) I had an opportunity to talk to them on my own without anyone interrupting. I didn't want to talk to them for too long though, they wanted to get back to their bus and get ready to hit the town after. I wonder what would have happened has I asked to join. :LOL:


    Muse interviews are amazing. Do you ever watch Liam's (takeabow19 on youtube) yt's vids? They're bloody amazing. He has two "Muse Funny Moments" videos. Watch them noooow! They're awesome. One he made back in like, July. The other he just made a few days ago I think and it's all 2009 footage.


    What kind of cake did ju have? Packing? What for? And what were you up to today (woah, so many questions, sorry)? Awww, I talk to my doglets too. T'is nothing to be ashamed of. I'm pretty sure all dog owners do.


    Jamba Juice? We have Jugo Juice here. :chuckle: Hm.. just keep your eyes open I guess. Maybe that juice place is looking to hire more people? What about that lazer tag place? You should work there! :awesome:


    Well, as a drummer he has to have pretty strong arms, so I'm sure his thowing ability isn't too shabby. Much better than his punting skills, I'm sure. :LOL:


    You used it twice! Not bad, not bad!


    PS - Blimey, I didn't mean to ramble on as much as I did. This is pretty long.

  8. Just come with me to a concert and we'll both walk away with a Stick of Love. :yesey:


    19th, yes! You two are the 18th, oui? Baaaah. When would be the best time for you again? Do you think your parents would let you go if you didn't have school or anything? "Just noise"? WTF. I think your fasha needs a pwoper shanking. :fear:


    Bahahahah! I totally giggled when I read that. Oh dear. :facepalm: Is it wrong that I wish I'd been more.. I don't know, friendly with him? :facepalm::facepalm:


    Loveline! I remember the first time I listened to that interview, my face the entire time just went from :stunned: to :eek: the entire time. I meant to listen to it again a while ago just for shits and giggles, I totally forgot to though. Maybe I'll do that sometime this week. Oooh cake. Cake is good. I didn't go to my practice or game last week. Gah. Felt so bad about it. Next practice is tomorrow. Going to be so out of shape. I did get up and go for a run this mornig though... if you can call it that. :LOL:


    You don't fail! You're still young. In a year or two I'm sure it will be easier to find one.


    I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall during that argument. I wonder if Dom throws like a girl. :chuckle: Aw, sorry Dom, that was mean. And yes! The guitar hero thing was hilarious too! God, I love those guys. :happy:


    Bahah, you're right. Lots of those smilies going on. S'okay though. I use all of them too much on a regular basis.

  9. Bahaha, you silly goose. :p


    Austin, eh?! So the ACL thing is this weekend and then you're seeing Muse in Dallas and Houston after that? I'm a bit confused about the dates, ehehe. Either way, you're going to have blast at everything. :awesome:


    I'm sure the performance is on youtube. :yesey:

  10. Sorry it took me so long to get back to ye!


    Wooo, May babies! I forgot that basically all of us have May birthdays. Can you imagine if Muse perform in AZ sometime during May? Holy shit, best birthday party EVAAAAAR! :awesome::awesome: I just got really excited.


    He wasn't hitting on me! Unfortunately... :chuckle:


    I'd never heard on In N' Out until I heard you guys talk about it. Sounds like a popular place. Gah, don't get me started on being a fatass. I haven't done anything for a week solid since I was sick. All I did was sit on my ass all day, eat, and watch CM/DW. I feel like such a slug. :(


    Craigslist can definitely be a bit dodgy, but sometimes you can find something good on there. You should ask your school what happened with that whole tutoring thing.


    Did you watch the rest of them? I laughed so hard when they talked about them arguing and Dom threw his sticks at Matt. :LOL:

  11. Them partying it up with young underage girls in the States. :LOL:


    Nah, he was just drunk.


    Dude, don't you hate that?! Gah, it sucks. I guess we just have permanent depressed-looking faces. :indiff: Your teacher actually did that to you? Aaw! :chuckle:


    Eeew, fastfood. :vomit: I haven't eaten something from McD's in at least 4 or 5 years probably (a pwoper meal that is, I've had a McFlury/sundae every now and then). I'm assuming you've seen Supersize me? I remember when that came out on DVD I watched it in either 2 or 3 of my classes at school. :LOL: I wouldn't want to work at a clothing store either... it's just so boring and repetitive. I hope you're able to find something you like eventually. Do you ever look up jobs on craigslist? I've looked a few times in the past, sometimes you can find some pretty interesting things there.


    I finally watched the new interview of Matt and Dom with Zane Lowe. Whenever they talked about touring North America next year I got so excited! :awesome:

  12. Shaaaaame! :noey:


    Oh come on, you were thinking it too. Bahah, I really don't know. Due to the fact that they have wives/children/gfs it's pretty gross when you think about it.


    No! I was going to say something to disagree with that statement but I couldn't think of anything so I just left it. But no, that is most definitely not what I think. They are both supermassive flirty boys. Ehehe.


    What's wrong with being weird? Nothing! :awesome: Unless you're a reaaaally creepy/stalkerish/psycho weird-type person. :eek: There are moments when I can be totally bonkers and strange and then other times where I'm dead serious and act all mature. Then other times (mostly in class) where I'm totally silent and probably look really pissed off because my neutral face automatically makes me look angry/sad). :LOL::indiff:


    Didn't you send out a few applications a while back? Those people are "poo-poo heads" for not getting back to you. :mad: Do you know where you'd like to work? If you come here I can buy a ticket for ye, but I can't buy one down there yet either. Hmmm, I wonder how many times I've cursed your country's drinking age in our convo/in the thread.. way too many times.

  13. Stretch it! :phu:




    Nice and sloooow, eh? :eyebrows: If that's what they end up doing, that means they'll have plenty of time between gigs, which means they won't have to bugger off right away after their shows, which means partaaaaaaay! :awesome:


    I don't think a guy in his 30s would act like that with two teens. Wait a tick... I guess Nick did that with me so you never know, it could happen! :chuckle: Ouch man, that would be quite painful.


    It was supposed o by KoC playing in the background. Yes, the shirt was indeed awesome. I would have been into it too! I'd want to beat them so I could rub it in their rockstar faces, muahaha. Nah, you're not weird. S'all good mate! :happy:


    I probably would too. And I'd love to head down there now if I could, but it seems like there are about a million places I'm planning on going to next year, and I have zero money to begin with so... it's kind of hard to do that at the moment. :indiff: I should buy a lottery ticket the next time the jackpot gets really massive. I haven't bought one yet, I'll have to change that soon. It will be my first gambling experience. Matt will be pwoud. :LOL: You should come HERE missy. :awesome:

  14. You're swelling up, you're unstoppableeeeee. :awesome:


    You could always print the joke(s) on a piece of paper and read it out to them. Although, that would look really, really sad, so maybe not. :LOL: Yeah, that is very true. I hope so, so we can see them again. At the same time I don't want them to wear themselves out though!


    EHEHEHE. This Muse talk gets me so giddy. I was thinking about that too, which really stinks. :( We'll just have to find him before the show and politely ask if he'd be willing to give one to each of us. If not we could maybe saw the one in half. :LOL:


    I found it, but stupid Warner took the audio down. It's still awesome though. That picture that he gets at the end! OMG. Amazing.




    I'd love to go there! I didn't realize how far south SD was until I looked at the map last week though. Yowzers.

  15. Sounds like the time is right for both of you to party hardy together. :yesey:


    Will you tell them a HP joke? I still don't get where that came from. :LOL: I hope so too! I wonder how long they'll be touring for this album still, and when they'll have enough material to start putting a new one together...


    I should bring my wand so I can curse all the idiots out of our way... or so I can poke them with it. :LOL: I want to have a sign right when they come out so they'll know where we are for the night and perhaps give us some rare/amazing eye-sex. :eyebrows: I also want to have one right at the end for Dom so he can give each of us a stick. Stick girl! :cool:


    I'm going to yt it right now, haven't seen it since last year. I envy that guy so much. Moist... that's such a nasty word. :vomit:


    I hope you'll be free from school too! I'll be so gutted if you can't make it. :'(


    Woops, I meant July. :$

  16. Really? I'm sure if you two are together you'd make an awesome team.


    You can't beat awesomness as a fan. That's a wonderful thing to give them. :yesey: I don't know, I just do. Obviously I'm happy about it all x infinity but at the same time I just feel guilty how I was able to meet them and get all this stuff from them when you and the others didn't get to see them in LA. :(


    If we're on the barrier I think we'll be golden. Might be squished to bits but at least we won't be in the middle of the stuffy heat and sweaty bodies. Since I'm such a shortass I pretty much need to be on the barrier otherwise I won't be able to see anything... or survive. :LOL: Do you think we'd be able use signs at one of their gigs? I'll probably be too busy jumping around like a complete loon the entire time.


    Yeah, Matt was probably excited about it actually. If it were me and I'd been told that fans could win a contest to go to a shooting range with me I'd be all, "wtf mate? :wtf:" They also did a thing were someone got to go go-karting with them, right? That would be WICKED. :awesome: If I head out your way sometime in the future I'm definitely checking out this lazer tag place. Sounds like so much fun. And whaaat? That's not fair. I sweat far too easily/much for a laydee. :indiff::$


    We'd probably find out way too much information from them if they got that card. :eek: It's called like, "zumi zumi" or something. I can't explain it through typing though. We'll just have to play it in AZ.


    Take Paul. He'll protect you.


    Huly 4th? Really? Wowzers. :LOL:

  17. That's good! Maybe that one sister is just scared that you'd steal all the attention from her. :eyebrows:


    You'll come up with something. I don't think I'll be able to get them something that will be better than what I just gave them... guess that means I'll have to get them the same thing again. :LOL: Oh my gosh... I can't believe it either. I kind of feel bad about it though. :unsure: I feel so lucky. Bahaha, I don't think that luck will last me until Muse. I'm scared the fans will be really mean and pushy. I think I'd be able to handle it though after what I went through at Bumbershoot. It was so stressful though! But yes, we shall stick together like two peas in a pod. :yesey:


    I find it so weird how the contest prize was to go to a shooting range of all places. Oh my gosh! Lazer tag would be immense! I just went about a month ago for someone's bday thing and it was so much fun. I don't know whay your place is like, but the one I went to had no AC and everyone was dripping with sweat afterwards, which was a bit icky. So much fun though. :awesome:


    Oooh, those would be quite fun to play with them. I have another song/game that we could play too!


    Take Paul with you the next time you head down there. He'll shank anyone that comes near you. :cool:


    I totally :LOL:'d at the random toes comment.


    PS - Our "conversation" thingy is 15 pages long. :LOL::facepalm:

  18. That's a very good plan! I hope it works out for thee. I've love to live on campus or in a flat close to my school if I went to one far away from home. Even just for a semester or two. I needs a change. I don't have too many either, don't worry! Do you and your sisters get along well?


    If Alex can appreciate the "blow me" or "show us your boobies" sign I'm sure he'll appreciate this one. You should try and get Bob to sing the Fresh Prince song. :awesome:


    Don't take my word for it! I just know they've done contests to meet the band and stuff in the past. That stinks about the venues around you. I always try to think of which venues in Vancouver they'd be best suited to play in. They played at a really small one called the Commodore Ballroom in 2004 (my cousin saw them! :eek:). I'm sure after all the Twilight/U2 stuff though they'll need a bigger venue to play at. Seeing them at the Commodore would be wicked though. So small and intimate. :eyebrows:


    Oh yes, we'd have to make sure they'd be close together. Just keep them by the alcohol table, they'll stay there all night. :yesey:


    Is it? I'm sure some parts are okay though. You should just move to Canada. Although I think your body would go into shock due to the lack of insane heat all year round. :LOL:


    Christmas cards! Zomg! :awesome:

  19. I was hoping that after high school I'd meet more people, oh how wrong I was. :indiff: All my other mates who went to different unis met so many people.. but the school I went to is so lame. It feels just like high school all over again.


    Flirty Nick! :awesome:


    I hope they come back near you guys soon so she's able to put her idea into action! Hopefully it doesn't frighten the Bobster.


    I love how you're planning your hair and makeup when we don't know when they'll be coming back. It's so cute. :chuckle:


    Gaaah, me too! That would be incredible if they came out. I don't know, I think they're more well known in Seattle than I originally thought... and LA seems to be well aware of them too. It's so hard to tell. Can you imagine a party that included both Nick and Dom? Oh my. *explodes*


    Oooh, I didn't realize you were that close to Mexico! I just finished looking at a map so I could get a better visual of it. :LOL: 15 minutes, holy crap. Have you been there lots then? I'm about 35ish minutes away from the US of A! :awesome: It's funny, I'm just past the Northern most part of the US and you're in like, the Southern most part along the west coast (did that make any sense?).

  20. No no no. Trust me, I'm not. I have zero guy friends. Notta. Zilch. :( Except for Nick of course. :awesome: He's just a little Flirty McFlirtypants, isn't he? Mmm, eye contact. *fans self*


    Go Bob!


    How did practicing the "sexified look" go the other night? :LOL:


    Aw, I don't know that song. I shall youtube that mother right now. Thinking about it gets me all smiley and excited.. and then sad. Who knew a band could cause such a roller coaster of emotions!


    What do you mean we have cacti? Surely you're not in Me-hee-co? :chuckle: And is that so? I was not aware of that. Good to know.

  21. Aaah, can you imagine! :eek: I didn't get to talk to them much actually. I didn't even see them when I walked into class (I got there JUST as class started... bloody traffic, grr). I ended up sitting with someone who I graduated high school with, which was nice. Usually I'm all alone in the corner. :LOL: I talked to the girls for a few minutes after class though. Didn't get much out them as to what we talked to Nick about. I think they were having some trouble remembering stuff too. They did say that Nick said he was going to give a shoutout to Vancouver during the Seattle gig though.. which he didn't do, aha. Apparently they were pretty close behind me during the gig. And one of them said that when Bob threw the stick to me they had their hand on it too, and then they got knocked over by someone or something. I think she might have been implying that she should have got the stick, but I know that Bob wanted me to have it, as he stared at me when he was walking over to us and instead of tossing it up high so that anyone could grab it, he threw it lower because I put my arms down low in front of the barrier and it went straight to me. That probably made NO sense, but I can picture it clearly in my mind. It's one of the few things that I DO remember perfectly. :LOL:


    That's such a silly reason to not see them! Think of how much you'd regret it afterwords! My face was naked both days, save for a bit of foundation to hide my icky red spots, but by the end of each night it had totally come off. It would have been amazing if all of you guys were here last weekend. I'm certain we would have partied all night with them. Next year for sure!


    Come to Canada mate! We have... touques and beavers!

  22. Noooo! And hey, I may be a light weight but I'm not that bad. I don't know what it was. Just the adrenaline and excitement... I didn't have time to process everything that happened. I'll be seeing those girls I met in my class tomorrow, I'll get them to fill me in on everything that we talked about.


    You'd pass up a chance to meet them just because you're wet?! Crazy foo! Being wet was what allowed us all to go under cover with them. Had it been a pleasant, warm evening none of that would have happened. I'm so thankful it rained, even if it meant they couldn't be right at the very edge of the stage the whole night during their set. Man, I want to relive last weekend so badly. :supersad:


    Naw, Bob. :happy:


    I think the drinking age in Alberta is 18. Don't take my word for it, but I'm pretty sure it is. We should have a meet there next year, then you'd be able to go to the pub with us. :awesome:

  23. I guess we'll never know. Maybe Nick slipped something in his cup backstage before they came out to say goodbye to the crowd and he gave it to me. :eek: Naaah, he'd never do that.


    Ah, how awkward!


    Dude, trust me, I can not pull of being all sexy like that. He'd have been running in the opposite direction had I done that. Especially since I was all wet and disgusting. You'll have to remember to do that next time. :yesey:


    That falcon video was heelarious. Nick falling down! :awesome:


    Naw, you wee little baby. :happy:

  24. Perhaps they'll be here later in the year/next year sometime.


    Wow, a stage that I'm actually taller than! :LOL:


    Is there going to be a Pearl Jam boardies meetup? :awesome:


    Oooh, that was supposed to air tonight, right? Do you know if they ever show stuff on their website? I wish I had it too.

  25. Oh, Seazy Nick. :happy::eyebrows:


    I know right?! I don't get why my memory is so muddled. I was talking to my friend about it last night and I was getting so furious about it. :LOL: She said it was probably because I was just so caught up in the moment and all this other stuff that made sense. I wish I could just bloody remember it all though. :indiff:


    Ah, yes. Hate it when teachers do that. My philosophy teacher was doing that in my first class last Wednesday. I just stared at my desk the whole time.


    Of course I was smiling. And it was during these moments where he'd give me those looks. *dies*


    I hope that's the case. I don't really want to get off the high though. It's been fantastic. But today I felt so lost... I didn't know what to do with myself. I ended up watching their Glasto performance and looking up FF youtube videos all day. Pretty productive, eh?


    Naaaaw. I can't wait either. T'is gonna be fantastic. Damn you for being such a youngin'. :noey: SoCal? I'm there!

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