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Everything posted by Wazlib

  1. Aw... I wish I wasn't too uptight about school... but seeing as how I have to pay for it now I don't want to get crappy marks. :noey: What grade are you in?


    Yes! Piano! It is indeed awesome.. it's just such a shame I don't have a musical bone in my body. :LOL: I can play one Coldplay song... badly, haha. That's it.


    Sounds like a pleasant weekend. Do you have lots of snow where you are? It hasn't snowed here in a while but there's still so much left over from when it dumped down on us late in December... it won't go away. My weekend was alright. Just had a field hockey game and went to see Slumdog Millionaire, which I thought was awesome, go see it! :happy:


    And now I'm just getting ready to watch Heroes. I had to tape Monday's episode because I have class at the same time, haha.


    Talk to you later! :)

  2. I saw the pic of Dom you posted the other day, it's so awesome! Ugh, school. It takes such valuable time away from doing more important things, like learning to play guitar! :chuckle: Learning to play piano is another task I've set up for myself... hopefully I'm able to accomplish it sometime in the future! I took lessons when I was about 10, but I stopped after two years... I regret doing that so much now. How has your weekend gone?! I hope it was supermassively fantastic! :cool::happy:

  3. That's good that you're... good! :) As for drawing a man in the buff... that's very interesting indeed! You better share your Matt portrait with us! I'm sure it will be quite the masterpiece. You finally got your drawing stuffs then? Yay! You play the guitar, eh? That's awesome. How long have you been playing? I just started strumming away on one after New Years... I can play a few chords from Unitended but that's it. The really sucky thing is that just when I was ready to start taking the time to practice and everything my new semester at uni started and there's never enough time to pratice. Grrrr! Hopefully this weekend I'll be able to! And I am good as well, thanks for asking! :p

  4. Hey!


    How're you doing? :)

  5. Just heard Hysteria playing during an NHL game about 20 minutes ago, which is weird for me... I hardly ever hear Muse playing where I'm from. The only other time I've heard a Muse song was during another hockey game I was watching on TV and that was what, last year?
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