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Everything posted by Wazlib

  1. Uprising on my way home from work yesterday and TIRO on the same station right before I went to bed last night. But ugh, the TIRO version was sped up, it pissed me off. I hate when radio stations speed up the tempo of the songs, it totally ruins them.
  2. Erin. :( I'm sorry you feel that way. If you need to rant about it here or in the thread feel free to do so, it might make you feel better to get it out. If you'd rather not that's totally understandable, I just hope you feel better soon.


    That first video = wow. That's insane. The second one was good. I need to get a decent rope though.


    Three hours isn't that bad. Plenty of opportunity to listen to Franz and Muse. I think it's about 2.5 hours for me to drive down to Seattle. The border line-up could be hours and hours and hours long though, that's the tricky part. I hope it's not too bad when I head across it for Bumbershoot. It's a long weekend so I have a feeling it's going to be busy... uh oh.

  3. Cheesy, but I like it. I was so excited after seeing that they were in it, and then today when we found out they were in Q as well I was just like, wahey! From what I remember, Q Magazine isn't that cheap, it was at least $12 or $13 when I last saw it. So worth it though. :yesey: An hour and a half is quite a trek for NME. And like you said, it's probably gone now anway, which is too bad. It's the music store that I keep checking for the magazines, the bookstore I went to last night was the first time I'd been there. I may have to return within the next week or too. I'm actually going to the States next weekend, maybe I'll see both Spin and Q magazine there.

  4. It so is. I hate it. Grrr.


    I just did a bit of jump rope - I'm such rubbish at it! :LOL: I want to be able to skip like boxers do in all those movies, like Rocky, but I can't. I can only hop on both feet and try to go as fast as I can, which isn't even very fast. Have any tips? Ehehe.


    Can't forget the gas moola! How long a drive is it to Hollywood from where you are? I hope you and the sister are able to work things out. :happy:

  5. Schweeet. I went to a bookstore yesterday and they sell copies of Spin, they still have the previous issue out though, so I'll have to keep checking. I need to get my hands on Q magazine too! I know the HMV at my mall has them, but they aaaalways get magazines in so late. They still don't have the NME with Muse on the cover and that was from July. I go in there once or twice a week and head straight to the back to check out the magazines then leave right away once I see they still don't have it. The staff must think I'm crazy because I go in there so much and never buy anything. Some of them I recognize form my high school too. :LOL:

  6. Yeah, the stress just wasn't worth it at all. Glad I'm not doing it anymore.


    Guess what I just did?! Ab ripper baybeh. And palates before that. I think my bro's going out so I might try skipping in a bit when I have the house to myself.


    Does your sister still feel the same way about the gig? Have you talked to your mom about it yet?


    I'll feel totally safe when we're with them in AZ next year. :yesey: I can't wait!

  7. Have you received your Spin magazine yet?!

  8. Aaah, soccer. I played for either 10 or 11 years. Didn't really get to enjoy it even, my coach stressed me out so badly she actually caused me to get sick. Field hockey is where it's at. :awesome: Although I'm not all that great, I still love it. Are you doing any other sports right now?


    Wow, that was fast! I'm going to have to get in on the jump rope action I think.


    Oh no! I hope you're able to come to some kind of agreement on what to do. She doesn't even want to go to the gig anymore?

  9. Well, I hope you're able to get back on the road soon. Only four months to go, wee! After that you don't have to follow any rules at all? I never thought about that before... if I'd be okay driving in the States. Hmm.


    Aaaalex! :chuckle:


    I never used to think about it, probably because I was always busy with soccer and field hockey and even volleyball for a bit, all at the same time. This was like, four years ago then. Ever since I've only been doing field hockey I've started to be more conscious of my body too. Why must us girls be so stupid when it comes to these things. Bah. Guess what I found sitting on a shelf in my closet about 15 minutes ago... a skipping rope. :LOL: I was like, woah, creepy! I'm going to do my palates thing now. Then ze ab ripper later. I don't know if I'll do the rope tonight though, I do all my workouts in my room so as not to be seen by family members and I think it would hit the ceiling if I were to try it.


    That's great your mom seems to be okay with it! I can't remember if you're staying the night or not... do you know yet?

  10. Whaaat? That sucks. How long are you not allowed to drive for? Who cought you driving your sister? Parents or police? I'm allowed to drive anyone as long as I only have one passenger. However, I can drive as many family members as I want. It really sucks though, only being able to drive one friend at a time. I have to deal with that for TWO years. :mad: Lots of people I know don't follow that rule, but I'm such a paranoid person I don't think I'd be able to do that. How long have you had your provisional license for?


    Boo, you've already seen it. Don't say ANYTHING about the episode please. :LOL:


    I haven't done the ab thing since Thursday? Fri/Sat/Sun were not good days eating and physical activity wise for me. I'll have to start afresh tomorrow. I say don't focus on how long it takes to do anything, as hard as that might be. I'm not really inspecting my stomach every time I do it. I'm just doing it because it's a good workout and I want to do something good for my body. I'll just try to incorporate as part of my weekly schedule and do it for as long as I'm able to. It's not like I'll do it until I notice a difference and then stop once I get the desired result. Did any of that make sense? :LOL:


    I saw your post that you did some jump rope earlier? I assume your fasha got you a rope then? How did it go?


    I'm trying not to think like that, although I obviously do, as I worry about everything. We'll be fine, I know it. Christina, Ashley, Lisa and co. will take good care of you. :yesey:

  11. Why can't you drive to the store? Hopefully you can get out there soon. Oooh, it's Sunday! You know what that means. :eyebrows::awesome:


    Are those cookies gone now? Ehehe. I ate horribly all weekend. I need to get back on track during the week otherwise I'm going to look rather rotund in the belly region pretty soon. I don't want to develop a pasta belly like Matt! :LOL:


    Franz is coming up so fast for us both! I can't believe it. :D

  12. I haaaate spoilers! :mad: I would have kicked her. :LOL: Have you used up the coupon yet?


    Oh, carbs. :facepalm: I love pasta and rice. I also eat crackers all the live-long day. And I eat a lot of chocolate. :LOL: I also don't run it off like you said. I went for my first run in a few weeks the other day though. I just need to stick at it, which I don't. Mmm, cookies! Om nom nom. I've been wanting to make some peanut butter cookies this week but I've refrained from doing so because I'll be the only one who eats them if I do. And when I make them I usually make myself sick from eating all the cookie dough.

  13. I thought the names JK picked out for the epilogue were :facepalm: worthy. :LOL:


    Noooo, Erin! If it helps I feel the same way about myself. As I'm sure every other female out there does. Low self-esteem and insecurity ftw. :awesome: I can go half the day eating decently enough, but as soon as I get home from work I eat the biggest piles of junk imaginable. :(


    I really want to start reading those books now!

  14. I don't know! And pish, posh, I'm sure you look mighty fine!


    Aaand, that was to do with this:

  15. Yeah, the hip flexors were definitely painful. I did it again last night and they were fine today though, I was amazed. I had a muscle cramp in my calf during the middle of the night though. It hurt like a mother. :'(

  16. I think a lot of people who submitted videos sang the entire song and they're just going to edit people randomly, so it will be luck of the draw. Wait.. there was that speadsheet thing we filled out a while ago... so I don't really know. :LOL:


    I've had other things on the go too and it kind of escaped my mind. Dang. Maybe I'll just do a silent thank you thing that they can fit in wherever there's room.


    I did that ab thing last night and wasn't sore at all today! Success! :awesome:

  17. Did you do a vid for the USoE thing? I still haven't and I think the deadline is tomorrow. :(

  18. Yeah, there are tons. I remember going to a smaller university that was somewhat close to my house for a tour a year or so ago and the student who was leading me around was telling me how this dude applied for a scholarship that was supposed to be for females only, but he was the only one who applied for it so he got it. :LOL:


    Screw you and your treadmill! :phu: Nothing beats running in the great outdoors. JK, I know it's stinking hot there, it would be deadly to run in that. That's why I haven't gone for a run in ages, we had LA temperatures here for a while. It's icky today though. But I can't run because I have blisters on my heels, which I totally forgot about until last night when I did my palates and I kept accidentally rubbing them on the matt. :(

  19. I wish you the best of luck with all the scholarship stuff! I'm sure you'll get something good, sounds like you're quite a smarty what with all the college level courses you're taking. I wish I'd applied for more scholarships and taken field hockey more seriously when I was still in high school, I'm sure I could have got something decent out of it. Unfortunately some other matters arose and put applying for stuff on the back of my mind. Aaanyways, I can't stop picturing Muse coming here now. It's making me all happy. :D


    Uuum, I don't know. I haven't been running regularly at all. I kind of like running during the evenings more, but I work tomorrow night so it will have to be in the morning. How late I go to bed tonight will determine how early I wake up in the morning. I just checked the weather, it's going to be a lot colder tomorrow than it has been recently. It's also supposed to rain. I lurve running in the rain! :awesome: When do you usually go? I'm going to start my DVD now so I'll be back in a bit.

  20. I'm assuming they'll announce it either when the EU/UK tour winds down in December or early 2010...? But as it's Muse, who really knows. :LOL::rolleyes: What do you mean you hope they wait for NA?


    Mine hurt too! I've never really felt pain like that in that area before. Yesterday was way worse than today, but I can still feel it. Perhaps taking a break for today is a wise idea. I'm going to do my palates DVD instead, I find it nice and relaxing. Maybe it will help stretch the soreness out of the hip joints too. :yesey: But boo, I already had my shower and I get all sweaty when I do it. Ah well. I think I'm going to go for a run in the morning. :awesome:

  21. I'm sure they are to some degree. I'll bet there are still some things they won't ever get used to though. :LOL:


    That's so crazy how you were the only one there. Glad you had a good time and got to experience something like that! Yeah, I wasn't too keen on their performance on Ferguson, but I thought your YT video that you showed me the other day sounded nice.


    I hope you have a FRANZTASTIC weekend! :awesome:

  22. That's the plan. We'll see if my bank account allows it. My plan is to go all down the west coast: Seattle, Portland, Vegas (possibly), San Diego, maybe somewhere else in LA, and Mesa. I've also decided that if they do Wembo again I'm going to London too. :shifty: What are your plans?


    I think I'm going to do the ab thing again tonight. It will somewhat make up for all the crap I just ate. I really need to start running again...

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