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Posts posted by Cyndris

  1. He used to use 75 but now it's 68


    Edit: Does anyone know what tempo Matt has the KP set to when he uses 68? I have mine set to 117 which is that of SMBH but it doesn't sound exactly right.


    Dunno either, I had it on 120 assuming that was the standard tempo, but it's a bit off. Maybe it has to do with the moment/timing you put your finger on the pad?

  2. No don't be, I think I overreacted a bit. That's what happens when you have nothing in your system but cold+flu tablets and pineapple juice. Trufax.




    I'm sure they will pull out something good for Wembley at least. Though I have been enjoying the stadium performance videos so far (probably making me one of the only people on this board who think so).


    Dead Star for Wembley 2010! :awesome:


    Okay, I really felt bad there, so I'm glad you said this :p


    Regarding Muse @ Wembley 2010:

    I doubt they'll just see it as 'another gig'. They made a bloody DVD of the previous wembley gig(s), so to do nothing special this time would be a bit weird. And I think they know that everybody is looking up/forward to Wembley, so I think they kinda feel the pressure that's on it.

    One or two rarities will probs be there, CE and Bliss are kinda guaranteed.

    Bet it's gonna be OSSUM.

  3. Oops I seem to have forgotten how dumb I am before putting forward my opinion. It happens sometimes. So sorry for inconveniencing you in this way.


    I guess what I was attempting to say was that the riff makes the song. The lyrics are lacking, and in turn the first half of the song imo. New Born and Showbiz have better lyrics, so would probably still be good songs even without a kickass solo and falsetto respectively.


    I never said giving an opinion is dumb. Really, I didn't mean to offend you, sorry.


    But my point was: Ofcourse if you remove a pretty big part of a song it wouldn't be good. You could do that with lots of songs, not just with KoC. Plus, KoC is a song like no other; it hasn't really got a verse, chorus etc, it consists of a few big parts, which you all can't really leave out without ruining the song.

    How good lyrics are, is subjective(I find the Showbiz lyrics kinda weird) so I can't really argue on that.

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