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Devon cream tea

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Everything posted by Devon cream tea

  1. didn't see the groove in that list. tut tut!

  2. hello sexy witch. hows you honey? hows the love life?xxx

  3. what muse songs can you play then?

  4. hello babes. long time no chat. how are you sweetpea?xx

  5. loz! i've just noticed you have the same birthday as me. you sexy scorpio girl! haha. *swings tail for a high five* haha

  6. i had a good w.e babes. i went out and didn't even drink. me was a good girl. was bloody boring tho. watching my mates getting out of their faces. you not been on chat for awhile hun. you o.k?xxx

  7. i'm good thanks hun! had a good w.e?xxx

  8. oh my god! i love you. haha, that was amazing! you look so much like bellamy it's quite scary and wonderful all at the same time.*swoons* now move to england and teach me guitair! hehe

  9. well my fav is the groove! put that on and i'll watch it like 100 times! lol. what have you moved out on your own then? cut the apron strings? where do you live? sorry, i am a nosey cow. haha

  10. hello! how are you? any more vids on you tube yet?

  11. no babes! i could only take the one. but i shall see him again and i'll get more. don't you worry my love!

  12. i've just put my pics on hun! if you fancy a peek? ash! wow amazing! now i'm jealous!xxx

  13. hello love! just put my shakespeare pics on! if you still wanna have a look! hope your well?

  14. that was my view girls! only pic i managed to get of him tho
  15. aye! who's adam? hehe. hows you love? you look more drunk there than me. that's saying something hun! haha

  16. tennent was amazing grace! he is such a good looking fella. i really could not stop drooling! what you up too for your vacation then honey!

  17. love the guitairs! very nice! how long you been playing for?

  18. just saw loves labours lost! i've never seen a sexier man in my life!
  19. hello darling! how are you? what you been up too?xxxxxxxxxxx

  20. how long have you been playing guitair and piano? i got an electric guitair for my birthday last week. been trying to teach myself how to play. but it's ever so hard. any tips? other than shell out for lessons,. haha

  21. cave was my fav. one of my fav muse songs. what's your fav to play?

  22. maybe quite a few! hehe

  23. you tube! wow! your very good! haha

  24. glad you enjoyed it darling! yes i had lots of fun! i got lots of money and girly things! be nice to have a birthday once a month me thinks! i need to see muse again grace, i'm starting to get very twitchy! hehe

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