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Devon cream tea

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Everything posted by Devon cream tea

  1. So very uncalled for! haha

  2. Ellohelldoctorwho.gif


    Exactly, you are still young my sweet. many adventures to still be had. Above is Tennant and i, haha. As my cousins call me Catherine Tate. Redhead with a cockney accent and all that! Haha,. Closest i'll ever get to him no doubt. Still we can keep dreaming eh? xxxx

  3. Hey hun bun! How you been? hows the love life? xxx

  4. Hello honey! How are you? xxx. Long time no speak!

  5. *is very jealous of cat*! Men are so not worth being hurt over! A law unto theirselves! Men come and go but friends are forever! *loves you lots* xx

  6. It's from the dark crystal! Gelfling! One of my fav films.How could it of scarred you? haha

  7. i forgot all a bloody bout it! haha

  8. Hello gourgeous girl! have a good valentines?xxx

  9. i'm good babes! had no internet for two days! Did my head right in. Talk about cold turkey! haha xxx. Talk soon my sweet.

  10. Heya honey! hows you? xxx

  11. Check out your love boat my lil blossom flower! xxx

  12. tharse1.png Have arse instead! Tennant arse! haha
  13. See that's why i had a picture of jeff Buckley on! Gonna change it again now to Tennant! nananana

  14. Please forgive me! you know i love ya! hehe

  15. Sorry i've changed my name so many times! Friends again? haha. x

  16. guitarTHRUST1.gif

    for you my love! I'm good. What you been up too? xxx

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