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Status Updates posted by Cheersaholic

  1. I know you want more




  2. We'll I'm not to blame :p

  3. WHAT It's aurora, tintti and AM's fault!

  4. 139713_Full.jpg

    Good morning :chuckle:











    :) sleep well :p

  6. If Dom accidently bumped into us it would be more insane :p i think we should have orange ice-lollies at the pdt picnic

  7. OOO I hope there is another offer on oranges before the meet up :p

  8. haha yeah Aurora you'd never blame anyone else for the start of this Pervfest! :p


    :chuckle: I agree with the comment on my page :p

  9. :chuckle: I swear Aurora was blaming me at one point :phu:
  10. I think we should settle it with dom's the Perv and we're the pervers!

  11. Own fault really, he said he wanted more of that stuff and thats what he got, maybe turned up a few notches.


    Aurora- Be proud, soon you can start a perv community with all these comments.

  12. :p you can try but i think your stuck perving on Dom for awhile :p
  13. :LOL: once a perv always a perv :p
  14. Haha, So you've admitted it Aurora (to comment below) Well i'm ok...wait i wear the bag in my ava everywhere :facepalm: oh well, he can't hide from me :ninja:

  15. I think it's a joint effort :p

  16. We're safe then :happy: he's not :ninja:

  17. :chuckle: I think perv-central can move onto here :p
  18. If only i could go back in time and not post that first post on there...............I wouldn't! :happy: My life achievement= freak dom out with pervy comments about his underwear....Succeeded. :facepalm:

  19. :p I do apologize, I swear I'm becoming more and more of a perv (if thats possible) i was innocent :happy: , then i found out about Mr Sexy Howard ( :stongue: ) and i became a perv, posted my first comment on PDT what 4-5 days ago and I've become even more of a perv. :LOL:
  20. :chuckle: buried with oranges? :stongue:
  21. *throws orange your way* fancy some orange juice? It's freshly squeezed! :LOL:

  22. :LOL: well i think you know what way i mean but lets go for verbally as its not actually me there. :supersad:
  23. Haha :p No never, would dream of it :phu: Give Dom my love! :happy:

  24. :chuckle: so you report to him the behavior on PDT :LOL: it wasn't me dom :rolleyes:
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