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Status Updates posted by Cheersaholic

  1. No but Dom does :p

    I know! I'm going to party so hard when it's on

  2. I've voted Dom Best dress and Sexiest and matt worst dressed :p:chuckle: I do love matt really

  3. I know, I was sitting there going "THANK HOLY HOWARD" :LOL: yeah of course I've voted! Hope you pass your test, I passed my Spanish. :dance:

  4. I went in for a Spanish assessment then came back home, doctor thought i had a brain tumor :eek: but they now don't think it is. Thank god! :happy: Get the rest of the week off. Yeah you should be revising I was up till 2am revising well more on here and had my revising book out :chuckle:

  5. Awww! Hope you get well really soon. :happy:

  6. Oh der, I really want to see that! :awesome:

  7. Hope matt gets a inflatable Santa Suit! :LOL:

  8. :chuckle: you've got that stuck in my head now :p
  9. :chuckle: it looks to chunky to be dom. :rolleyes:
  10. I'm only guessing but it doesnt really look like dom

  11. I dont think it's matt, which makes it Dom But it doesnt really look like Dom's body :rolleyes:

  12. :LOL: nah I was fine, had to spend 4 hours in hospital though. Time of school because they didnt want me suing them. I had concussion but that was it really, lots of cuts and bruises. I stepped of the road and the bus was coming down then I literally bounced off the road, :chuckle:
  13. :chuckle: sorry it wasnt my fault!
  14. haha I got hit by my school bus once, scared me of buses for ever! :LOL: I swore my life flashed before my eyes

  15. I know! My trip was interesting, Ok it really sucked, everyone love it but i felt like i was dying. During the play everyone that went were screaming and crying because it was 'scary' (not it wasnt) I ran across the road in London and nearly got run over by a black taxi, I shouted "TAXI" so know one else crossed the road and everyone look then ran after me infront the taxi. :kiss:

  16. :chuckle: Nah I did mean it like that :p Joking! Yeah there is something going around, my mate has been of for like 2 months, :wtf: Hope you get better soon!
  17. Awww I was ill all of last week, went in yesterday for the trip and now off again. Haven't been getting up till 6pm most days. It's not the swiney, thats all i've been told by the doctor he said he'd tell me tomorrow :wtf: Whats wrong with you?

  18. Awww :supersad: I'm ill too, spent the whole day at the doctors.

  19. :kiss: How are you? Sorry I can't talk today, in London on a Trip watching something at the theater, so far it's awful! :rolleye: 2 more hours left of it! HELP ME :supersad: anyway yeah my phone battery is nearly dead so cant talk, defiantly tomorrow though :happy:
  20. I'll start a huge argument with him if he does :LOL: I will win!

  21. Oh sorry about the birthday thread, I was having a rant about it to someone on Twitter and i forgot that he was one of my contacts on there, I was really pissed off about something else so I sent him a message on twitter and he replied. :LOL:

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