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Amber Soleil

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Status Updates posted by Amber Soleil

  1. Goddamn... good... brill... best... combo... argh *spasmodic episode of bliss*

  2. The peach will be a symbol someday! :D

  3. Then, beware. And don't find it a shock when you're lying in the middle of a ditch, half dead already only for me to to ... kill you with my sweet little knife.

  4. NO!! I had dibs on him like... YEARS ago!!! HONEST. I'll peel your eyes you, you'll feel my wrath - I am serious! You'll rue it if you try!

  5. HOW do they get money out of people this way?! LMAO

    That leaflet has told me all I need to know :')

    At least it means more tourism possibly, and I work in a hotel. It could = money ^^

  6. Oh my! What a treat!

    Do you people actually pay to go on this bus? There were a few people on when I saw that one but I mean just a few!

    Do they get to see the LGI? :L

  7. There was a few people on one of them, I couldn't see the other it was right down near all the banks and stuff.

    I was walking across city square and I just tried 'OMG! IT'S THAT BUS!' and took a pic. Must have looked SO stupid hahaha!


    But, where exactly does it go? :S

  8. Saw two of those buses. As if.

  9. HAA!!! That's epic!! Where they attacking and did the all have twirly mustaches!?

  10. LOL!!

    No way!

    I work near there! I need to look out for that. That's just epic!

  11. Does Leeds really have a sightseeing tour?


  12. The ER? What for?

  13. Simon, you left me D:

  14. It's a fur coat, so they can look evil and majestic!

  15. Oh, peaches are evil - why do you think I like them? They're sweetness in disguise!

  16. Mwuahaha! I'm spreading the peachiness!

  17. General personality trait, hard time being unhappy for long

  18. YOOHOO!! I was eating Sorry )::

  19. Can you euthinise Doris, please?

  20. And, why aren't you happy?

  21. What makes you say that? Why is this your opinion?

  22. :/ Life's peachy though (:

  23. Peachy is my nickname. Why?

    Although, I was going to change it

  24. No, because the reason for me slipping to such a low weight wasn't a good one. Plus, I'm not exactly coming to an end of growing which means if my weight maintains, then when I do grow further I will actually be underweight... so I'd rather put weight on

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