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Posts posted by forevermusic

  1. On the (lack of) continuity front, I may well be wrong but I’m sure that at the end of Reapers I saw Matt pick up the Mirror guitar (or a similar model) as if they were going to play PiB, before Hysteria started instead (with a different guitar) :chuckle:

    I mean, to be fair, I also spotted the bass lights changing a lot, and I also think I spotted a frame where Matt had a guitar for Dead Inside when wandering about before they decided instead to use the guitar-stand and barrier walk thing, but yeah, that was a big one.

  2. Saw it in a cinema in Madrid, where a couple of people did cheer all the songs and during Knights the guy in front was singing to all the riffs. Which was different. I also noted there were laughs at the Something Human snippet, which tbf, I thought looked a bit like full-on 80s cheese.


    In the whole it sounded good, if as said, some bits were better quality than others (Psycho was pleasingly heavy, whereas the Reapers outro lacked the oomph I felt it had live, for instance), and it mercifully didn't have that weird filter on every shot. I also thought they might have added more stuff to the drones, although I did like the SMBH/Starlight drone illustrations.


    No Plug in Baby did surprise me if only because I could swear a media article plugging the film referenced the track's inclusion.


    Also did make me laugh that Matt spent most the video thanking Berlin and referencing being back in Germany, and then right at the end Dom yells "Thank you Milan!" I know it was filmed at both and Amsterdam (although I thought some footage also looked like it came from the London O2 gigs), and that the film clearly wasn't big on continuity, but still...

  3. Rock in Rio again next year? That would be interesting to see. I always thought they put around 3 -6 years in between attending festivals or for some even longer.


    The way it's looking for the rest of this year is "Something Human" coming out this month, another single (guessing it's either "Algorithm" or "Dark Side") coming out in the Autumn, before the full album finally drops in November.


    if i remember well he was answering a brazilian fan about coming to "rock in rio in actual rio" so in Brazil. And he said at the end of the gig see you next year portugal refering to their next tour with the new album

    Yeah, RiR as in the one in Rio de Janeiro. Don't think Rock in Rio Lisbon is held in odd numbered years anyway.


    Maybe they'll do some smaller shows in November/December to coincide with the new album, assuming Chris is ready to return to touring duties, and full stuff in 2019. Which does sound like it'll be the focus for Europe, judging by the Instagram posts after RaR and Lisbon.

  4. Clip did sound decent - little processed but strangely less so than Rome or HAARP - but the jump cutty nature does get very disorientating quickly. Bit like it did with Hullabaloo, to some extent, but may well be more so if its masking the audiences being a bit underwhelming around that 360 stage.

  5. I think Matt said that next year will be another proper tour as their new album is getting released this November. There could be a few festivals still, but they will have their own official ones mostly and there will be a lot more too.


    I wouldn't get too excited for a By Request show soon however, as Chris has only just had his operation and is now in recovery. He will be for the next few months.

    I did see Matt respond to an Instagram comment suggesting they should do Rock in Rio in Rio next year with "Good idea", which makes me think they might do the odd one or two.


    But I would imagine that if they're talking about having full concepts for the new album tour that they're going to be doing their own gigs as a priority. In saying that, we're probably not going to be hearing a great deal until we know about the new LP, plus ofc Chris' recovery means they'll be off the road for the bulk of what's left of 2018 anyway.

  6. Matt told the Irish Independent that Something Human will be out after the Drones Tour movie is released next week, and that its an "intimate" track.


    Not sure if there's much to go on from him saying its different from the tracks on Drones, mind, given neither Dig Down or Thought Contagion sonically fit in on that LP.

  7. It certainly would be exhausting, but Dom said the same thing about Knights being at the end of the set.


    For me it wasn't anything to do with the Globalist being a sequel to CE, in fact I really don't believe that at all. The idea for me came about because they're some of the few Muse songs that can be categorised as 'Progressive Rock'.


    Sure, B&H is also prog rock, but it wouldn't fit as well to either of the aforementioned songs, methinks.


    Dom’s referring to physical exhaustion when he says that though :chuckle: we mean exhausting mentally, for the audience.

    Basically, this.


    If we're talking the full 17 minutes of the two of them back-to-back (plus also with the Drones tape, adding another 2-3), it would probably be too much. But I don't necessarily mind the idea of a 30-60 second bit of the Globalist riff as an intro, similar to how Maggie's Farm was used a few times on the Absolution Tour as a CE intro.

  8. :noey: don’t force bits of TG onto CE just ‘cos of that ‘sequel’ bollocks, only do stuff like that if it genuinely fits (i.e. my actually underratedly genius idea of adding the very end on the Showbiz solo onto The Handler solo circa 2015 which I have never not done since and remain determined to mention so others will do the same)


    CE > (Hoodoo) > TG > Prelude > Survival works well as one long flowing sequence if you wanna do something along that route. Might be a bit full on irl though, you’re talking 22-25 minutes which is like 1/4 of a whole Muse gig. CE > TG also technically works and I wouldn’t be surprised if the band even considered it at one point but realised that a) it’d mean playing CE more regularly, and b) the constant switching between instruments/tones and similar piano outros after drop A riffage probs wouldn’t work as well in practice.

    Oh I'm not saying do the whole of TG - just the centre heavy bit, or at least a snippet. Merely more a suggestion, given I'm not sure bisecting CE to play The Globalist would work.


    But I do agree CE into Globalist would be a bit exhausting, plus all the instrument switching would be a hell of a faff.

  9. Love this

    That would be a tonal whiplash and a half.


    But yeah, it would be pretty impressive.

    Better than my first ever setlist :$


    Starlight into Stockholm Syndrome is gold (but not as bad as Feeling Good into Stockholm Syndrome :stunned:)

    Tbf the real Muse did Starlight into Stockholm on the Resistance tour quite a lot.


    Didn't work as badly as it sounds on paper, but TIRO or Plug in Baby in-between would work much better.

  10. Not that I would be so hasty to suggest it’s confirmed, but Glen did like 2 tweets about a gig at the Cavern Club in support of a charity for small UK venues earlier :shifty:


    Again, not that I would suggest there may be any substance to that.



    At all.




    I mean, why would there be?




    Could argue it was pointless to even mention it really.

    Well, actually, now that you mention it...

  11. I'm imagining maybe a couple of small club gigs dotted around the place when the new album comes out, if it is indeed a November release and leading into a full tour next year. But a full request show around the time this new track is released still has potential. In any case, it does sound like they're almost ready to go on the next LP.


    Would prefer it in Europe if one appears as I couldn't make SBE or La Cigale but I guess its fair that the US gets a crack.

  12. Anyone else miss the fact they're doing an advance screening of this in London on Monday?


    Would've entered had I known about it. Probably too late now.


    EDIT: I've also seen a claim that the band will be in attendance.

  13. I liked Matt's Instagram of there being "weird films out this year", if a little surprised the LA cinemas have the trailer on before Solo. :chuckle:


    Also liked Dom's t-shirt. But only because I have the same one.

    I mean, the possible ceiling isn’t high if we’re honest :chuckle:

    Tbf, if it is the case it was primarily from that concert, the Berlin setlist wasn't that bad. Even if I doubt that Citizen Erased or Take a Bow are going to sneak into the full cut. Sadly... well maybe TaB has a chance given it used the projection curtains.

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