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Everything posted by bellamyloverz

  1. do you know about the resistance tracks?


    i think i can't wait too hear all of that

  2. no

    the word in the photograph

  3. hahahahaha


    i love the finger!!!


    i can't wait to see and hear the new album, how about you?


    just approximately two months again

  4. are you online?

    let's chat!

  5. i like the photos


    mat smile was big!

  6. uhmmmmmmmmmmm...........................................


    the resistance only about 2 months from now

  7. i have said happy birthday one week ago


    the last picture is cute

    it makes matt seems so cute and like smiling to the "kero-keropi" the frog!


    i love the lamp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    we have the same favourite film, music, and tv serials


    i love star wars too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. i don't even know how to say thx to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    i love the picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. i think it's have the muse in it

    because originality and inspiration describing MUSE, isn't it?

  11. thx again for the walpaper

    the words in the last one, what's that mean?

  12. waduh kok baru tau


    gila udah gak sabar bgt mo denger the resisstance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    doain ya cepat nyampe ke indonesia

    biar kita cepet bisa dengerin!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. kirimin dunk link foto brewokannya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. waduh lebuh kurang sama, waktu itu yang pertama ku denger juga time is running out, beberapa minggu sebelum gue tau itu lagu muse. begitu tau eh.........................................


    gue denger supermassive blackhole sejak saat itu gue nyari everything about muse


    tapi sebenarnya gue udah liat mereka beberapa bulan sebelum denger time is running out dari cover MBS gue

  15. oooo

    dah berapa lama ngefans ama muse?

  16. oh thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i love the wallpaper!, very creative!

  17. i have share the web with my friends on facebook

  18. lo bisa panggil gue atma,

    beneran lo masih 13 thn?

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