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Status Updates posted by Valentin_Selezynov

  1. Another good point, but what lasts for good...hmmm. I shall have to meditate on this.


    lol, just a stupid piece of steel. I guess there are much more attractive buildings in Paris, like that art gallery made of glass. The lerrvge or something, i can't remember how it's spelt. But it was in the Da Vinci Code.


    and hahaha. Thanks for the tip. I play guitar though, so am fairly adept with my fingers. I'll be sure to add that last part on if i ever feel compelled to admit that i'm not good with hands. It might soften the blow some.

  2. You don't like the Eiffel tower?!?

    I'm not too good with my hands, but i'm sure i could throw something vaguely resembling the Eiffel tower together.


    And that's probably good advice. No one likes the Jehovash Witnesses. I need to find a more succesful religion to base my selling technique on. Maybe Zen Buddhist.

  3. haha, next time i come across a Jehovahs witness i'm going to ask them why they spell the name of their god incorrectly. And then tell them about the aliens. Maybe i should addopt a hard sell technique like the JW's.


    The V for Vendetta thing is a great idea! I should also build a model of the houses of parliment, and blow it up on the video.

  4. Well, i'm don't believe in a regular kind of god. I think that aliens created us, and have been guiding us along ever since. I think that the gods in most religions are actually aliens too. I had a bit of an argument with someone in here about what agnosticism means, so maybe that's where that came from. But i am definately not agnostic. I can't be undecided on somethins so important, i need to have a definitive opinion.


    haha. I've already converted one person from this forum. when i get 2,359 more members, the UK government has to provide me with a church. Thats the goal.

  5. lol, they all love it. I think they only pretend to dislike me, but all secretly think i'm great, and probably even want to sign up to my religion. That's why they keep replying, they want more information!

  6. Make fun of myself? I think my website makes me look really cool.

  7. Uncalled for Toff. Uncalled for.

  8. Thank you! Though i'm not sure it was meant in a good way.

  9. You're in! On December 21, have something you can float on and a torch handy.

    When the flood hits, just sit tight on the floaty thing and wave the torch around, and i'll come pick you up in the ark.

  10. Well, my dad bought me this car as a birthday present. So i didn't have much say in what i got.

    I did let him know i wanted the Aquada, but i guess he didn't want me having a carboat, for whatever reasons. I probably shouldn't have told him my intention to drive to South America and look for a crystal skull.

  11. Thank you!

    It's okay, but i wanted an Aquada, which is a car that can drive on water.

  12. Thank you. It was difficult for me, but the praise makes it worth the effort.

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