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Status Updates posted by SuperGinge

  1. Heyyyy :D


    I'm good thanks, youu?


    And not always, depends how i feel...


    but i do today....




    It's 'Use Somebody' by Kings of Leon...you?



  2. Haha, sounds fun :p


    Sooo, how're you?

  3. Haha, yeah, rather hot, and hes a really nice guy as well :p

    To be honest, i can't remember why he gave me his number...i just remember i was sitting on the floor, pissed, leaning on his leg and he took my phone off me and must have put his number in, and in my head he said 'if you need help' but thinking back on it, he can't have said that, cause it makes no sense...haha


    Sooo, do you have anyone special in your life?



  4. Haha thanks :D


    HEREOS! Wow, thats like a combination of OREOS and HEROES!!!


    that would be....AMAZING!


    Haha thanks :D Its my own fault really, i was such a mess last night, its quite embarrassing really, i was completely off my head in front of the guy i liked, and he spent the night looking after me...

    but on the bright side...he gave me his number :D:D


  5. I'm alright, although i feel a little ill....although it is my own fault...i drunk wayyy too much last night...haha

    but i'm happy cause its only an hour before Heroes starts!




  6. It's alright :D did you have a good birthday?



  7. Heya :D


    You alright?

  8. Hahah, i know...but talking on here about muse means i talk about them less to my friends, which makes them happy xD


  9. It's alright, i always like chatting to musers....we have exquisite taste in music...and life :D

  10. happy birthday!!!!!!!! :D

  11. Hey hey, thanks for the add :D


    You alright? :)



  12. awesome, well i sort of have a wide spectrum...haha


    it ranges from RATM to Amy Winehouse...


    although my fave bands are; Muse, The Subways, Feeder and RATM :D


    Who are your fave bands?

  13. Haha, i've only seen them once, in 2006....2 years ago! I'm only just surviving damnit!



  14. haha, definately, it'd be nice to own a piece of muse history (well sort of :p)


    Sooo, other than muse, what bands are you into?

  15. :O Thats alot of money...but yeah, definately worth it in the end....you gonna get one then?

  16. haha, i guessed they would be pretty expensive...how much is a replica?

  17. Haha, me tooo! Manson Guitars are the best!!!


    And wow! Thats pretty darn cool!

  18. Haha, i'd just love to touch one of Matt's holy Mansons...or Dom's Tama drums...Or Chris's Pedula Bass!!!!



  19. Haha, i'd be happy with just meeting them...and touching their instruments....(And thats not a sexual innuendo just so you know...:LOL:)

  20. haha, me too, i'd also love to be able to play drums like dom...and bass like chris...


    Basically, i want to be Muse...:LOL:

  21. I got a BC rich :) I like it, but i want something nicer...haha....I used to be able to play piano...but i haven't for years, so i dunno what i'm like now :p

  22. Haha, my guitars alright i guess...its a bit basic though...i'm thinking of getting an Epiphone...

    Although i do fancy learning to play drums now...or piano...haha...


  23. Aww wow, thats really cool! I want your guitar!


    Haha :p

  24. haha, whats his art like...is it contempory stuff? I like contemporary art :D

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