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Status Updates posted by Obi

  1. hehe indeed. I was the same for a long time. It took me a while to work out that most people don't seem to post much on the main muse section as I did. The banter is the most common place to be. Muselive is apparently quite hectic.

  2. I never even noticed that loveboats existed until about 3 weeks ago.


    I'm that much of a noob.

  3. I'll have a go. My drumkit is right by a wall so I'd have to clip the camera onto something lol.

  4. Obi

    Jonny. I live in the Scottish Highlands.


    Really nice place but nothing to do! :happy:

  5. Obi

    I saw your post in the religion thread. I thought it was interesting and I responded to it.

  6. I'll try and get a camera or something. :p


    Do you know how to do it?

  7. Obi

    I'm very good thanks. I'd like to say the dog attracted me to your profile but it was actually your siggy :) (and your posts of course ;))

  8. remember I'm only young. When you are 11 it takes you about a month to master the basic beat ;)


    But yeah, if I can master it I'll find a way to post it on youtube. I really suck at things like filming but I'll have a go. I might even post a few jams :)


    I did an insane jam of Citizen Erased the other day. Completely mashed it up and wished I knew how to record it :(

  9. Thanks. Took a look at the tab. I know about musedrums and go on it but never noticed tabs before! :p


    It's quite simple isn't it? The fill and the beat too. Just need to master the speed now and that'll be learned quickly

  10. Obi

    Loving the dog with the hat :p >>>

  11. Umm, not really. Mostly just shreddies :p


    I learn Muse songs by ear so I just haven't worked out the pattern to it yet. Dya know or know a link?

  12. It does indeed.


    Nah, no vids :( I'm not as good as I should be but still I can drum most Muse songs.


    I haven't worked out Assassin yet but that isn't easy I guess.

  13. That question? Scotland. =D

  14. So do I. I've grown up with them at BHAR where they've been popular. I wish I'd known of them in 2001 because OOS is my fave album by them by a mile.


    I've drummed for 5 or 6 years myself. So since I was about 10/11. Not had a teacher in donkeys though. I'm Ok. I've been told I'm the best drummer in my school but that's not saying much since my school has about 5 drummers :LOL:

  15. Ok, 40 seconds is a good time I find with not too much milk but a fair amount :p


    I liked Muse long before I joined the forum also. I was already about 13 when I got into music and I'd heard Muse by 14. I play drums and piano so they were quite easy to like.


    I only first heard Hyper Chondriac Music late 2007 tbh. It's good though.

  16. 66? You have a lot of love to spread ;)

  17. btw, the =P smilie isn't very good hehe

  18. I eat shreddies in many ways. I often put them on top of weetabix and heat in the microwave. Or just in the microwave alone. I sometimes eat with no milk as a snack too.


    Frosted Shreddies are a special treat that I get when I can afford them.


    Gosh, I sound like a madman :L But yeah, Hyper Chondriac Music = one of Muse's best. I'm biased towards Citizen Erased but I'm open. It changes a lot.


    You joined 2005. Would I be right in saying you've been obsessed with it for three years? :p

  19. thanks for the add. And good song to inspire your name :D

  20. Oh well never been to Barnsley. I knew somebody the spitting image of you in North Wales. I do go to Tescos a lot though. It's the centre of my wee town.

  21. hodeho, ta for thea dd.

  22. Whoa, you are the spitting image of a guy I know. Where you from?

  23. Yep. It's 2 hours drive from Glasgow here. But anyway, tis getting late so I better get some sleep. night night.


    PS I seem to be using the word tis quite a lot today (It's not even a word :p)

  24. Not in western Scotland. It is -4 here hehe.


    Having said that, it might snow tomorrow :D

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