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Everything posted by Wrony

  1. Paaaaaaul!!!!! we miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Že ty si taky čech? =)

  3. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY Paul:kiss: i hope see ya soooon!!!!

  4. Hey Paul:happy:

    How are you??? Awwww i haven't seen you soooooooooooooooooo long time:(:'(!!!!! At last it was min 5 months ago:stunned: i miss yaa. What are you doing all the time:supersad:? But anyway i hope you are doing well:happy:. See you sooon xxx :kiss:

  5. thaaaank you veeeeery muchhhh Vallllll =))))i'm great what about yourself????? i hope the same=DD

  6. hiiii nat i'm sorry,i was away when u wrote to me and then u left.=) how are u???

  7. hellllloooo Niamh. so u have seen muse:happy:??????? how lucky persou u are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and didn't u meet one guy name James:p he's from england and he was there too!!!!! awwww alll saw muse,only me nooooo :(

  8. dear Niamh.

    i'm so happy that u love my city:D i hope that next time i'll be at home*-*. i hope too to talk on chat!!!:p where were muse???


  9. Sebíííík *_* . How are you???? You are very nice that u bought the volvo S60 for me:),it's still in front of my house:LOL:. love uu, u know it:LOL: byeee

    P.S.:care GIRLS he's mine :p

  10. ahoooj dear:).

    So what wonderful was your four days in Prague?? :LOL: and how are you???:) byeeeee

  11. pauuuuuuuuuuuuuul:kiss: the best person in US(sorry Mel:D)!!!! I'm fine what about u??? and are u relly still sleeping O_o????lol love u byeeeee

    P.S.: :moody: lol isn't it emo:LOL:

  12. hallo Niamh. i'm very well thx=). Yeserday waswery sunny, but today is rain. 5th? awww i won't be in prague:(. i'll back on 11th august. how long time u will be here?:)

  13. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeey Niamh=).

    How r u????? and when u will come to prague=)???? in august???

    P.S.: Ur picture is wonderful=D.

    bye xxx wrony

  14. hey Mac =o*

  15. girl of course =p

  16. hey Mac =o*

  17. Seb,give my love to your sister=)and tell her that when she will on computer so long time so he die=D.And i tooo!!!

    i love u ,u knew it xP ur weronica

  18. Ahoj Niamh,

    Thanks i'm feeling better*_*

    In czech is warm too(31°C).

    Ouu how much have u dogs and cats?? and what are their names??

    Ur weronica

  19. Ahoj Niamh=o)

    Měla jsem se dobře,byla jsem doma,jsem nemocná*_*

    A jak se máš ty?

    Tvoje veronica


    Hello Niamh=o)

    I was good,i was at home,i'm ill*_*

    And how r u?

    Ur veronica

  20. take it easy Jimmy=o)

  21. Hello Jimmy. Please u,do u remember,u asked me to "Little otik" movie. Ate Otik all1 who he meet? And mum and dad too? With love weronica=o*

  22. Hey Seeeb!!!=o*

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