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Status Updates posted by Problemfanatique

  1. Exactly. :erm: Though I admit I am started to get pretty nervous about the album now I've read that new interview. But in a way..it's kinda of promising. Like, in the sense it will be completely mad yet brilliant. :D


    Yeah haha! That could be it..hmmm. Or they don't spam and spaff as much as us! :LOL:


    Yeah possibly. Like it turned out the answer (or so we think) was a combination of spelling mistakes! But everyone still researched to try and answer the actual question itself. And I'm starting to think he hasn't only just figured out how to work twitter either..cause the date of the second clue was posted last year. :erm: Unless it's not legitimate.. gah how confusing. :LOL:


    Ah brilliant. :D My dad brought it home a few months ago and I'd heard about it and so we watched it and by the time it was finished I was like 'Oh my god...:stunned:'. It seriously makes you understand a lot of what Matt's going on about and it's pretty scary stuff. I refuse to get micro-chipped! :fear: Infact, you can watch it online for free here:




    It's like 2 hours long and I'll admit there's some boring parts but it's worth it. Oh and beware, my brother tells me the government are now tracking viewer's IP addresses. :stunned::LOL: /ooh long message:$

  2. Exactly. A week between them is rather a huge gap. :p I agree! Them going on sale next week would be good.


    Yeah, I'm very shy haha. It's why I tend to avoid Muser meetings really. I didn't know you were into playing music too! What do you play? There's always next time. That's if you're up for queueing for Wembley? :D

  3. haha I don't know really. I have yet to visit a place I really like. :LOL: I love places in England like Brighton. :happy: If you ever come here you must go there!


    Wow you've been to tons of cool places too. :D but aww same, flights are really expensive.Wow really? What kinda stuff did they do over here? aww you have moose hahaha.


    That's cool. You're really lucky that all boy/girl schools are uncommon.. Here there are tons but they're mostly grammar schools. Haha your rules are so much better. :LOL: If you have makeup on they make you take it off and if you keep on wearing it you get an after school detention. Here people always say how they'd love to go to a school like in America because you have things like prom and stuff and we don't. Aside from the rules, I don't like anything about my school. The people here are awful and it's hard to concentrate in any lessons because there is so much disruption.


    Aww. :( What kind of stuff do you like doing? Some of my friends here like going out and getting drunk and stuff which isn't my cup of tea. :LOL:


    You're malls sound so cool. :eek: Do your malls have supermarkets? :LOL:


    Haha our messages do keep getting longer..although this one isn't so big :p

  4. Haha I'm sure I've explained before.


    Oh right :chuckle: That's cool. It is a lot of money. :(

  5. Haha same here. Even if we did make another one, it wouldn't be the same. :p

    Ahh that's always good. :LOL:

    I'm from Orpington which is like 30 mins-1 hour away from London. I hate living so near to the main city. :(

    How about you?

  6. Haha same! It was hard to keep up with it all too. Did you get up for the Japan/Hong Kong ones? I didn't, the only thing that could make me voluntarily get up that early is for queueing for a Muse gig or something. :LOL:


    hehe, you been looking up stuff then?


    Haha no seriously I'm not, since I've left school my memory's become like that of a fish, it took me ages this morning to work out that 4 months = roughly 20 weeks. How bad is that!? and I got a B at maths gcse. :stunned: hehe, erm well..I'm gonna mainly focus on guitar but I'm gonna be learning some piano theory too cause it's always good to be able to have a more diverse musical knowledge for writing and stuff. :happy: What A levels are you gonna do?

  7. Haha why did someone ring the doorbell a that kind of time!? And yess we should! It would be awesome.


    I only eat it because the rest of my family does and even if I was to go vegetarian they'd still buy the same amount of meat. So I feel like me going vegetarian would make no difference. Though when I'm older I think I may go vegetarian. It's cool you don't force your views on other people. And do you mean..people making comments on you being vegetarian? or people making comments on non-vegetarians? Haha whenever I'm with a vegetarian I have to have to eat something vegetarian with them when we get something to eat cause I feel too awkward/bad for eating meat infront of them.


    Haha a Muse mascot would be awesome!


    Wow..you mean there's animal products in ice cream? I didn't know that. :stunned:


    I completely agree. The internet is very distracting. I always end up not doing things that are really important to do and I end up getting really frustrated with myself haha. It's just so distracting and addictive! Being OCD over things is cool. We are cool. I've lost one computer and laptop. I'm using this really old crappy computer atm but hopefully I should be getting a laptop soon. I think I may end up getting a mac haha.


    That's a pretty cool way of putting smoking into perspective. It really is an insult to life.


    Hehe. That's cool! Woww seeing Muse in Japan would be absolutely amazing. I wanna go there cause the culture just looks amazing. My parents would never go there though, so I have to wait a year or so before I can be able to go there! I do hope they have llamas there.


    How come you got a free ipod!? Haha them Melbourne ABC studio recordings are WIERD. Have you seen them battle of the band videos? I love the song they play in the 3rd video. I wonder if they made it!? It sounds very Smashing Pumpkin/Nirvana-esque.


    Muse cakes are :awesome:


    You have official persuaded me to get a mac now. I must get one. Wow lucky! Can you get msn on macs? My laptop is sitting in my wardrobe because I can't bring myself to chuck it away. :supersad:


    Haha yesss you must do that. Ah yeah fair enough. I think it is a shame they make more money than proper films. I actually didn't know that!


    We will make and bake plenty of llama cakes and cookies with lots of toppings indeed. :yesey: Haha I think we will have to with the amount we want to make. :LOL:


    *hands cookie* :supersad:


    Awwh haha. It is really cringey all the way through!


    Oww. I haven't seen that advert. Ahh yess that's the best way to go about buying films. That's a good idea. We should have a movie marathon! :eek:


    I don't watch Heroes but I've seen pretty much the whole of season 1 of Lost. I used to watch it but once they moved it to sky I just completely stopped watching it cause I don't have sky in my room and the TVs that do in the house are being hogged by other people. D: I take it watch them then?


    Acoustics are just :happy:. Whoa that's a lot of listening! Hmm what my most listened Muse songs or in general? My most listened to Muse songs are Map of the Problematique, Hoodoo, Sing for Absolution, Hysteria, SS and Megalomania etc. Quite predictable really haha. I like to try and savour Map of the Problematiquer so when I do listen to it it's even better. I can never ever get bored of that song I swear. It's my favourite song ever. :D How about you..what's your most listened to songs?


    Ooh Shy child are awesome! Their album Noise Won't Stop is pretty good. I r listening to Sigur Ros live cause I am abit addicted to them atm. I want to see them live nowww.



    I didn't know he did! I think playing with a violin bow is such a cool thing. I want to buy this thing called an E-bow which is like an handheld electric bow. The sounds you can make with them are amazing. Like sounds you'd never expect to get from a guitar. Hahaha llamalish. We have to create that language.


    Yes of course! unless it was with an orchestra. Though they never seize to surprise us so you never know what they could do between the 3/4 of them!


    Aww :( It does look very scary. Especially driving on the motor-way. D: Ahwell. Trains are good enough for transport. Haha yess I do! I didn't know she covered it but yes I bet it is better. :LOL:


    That's a good point. Damnit. We will have to come up with something shorter! Yes yes bring an apron. You don't want to get flour or cake/cookie mixture over yourself! Our cookies will indeed blow minds.


    Hehe it's okay I know what you meant. If We are Scientists were supporting that would be cool. They sound quite good!


    Yusss I am. Atm we're just building up a repertoire of cover songs so we can gig. It's mainly well known songs because it's what people are going to recognise that will make them enjoy seeing us. It's not really what I want to be playing though tbh. I want to play songs I like and know! haha. I'm gonna start writing some songs over the summer. You can most certainly join us with your cabasa.


    Hehe it takes a lot to be better than Muse and Morgan combined! That is something I will never be able to do!


    Yay thank you. I feel better now. :happy:


    Awwh. :( I will have to start making my own dinners soon. I can't cook though. It's an achievement making toast that isn't burnt let alone making anything else!


    Haha same. I think we need to shorten our comments a bit before they get even bigger. :stunned: haha the internet crashing at this point would suck. D:


    Yay! I advise you to get their albums 'Takk' or '()' first.


    Yellowww! I love that song. And Idioteque! I love that song too. They were lovely covers. :happy: That reminds me, what is your favourite Radiohead album? Mine is probably Kid A.


    PHEW. That took me quite some time! Our comments are ridiculously long. *goes over deleting smilies*

  8. Haha yeah, people worked out the codes so quickly. :stunned:


    Ooh what kind of stuff? You've forgotten how to write!? :LOL: jesus! Aww a C is good! but that does suck... I hate it when people tell you what you can and can't do. Like putting you in for foundation because they think you can't do the higher paper. Who do they think they are to assume what a person is capable of :phu: Hehe, it is. Do you like Ludovico Einaudi? His music is what makes me wanna play piano..his compositions are relatively simple but so beautiful :happy:


    Awesome choices of subjects. :happy: What science you thinking of doing? I heard that science is really hard. :eek: Anyways, hope you have a nice holiday. :happy: Maybe you'll bump into Matt, Chris and Dom or better.. Chris' house. :awesome:

  9. Haha yeah. :LOL: Though I thought It did look kinda cool. Well in Bliss anyway. :$


    Aww. :( Don't you have a fan on at night or something? I have a big fan pointing at me so it helps me stay cool at night. Putting a bottle of water in the freezer also helps. :D

  10. haha, halarious. :LOL:

    So you have another account then?

  11. Haha! Oh how I wish it was the tasty potato chips! :LOL: and exactly. I suppose in that way it would be good but it's true purpose kind of over-shadows that completely. I don't think George Orwell realised how close his book was to the truth when he wrote it. :p


    It really is. I just hate how everything is about money these days. There are so much more important things. Ooh I didn't know that! Jeez I feel so sorry for MJ. It does make me wonder though why the hell the kid's dad asked him to lie about something like that. :wtf: And what would make someone want to put an innocent person through all that.. There really are some sick people in the world. :mad:


    Hehe, totally. He's always made music for himself and written for himself, not for anyone else. I don't think that's ever gonna change. So if people don't like what he's writing then they'll just eventually stop voicing their opinions on it. :LOL:

  12. hahah yeah I remember that! I thought she was being serious! I think we all did. :p I'm not sure if she got banned or not. I miss her piss-take trolling though. :( She made lots of weird threads and posted how much she loved Starlight in threads and stuff. :LOL:


    Yeah it was an epic pain getting tickets. :( couldn't get through on the pre-sale at all! but luckily my mum got through on the phone the next day. :happy: I was quite surprised, I'm never usually that lucky! :LOL: aww wow that sounds awesome <3 hehe I was quite surprised about them not playing Manchester too! and Wales.. it's abit strange that their UK tour is so small. :erm: maybe they have lots of big epic gigs planned here for next year! well I hope so. :LOL:


    Haha he was! Someone created an account for Matthew Ballemy. :LOL: he left me a comment and said hi! I was like 'THE ballemy saying hi to me!? :eek:':LOL:

  13. Hehe :happy:

    Me too!

    His little legs are so cute. I agree, the stairs bit was mean. :( I felt really sorry for him.


    You should go listen to Primavera now, now, nowww. I only have a few of his tracks on my ipod cause I haven't got round to buying any of his CDs yet but I've listened to a lot of stuff on youtube and it's just amazing. :happy: Simple really is best at times.


    Wow you listen to film soundtracks. :awesome: They're so epic. Orchestral music in general is amazing I think. It's full of so much emotion. I've not heard of Yann Tiersann before. :(


    Haha omg same! Hopefully they will do a UK date. My friend's going to Reading and she's seeing Lostprophets over Radiohead. :noey: I'm tempted to get a day ticket too but I want to save teh monehs for Muse.

  14. hehe ;) haha definitely! an acoustic session in a cave. :eek: now that would be epic (I'm being serious). :happy:


    I thought the one was bad enough.. :( Hopefully Muse will realise their songs are going on all the soundtracks and then start to wonder why they're a running theme for the series. Maybe then they will check out the books and the film and realise how awful it is and then reject any further usage of their songs. :yesey: I was worried about Twilighters being at the gigs but considering how quick the tickets went for this tour I doubt they got any tickets. :p Though it'll definitely be an issue over in America I think. I hope they play Microcuts on the tour to scare them all off. :LOL: They can't have any more of their songs. :fear: hmm well maybe Starlight. But that's all!

  15. Hehe, you should :D I can't comment on it much right now as I'm only a quarter of the way through it! But the concept of it is awesome. :yesey: Did you hear that the agents who the people (or should I say, Humints :chuckle:) collected the USB's from were holding a copy of The Grand Chessboard? I think they got to get the book to keep too. :D Haha I think Matt is trying to suck everyone in it! :LOL:


    Exactly. :( You just spend your whole life working for money to live on. Ah I totally agree. The idea of a 9-5 job scares the hell out of me. I remember when I did my work experience for two weeks last year and I absolutely HATED it. Cause the first week I worked in a shop and the second, in an office. And neither required much thought at all. It was so boring and ugh, made me think that if I was to be doing that with my future I'd want to commit suicide or something. :noey: That's why being in a band is so awesome. And exactly! You get to do what you love and travel the world, etc. It just sounds like a dream or something! :LOL:


    God, I didn't know that either. :stunned: How sick.

  16. hehehe okay. :awesome:


    They do seem really cool! :happy:


    Awwhh. That's awesome. You could always take your camera through as luggage? Or is it too big to even do that? Haha that would be great! But yes it would be very expensive.

    It is! I just hate the whole..being thousands of feet up in the air thing and the fact that the plane could crash. And when I'm on planes I end up imagining plummeting through the sky and stuff. D:


    Ohh I didn't know that was them! I really liked that music. :happy: Haha yeah they are a bit twisted!


    Same here. I still can't believe they're releasing a new album in september. :awesome:


    How come she has it now? Did she give it to you before but then take it back? D: Wow that's so cool. Haha thanks. :happy: If we're on the barrier we have a good chance of getting a setlist! :D


    Yeahh, I really can't understand how someone could want to do that with their lives. Haha same here! My biggest fear is probably dying without having completed my dream. Sounds a bit dramatic but ahwell haha. Awhh. :happy: Yeah exactly, it's an amazing way to express yourself. Awwh thanks.


    If you download it..send me it please! :p


    Haha we should. Our cookie aprons could make tons of money. Everyone is going to want one!


    Nope I didn't see him on there. Awh cool! They really do deserve it. I hate it when talent is unnoticed.


    Yeah with Glasto, you don't find out the lineup until all the tickets have been sold which sucks. And you can't even buy them off ebay after that cause they print your picture on the tickets now! D: hehehe. I don't think I could do both festivals! It'd be too hard to get all the way to the leeds fest over night and still get sleep. I was dead after just one festival day!


    Heheh I will do. :happy:


    It doesn't no. MSN sucks. Windows sucks. It failed me last night/this morning.


    Ahh I love that song! It's one of my favorites by them. The video is really strange/fascinating and it does make you think lots. Haha same. :happy: They are the best type of songs. :happy:


    WOOO. I am so tired. I am losing the will to stay awake.. This comment is quite short!

  17. Hewwo.


    Awwh :( I haven't even got a camera! Hmm I need to buy one. Oohh right. Yeah trains aren't really the best things to get if you wanna travel somewhere that far.


    Hehe yess you must. I might download it and just call it 'nice piano song' or something haha. Having no Muse news for ages does suck. Though soon we'll be getting news like everyday and won't be able to keep up with it all. :LOL:


    True, I never thought about that. Though we'll just make sure they give us the setlists before we give them the money. I shall also save some monehs to get some.


    Yeah I bet they were. :happy: I feel proud of them just buy watching the DVD of it haha. Awwh the looks on their faces during the gig though was just :happy: especially Chris cause he was smiling a lot and you could just tell they were so chuffed about it all.


    Oohh right. I've never seen Dragons Den!


    Same D: heheh yeah the bad acts are always funny. :LOL: Especially when they're so convinced they're really talented hahaha. Ahh just 15 D: I don't know why you'd go onto a show like that just to do that. It's just embarrassing yourself really. If someone sang Micro Cuts to Simon Cowel I'd have to record it. It'd be hilarious. :LOL:


    Ooh bad move. hehe. Muse can make everything better! I dunno if you've seen it but being all shakey and crazy reminds me of that Futurama episode where Fry drinks 100 cups of coffee and manages to save everyone from a fire cause time slowed down. :LOL:


    Hmm that's a bit strange. Yeah maybe an album un-named itself or something so just look up the albums and find out or ask me. :p Awwh, I think Sigur Ros actually sound like Iceland. If that makes sense..


    Ouchhh an ulcer? D: they do hurt. I usually get them when I eat too many sweets. D:


    Ooh you saw Derren Brown? Doesn't he like..do all trick of the mind stuff? Awwh. You will have to tell me about it. :D


    Yays! *high fives back*

  18. Hey, I'm Kirstie. :)

    We have haven't we. It sure is good ranting in that thread and complaining about them n00bs.


    But yeah, I'm good thanks. Yourself?

  19. Hey, I'm okay thanks. You?


    You should do that hehe. I didn't celebrate either.. bad times :( Why didn't you?


    That's an awesome cover btw. :D

  20. Hi Amy. :happy: how are you?


    Naww. :( Well I thought you seemed pretty cool. :p and reading your profile (/stalker) we seem to have a lot in common:happy:

  21. hmmm true..

    same :LOL: she's been asked to update her official website saying that her account on here is really hers and if it is then tons of Twilighters are gonna join the board just so they can talk to her on here


  22. Hoorah! Faith has been restored! :dance: I do hope that happens. :happy:


    Hells yeah. :awesome: We shall be the leaders of teh Muser mob!

  23. I agree. :LOL: It'll just be similar to SMBH with more rhythmic drum and bass mixed with some glam rock or something maybe. Whatever it is though, it'll probably sound great. :D


    Yeah me too. :chuckle: It was so annoying after the method to work out the Marlay/V fest code was revealed. I honestly didn't think it'd have anything to do with songs/albums!


    Yay. :D Aww hehe. Ah yeah, The Bilderbergers are in the book too. Yeah they pretty much plan everything. Did you know the voting for George Bush's presidential electrion was fixed? He knows the truth behind all the false flag operations and helped to cover them all up. So it just goes to show you really can't trust any leaders. What I find mostly interesting though is the media and how they're manipulating us through it and creating all these different forms of entertainment to stop us from thinking too much. And it's scary because it's actually working. Like did you know that terrorism doesn't even exist? They're just trying to insight hatred upon the middle east so they can go to war with them and get more money. It's just really frightening to even think about the future with the way it's heading. Oh definitely. :yesey: A lot of people are starting to get fed up with Matt's conspiracy theories but I hope he carries on with them all and carries on voicing his opinions on it cause it is interesting to know his thoughts on these subjects. :D

  24. I am quite. Haha exactly! I mean, that is all it took for me. :LOL:


    Ooh what guitar are you gonna get? modded tele with fuzz factory and MBK1/2s? :shifty:

  25. I just do.. we only get a lesson specifically for our instrument once a week and it's not enough!



    Yeah. I can't have any time off. It's my birthday tomorrow and my manager won't even let me go home an hour earlier.


    Did you get tickets for french gigs? I can'tttt :( the year after I will be able to go to gigs abroad for sure. I'm saving up for iceland :D


    Awesome. I dunno about favourite.. KoC is my fav live. :D


    will i be able to use the lovefilm code despite having done a 3 month trial before? are you allowed to do more than one?


    haha sure, you weirdo :p Thanks. :) Just out of interest..what colour is it?

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