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Status Updates posted by Megglen

  1. I'm pretty? Since when?

  2. Megglen

    I'm at boarding school silly. I'm home for the weekend. I've been there for about... 4 weeks now

  3. Megglen

    Well, I was thinking of taking them to boarding school with me, but it's too much hassle. I'll start a feed up on the holidays :LOL:

  4. Megglen

    :awesome: They've both changed shells and one of them has dug himself under Buddah and the other is testing the water with his claw
  5. Megglen

    I have a hermit crab update for you! Wanna hear?

  6. *giggles* " Ye got a request to join your crew."

  7. It's such a sexy name :p

  8. :yesey:

    I always forget to add Musers, so I don't have many

  9. Pfft! Seriously, I need to down size my nose

  10. :LOL: I'm not that pretty
  11. :LOL:

    It's great to see another Andrew lover about!


    Yeah sure :)

  12. Holy ship! You changed your avatar... Is this the new world? It's sexier than I imagined

  13. :happy: Thanks Matt, I don't think computers are tasty anyways :p
  14. :'( Someone chucked out my brother's computer. Now I can't eat it!

    Sorry Matt

    Will my hair pics suffice for this?

  15. :chuckle: Okay, okay :p I can do that much
  16. Matty, you're not going to make me eat a computer are you? :supersad:

  17. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  18. :LOL: It's okay, I was only beginning to wonder...


    It's okay *hugs* I'll add some more stuff to it, when I find it.

  19. To be honest with you, I can't remember where I got it, I think it was out of Google Images :LOL:

  20. My Chaser Album Take what you want, & I always upload new stuff when I find it :)
  21. Do you want just Andrew? Or all of the boys from The Chaser?

  22. :LOL: I'll put my collection together & send it to you
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