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Everything posted by Johanna

  1. Which is why I've never gone abroad. It is expensive.

  2. Hahahahahaha good one!

  3. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm pizza! I love Italian food. :D

  4. Yep they're all the same. :chuckle:

  5. Sounds familiar. Parents, huh? :chuckle:

  6. Moikka! Näin viestisi juuri meidän Suomalaisessa foorumissa. Kiva että olet päässyt asumaan Englannissa. Taitaa tuntua oudolta olla takaisin Suomessa sen jälkeen? Itse en tiedä kokemuksesta koska en ole vielä päässyt käymään ulkomailla mutta suunnitelmissa on kyllä jonain päivänä. Harmi että et pääse osallistumaan RAH tapaamiseen, höh. Huonoa tuuria. :kiss:

  7. Mum always gets overprotective when I'm leaving back home, hehe. Gives me tight cuddles and keeps telling me to be careful out there in the dark. Naaww, mum's.

  8. My mother's looking after my dog too because my own flat won't allow pets. But she lives pretty near and I visit pretty often to visit them both.

  9. I'm sure the snow will appear right before Christmas :D Hehe my dog is jealous of the new cat statue I bought today. Poor puppy. *pets* But she's also really curious and keeps wondering why the statue just keep staring and won't play with her hehe.

  10. This is my first Christmas in my own flat so I wanna make the house look good. :D Thick snow? Sweet! We haven't seen any signs of snow here yet.

  11. You had snow earlier than us heh. It's been nothing but rainy and cold here for weeks. *shudder* Snow makes Christmas more Christmas-like. Speaking of which I bought some more decorations today again. I found a really cute cat statue too that I just had to buy hehe.

  12. Most of the places in Finland were cloudy so most of us didn't get to witness this but I'm hoping to see some stunning photos of this soon. :happy: *chases the fog away*

    .. I miss the snow .. all we have here now is rain and rain and more rain. I like rain but I prefer snow.

  13. It was a real meteor, wow! They confirmed it today.

  14. Yeah I heard this is the busiest Uni time now but once you get the essays done it's gonna be a huge relief and then the holiday's here already. :happy: Wow there was a beautiful fireball over Finland last night. Green with a long tail. I hope there'll be pictures of it soon.

  15. Gotta love Christmas for that hehe. We're allowed to be kids again. :chuckle: Uni's being horribly busy? *huggle*

  16. I turn into a kid again when it's close to Christmas :LOL: Yep the reality can get real busy and people can't get online as much. But I'm still lurking around here when I can. :D

  17. That's been my fault *blush* I'm good too thanks! Started a new job, nice place and cool people. :happy: 4 days every week. I can start saving money for the future Muse gigs now, yay! I also went Christmas shopping already and decorated my flat a bit this early heh.

  18. Surprise! *hugs* How are you? Long time no speak!

  19. Hi there, familiar girl! Your profile pic is made of win! :D

  20. Yeah it seems to have moved, many new questions keep coming in. It's located here now:




    Still has the -13 score.

  21. But I gave you a link to the page where my question is located at the moment.

  22. Moi! Hyvää kuuluu! Entä sinulle?


    I actually started to like Apocalyptica when Perttu joined them. He's my favourite member in the band. Especially after the stares that he gave me during the gig hehe. I was right in front, at the barrier, on his side of the stage and he kept staring at me. I haven't met them yet but hopefully when they come back home to Finland from the long world tour.


    That was a nice birthday gift for you, then. :happy:


    Now my question's score is -13. It was -14 just now but got a plus point from somewhere. It keeps going between -13 and -14, heh. Have you found people to support my question? :)

  23. Kippis!


    Puhut hyvin Suomea. :happy:


    When did you become a fan of Apocalyptica? I've liked them since 2001 and became a real fan in 2006, and saw them live for the first time in 2007. Worlds Collide is my favourite album from them so far.

  24. Moi!


    Osaat Suomea? Vau!


    Muse & Apocalyptica on paras!


    Thanks for offering your support. :happy:

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