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Status Updates posted by Pinky753

  1. Wow, hello! Kinda surprised I didn't run into at Reading, seeing how often we do run into each other :LOL: I'm grand thanks, how've you been? :happy: x

  2. Cos there's more Musers on here than facebook! :awesome:

  3. It only took me a month to respond...Also I kinda impulsively bought the Knights of Cydonia 7" :awesome:

  4. Lol, cheers :LOL: I'm converting into a PCTer! :eek:

  5. I dunno daaaaavey, cos we're wicked innit

  6. I see me too, paradoxical innit

  7. hiya, have we spoken before? My memory is appalling :LOL:

  8. :LOL: Ah Matt's little dance! He got some sexy moves going on :chuckle:

    It's getting really close to the muse gigs I'll be attending... I'm very curious about the set design! Exciting stuff :D

    That weather sounds very depressing- though I love it when the leaves start to change colour, it looks so beautiful :happy: It's pretty chilly and damp here too, but I don't mind as I have a slight fever so cold weather is welcome! :LOL: Aside from being ill, uni is wonderful fun, I can't reccomend it enough :D bye again (for now)!

  9. Oh my word, I can't believe how slow I've been in replying... sorry! :$ I'm off to uni in a week so I'm going to be veryvery busy, I doubt I'll be on for a fair while :( I'll try though! Exciting times on the board, what with Matt posting for the first time in about 7 years :LOL:

    As for the gigs, they were absolutely mind blowing, oh my gozilla! There was only 1 person between me and the barrier, and I was right in front of Matt, total heaven on earth :awesome: <3 And they played so many new songs... what a wonderful way to hear them for the first time! I can't wait till I see them on November :happy:

    Yeah it was me on tv, it was so weird hearing my voice on the video clip :LOL: Though unfortunately my blue hair has faded to grey! It's going pink again soon enough ;)

    AND I MET TEH KIRK!!!! Well I didn't really have a pwopper conversation, he was filming fans as they dashed to the barrier after being admitted to the arena area, and I said "Hi Tom!" as I walked next to him and he said "Hey!" then I dashed off towards the barrier. And he is soooo much more gorgeous in real life, such an adorable smile, he could give Matt a run for his money! *fangirl moment over* And thankyou for the wonderful picture, Matt is looking veery nice these days :cool:

    ciao for now m'dear :happy:

  10. I'm currently in the queue at Teignmouth :D I'm hopeing they'll play something off the album we haven't heard yet! The summer holidays are indeed pretty much gone though I don't really mind right now :)

  11. Heya :happy: oh my word, don't talk to me about work... I had to do night shifts this weekend, finishing at 5 in the morning :( I'm pwopper knackered! The summer holiday does seem to have gone by very quickly, but then I am really looking forward to starting uni.

    Oh my goodness, the previews! I can't stop listening to them, I particularly love Resistance and Undisclosed Desires. Only 15 days til we can hear them all! And I can't wait to see the video for Uprising :awesome: Tis a good time to be a muse fan!

  12. Urgh, I hate the heat! It makes me too lazy to do anything :rolleyes: I've still got a month of summer holidays, but it's going to be filled with work :indiff: but- only 33 days til the resistance! :awesome:

    No worries about being curious :happy: I've finished college, and I'm starting uni in september, I totally can't wait to go- though mostly for the parties! And of course all the muse gigs in november :D

  13. Hi, I'm great thanks, how about you?

    It is a shame we can't have pwopper chats anymore, the PMT doesn't seem so much fun anymore- though there are some veery nice new pictures appearing of the guys :cool:

    The snippets of interviews and news are all so exciting! I only really got into Muse as they were finishing their BHaR tour, so I've never experienced the "new album hype" before, it's jolly good fun :happy: Only 37 days til it's released! When are your school holidays?

    It's the Doctor Who theme that Uprising reminds me of.. and it was love at first hearing for me too :D I know what you mean about USoE being more complicated, uprising does seem a bit easy and simple for Muse. Love them both though! And I'm positively dribbling for the album :LOL:

    No worries about my bday, I was too busy to get a chance to go on the board anyway :rolleyes:

    Seeya dude :)

  14. Heya :happy: I'm sure Uprising reminds me of another song I know, I just can't remember which one... not a muse song, anyway! I can't wait to hear Matt singing french, only 44 days til the album's out :D

    It's my birthday today so I'll no doubt be stuffing my face with... all of the foods you mentioned :D

    Cheers! :)

  15. I'm utterly stuffed! My mum's on holiday so I've been eating a ridiculous amount of pizza and brownies :rolleyes: How've you been?

    It's definitely a Monty Python-esque approach to music! I luuuurve the Chopin at the end, very beautiful :happy: And have you heard the first 30 seconds of Uprising?!? :eek: It sounds amazing! I totally can't wait for Monday :D

    The site looks very very different from when I was last on... but I'm liking the pictures in the background, I now have the piano one as my desktop :happy: Though I might change it to one of the new ones from the studio, the black and white ones, Matt's looking very yummy! ;)

    Ciao for now :kiss: xxx

  16. I wish I could have got involved in the treasure hunt but I was always at work when the stations were being unlocked, by the time I got home there was nothing to solve :rolleyes: From what I could gather the puzzles were bloody difficult!

    Of course, red Matt is totally smexy! :cool:

    I wasn't at all sure about the song at first, when I heard the first clip I was like :erm: and then when it kicked off I thought it just sounded like a queen rip off, but it's growing on me a lot :happy: The problem is I don't really like queen, which is obviously a BIG inspiration on this song :rolleyes: I totally can't wait to hear the rest of it though!

    I'm going to be buying NME before I go to work today, can't wait to read that... and see the new pictures! The ones on twitter lately are awesome :D Bye for now! xxx :kiss:

  17. Hey! I'm so so sorry I haven't replied or been posting in so long, my only excuse is that I've been working a hell of a lot and I rarely have time to do more than quickly check the latest pictures :( Hopefully I'll have a little bit of free time tomorrow morning and friday afternoon! All this treasure hunt stuff is so exciting :awesome:

    I don't think I could pick a favourite album, but if I did it would probably be OoS... but my fav song by far is Falling Away With You :happy: Trust me to pick the one song I'll never hear live! And of course red Matt rocks the most... though I think blue Matt could give him a run for his money, so to speak :D Anyway I'll try veryvery hard to catch up on the PMT, night night for now xxx :kiss:

  18. Hmm, that would be weird... I would probably end up getting them confused and posting in the wrong thread! It was well exciting getting the track names one by one, Glastonbury was amazing, so much fun and loads of stuff going on, I reckon Franz were the best bit :) Hopefully I will be on sometime, but as I don't have a day off for another 8 days, it's not likely! :rolleyes:

  19. :eek: They can't close the PMT! It's been there in one form or another since the board started!

    The tracklist sounds soooo cool, I like the sound of "guiding light". Also I actually know what MK Ultra is! I read about it in a brainwashing book, I felt so proud to already be in the know about matt's conspiracy stuff :D

    I don't know if I'll be posting much in the PMT/ PMT loveboat at the moment cos I'm working pretty much every day and I'm totally knackered when I get in, oh the things I do to pay for muse tickets! Talk to you soon :happy:

  20. Usually at night, I drop in now and the during the day but usually there isn't anyone in the PMT... speaking of which, what happened while I was at Glastonbury? Why do we have to chat in a love boat now? :erm:

  21. No worries :happy: How've you been?

  22. No, I meant do you want it :rolleyes: I had it on my phone, anyway it doesn't matter cos there weren't any more on sale this morning :(

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