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Posts posted by MuseGal

  1. They could do this at the Greek. It didn't have to be the Mayan, The issue is that the fan service setlists literally never happen. Now they are and they do 2 shows in the US at tiny venues.


    At the risk of sounding like an idiot, what is a fan service setlist?

  2. I got 2 tickets, I think the queue was random, I got into the waiting room at 9:45 on my iPhone, and 9:50 on my ipad, and my iPad was the one that got the tickets first. I tried on my phone to "bypass the waiting room" at 10:00 and it put me right back into the virtual waiting room. I think I just got lucky though.

  3. The craziest gig I've been to was LA Rising, Rage fans are insane. My advice would be if your having a horrible time and you're in a particularly bad spot in the pit, just have someone pick you up and crowd surf to the front. Don't be scared or ashamed that you can't handle it, you'll have a much better time in the back where there is more elbow room. The front of the pit isn't for everyone. It's worse for shorter girls

  4. I've had several Muse dreams :3

    The most recent one was I was on a class field trip at a home improvement store (I know... Weird). And all of a sudden Matt is walking around and there are girls following him and I freaked out, I ran over to him but he was kind of being overwhelmed by everyone (however he seemed to enjoy it... ;) ) and I remember him saying "I sure wish I had some trail mix right now" and suddenly that was the only goal in my life. FIND MATT TRAIL MIX! As you can imagine it was hard to do in Home Depot, but my god I looked for what seemed hours, and after I realized there was no trail mix in the store I cried like a baby. That's all I remember haha. So random.

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