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Posts posted by MuseGal

  1. GA looks to be 180.00$ with fees, damn. So is this a festival type thing? Where I'll have to stand in the sun all day to get close to the stage?


    Yeeeep, GA is pretty small though, plus KROQ will undoubtedly save some tickets for contests. I'm thinking GA tickets will be tough to get

  2. I'm definitely going for GA, not gonna half ass anything. How long are these kinds of setlists? And are there usually multiple stages at weenie roast?


    Yeah, at least there was the last time I went. The less known bands are on a smaller stage earlier during the day, but there's no way bigger bands time slots conflict with each other. So Florence can't be on the same time as muse is on.

  3. I would almost guarantee it. Too bad KROQ holds all the pit and loge seats for their BS contests... At least it'll likely be webcast.


    Or Modest Mouse, their new album is so good :D wouldn't mind seeing them.

    Edit: Damn it's March 16th, was making plans to go but realized I'm going to see Lana Del Rey that day :(

  4. This is indeed true. Fairly certain the luckiest I've ever been in my life, haha. & OR, but nowhere near a convenient airport. Which wasn't a big deal for L.A. Rising, but things are considerably different this time around.


    Hmm tricky. Well if it helps at all I can give you a ride to wherever you need to go after the concert, like a hotel or an airport or something :D

  5. That honestly would make me feel better - I'm... uh... well, shy, to put it lightly, and never thought I'd actually be seeing Muse by myself. I'll have to travel pretty extensively to get to the show, which has roused much of the anxiety I have.


    Ahh I see, well I understand the part about being anxious to travel by yourself, but I don't see you looking back and regretting it. It's an adventure... as cheesy as that sounds :p

    You probably would regret not going though, since muse hardly ever plays at small shows, and since apparently hardly anyone could get tickets on here, yet you were lucky enough to get one :dance:

    Where are you coming from?

  6. Managed (somehow, I honestly have NO IDEA) to score a ticket at the presale, but sadly have no one to go with. Debating whether it's even worth it to fly down and go by myself :(


    You should go. People are going crazy over these tickets! If anything me and my friend will keep you company :)

  7. I'd be concerned that's just an automated email definition of Will Call, since this is still an unusual way to distribute tickets.


    It's fine if you're local, but I'd be worried to travel on that assumption.


    I've had this sort of set up at non-Muse gigs, and they typically swiped your credit card, and didn't bother checking ID unless something went wrong.

    Bringing your confirmation email has been less than useless for me, Will Call or Credit Card entry gig - got turned away after driving all the way to Colorado, even though I had my ID, card, and an email clearly stating I'd made the purchase, because they couldn't locate my tickets at Will Call.


    Well they also never specifically said "the cardholder will be wristanded" they said "patrons will be wristbanded"

    I think they were trying to scare away scalpers, surely they kept into consideration that parents might buy their kids tickets, especially cause this show is "for all ages" :unsure:

  8. Actually, the way people are scalping tickets to these gigs is quite simple, and bypasses the ID problem.

    When someone told me how it worked, I actually felt like an idiot for having had to ask him and not realizing it myself.

    I'm a bit surprised StubHub took them down, tbh, and a bit mad because I was about to get a reasonably priced LA ticket when they did (if you count $700 as reasonable.)


    I'm currently trying to talk some guy down from $2000, so we'll see how that goes... Got until tomorrow to secure the days off of work...


    *edit: Just got an email back from the person who I was working with to get tickets, and he claims that he was told less than half the venue capacity was released in the onsales for tickets, about 1/3 of the venue for "promotional purposes" and then the rest VIP.

    I don't know if he's bullshitting me so as to not come down on his asking price, but he seemed to have some pretty specific info.


    In my confirmation email it says

    "You selected Will Call for your delivery method. You can pick up your tickets at the box office window during regular box office hours. Please bring a valid photo ID and the credit card used to purchase these tickets."

    So I'm pretty sure it's easy to get into the venue without being the person who actually purchased them, which is a good thing for me :LOL:

  9. The plane will be saltier than the Dead Sea if it's a good set.

    I love the contrast seeing all the planning in the NYC thread and just bitterness and off topic here.


    Don't really want to show my excitement in here and rub it in people's faces.

    Also cause I'm scared of you all :shifty:

  10. LOL, I was in front of where all the fires were being started on the field. That was such a fun gig (mostly because I wasn't directly at where all the fires were being lit). :LOL:


    I was 1 person behind barrier right in the middle... Where it was the worst. At least I wasn't in the middle of a mosh pit, we were too squished to even start one


    It got incredibly sketchy towards the end. The swarms down the stands trying to overwhelm the security guards... The giant mosh pits with huge angry dudes... The bonfires, eventually helicopters. I feel like that one almost got outta hand.

    I'm actually very surprised that didn't get out of hand. It was the perfect recipe for a shit show. Hopefully this one is full of non lame people who get as embarrassing as I do once muse hits the stage :shifty:

  11. Especially sitting out in the hot sun ALL DAY. That was such a marathon, then having RATM work the huge crowd up into a frenzy at the end. I was a shell of a human being at the end of that. Looking forward to a much more concise concert with a setlist that can only be better :)


    That show is so intense. I still have nightmares about it sometimes :LOL:

    Seriously though. By the end of the night I was the only girl in my section, cause all other girls either moved elsewhere or just left altogether.

  12. Yeah I read a guy in the NYC thread just needed his Mom's ID/Credit card to pick up. If your dad is physically there to get the tickets from will call you should be fine.


    Still, it's worth a call ahead.


    I remember chatting with you at LA Rising :). You gave line updates for my friend and I, who were very hungover and slow moving :LOL:


    Oh right, fun times :LOL: hopefully you won't be too hung over this time, that's the worst feeling ever.

  13. EDITED: Me foolishly posting about being excited to see Muse




    Neat, read this right after I posted. Maybe the reason nobody is posting about getting tickets is because it's so shitty in here


    ^^ Sorry you guys didn't get tickets but don't make everyone else who did feel bad about it. Sheeesh.

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