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Status Updates posted by yoselyn

  1. tumblr_kw1uov2KAy1qzrcl9o1_400.jpg


    That's why we're awesome, amirite?

  2. Ah, cool. You should come down for Mardi Gras in February. :yesey:

  3. :awesome:


    I didn't even see what you put in your location. Are you originally from nola?

  4. Thank you :kiss:

    How are you?

  5. Hey, I'm good. Just got back from work and I'm super tired. You?

  6. Thank you. :)


    Nothing much really. You?

  7. Can't say I've ever seen it. I've heard of the show before though.


    I know. :( Next tour, I'll make sure I do see them.

  8. Hello :)


    Right now...um, I'd say Hoodoo. You?

  9. I'm good :)



  10. Besides the other crap, I'm pretty good.


    My aunt's house looks like a freaking hostel right now

  11. The whole time we've been talking I never once asked how you were doing. How are you? :)

  12. Haha no problem : ]

    The first time I saw it I cracked up laughing

  13. haha thanks

    how are you?

  14. : D Thanks

    how are you?

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