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Status Updates posted by illuz

  1. :p buonasera amica! (good evening friend!!) come va? ( como éstas?? xDDD) ahahahh!! thx!!! it's an honor for me!!

    awww little matty in the ball!!! xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


    BANANA MATT PROTECT U!! xDDD from trouble and pain xDD (HOODOO :p:p)


    REALLY?? DO U LIKE MY PIC?? aaawwwww :rolleyes::rolleyes: THXXXXXX SO MUCHHHHH!!! xDDDDDDDDDDDD


    p><p> <img src=[/img]


    awww soo cuuteee!!! dom and hendrixxx <3<3<3


    hey little crazy kid!! CHEERSSS!!

    write me soooooooonnnnnnn!!


    today:* time is hugs out! ( no sense..xD) and.................O.O ....... space kissesssssss!!!!*

    i'm dementiaa xDDD and crazyyyyy xDDDDDDDDD


    BANANA MATT SEE U! xDDD :eek::LOL:;)

  2. ahuahauahauhhh!! HOLLAAA AMIGOSSS!! xDDDDDDDDDDDDD je vais bien! merci! xDDD heyyyyyyyy my video is ready! but on you tube i can't post it because the music is against you tube rights....(SH*T!) XDDD but i resolve the problem...grrrrrrr!! you want learn italian??? really??? OMG! if you would learn italian...it's an honor!! i'd learn spanish! so i can speak 5 languages!! COOLLLL!! xDDDD


    :eek: the pictureee!! i use it for my pc! :D:D:D thx!!!!!!!!!!!!


    p><p> [color=Magenta]i make it!! xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD i know it

    awwww this boy is spectacular!! <3<3<3 crazy time!! xDDD


    HEY UUU CRAZY KIDDD!!! see u soon! (write me soon!!)[/color]


    *muscle muse-HUGS and gloriuos kisses xDDD*


    CHEERS! :p:p:p

  3. ciaoooo!! hollaaa!! moi je vais bien!! xDDD todo bien! xDDDD and uuu??? grazie..AHAHAH!! good! you know italian!! xDDDi use the translate in google.it!! xDD yeha multi-languages!!! grazie..ahahahah!!:LOL::LOL: you're welcome ahha!! :p hey! you are the genie in the bottle! u can go to see muse's concert!!! xDDDso make a wish xDDD <a href=f_1211848rq7m_96bc2f0.jpg' alt='f_121184


    ahahahahhhh!!!!! beautiful photo!!!! he works hard!! xDDD :LOL::LOL:


    *apocalypse hugs! and eternally kisses xDDDD*

    bye byeee hallooo adiossss ciaooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    <3<3matteo domenico cristoforo <3<3<3



  4. HOLAAA!! ¿cómo estás? ( how are u? i wrote the right form?? omg! i used the translateeee xDDD!!), what are u doing?? today i had 4 languages to school!! english ( i listened a story xDD) , french (i did a LITTLE text xDD), german ( ehm..ehm....:indiff: keep going!) and italian ( sorry i didn't listen the lesson xDD)!! WHATT?? 15 WEBS???

    only M-U-S-E?? O.O So you are really god!!! or maybe..the genie in the bottle :p:p!!

    anyway..my video..yehaaa my videooo!! COFF COFF...horrible.....xDDD

    you must make another video!! nononoo!!! another...100,1000,100....000 videoss!! i'll love them!! i'm sure!! xDDDDDDDDDD

    hey crazy kid: CHEERS!!

    *supermassive hugs and a city of kisses only for uuu!!* xDDD



    muse are proud of you!

    and remember....YOU AND I MUST FIGHT TO...see muse!!! xDDDD


    bye byeeeee adioossss ciaoooooo halloooo au revoirr xDD


    ma chére xDDD

  5. bonjour!!! xDDD yeha i love french! i study it!! xDDD tomorrow i have a little text...O.O xDDDDD but..NO PROBLEM!! BATMATT IS WITH ME!! xDDDDDDD hey u! crazy kids!!![COLOR="Lime"]xDDD yaa yaaa matt want kiss u ahahahah!!!:LOL::LOL:beautiful dream not? xDDD

    omggggggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!! i found very scary photos of dominiccccccc ahahah!!:LOL::LOL: crazy boy! hey! but u are everywhere!! also in last.fm !! me too!! i'm illuz ashamed xDDDDDDDDDDDD omg! xDDD[/color]


    anyway...yeha! flashchris!! it's a great name!

    the video...the video..omg the video..it's horrible xDDD without effect!!! yours is SUPER-massive beautiful ueeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!:$:$:LOL::D


    ciaoooooooo adiossssssssssss halloooooo hellooooo au revoirrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!


    *supermassive hugs and kissesssssssssssss!!*




    WE SAVE THE PLANET!!! and cydonia too xDDDD

  6. me tooo!!! i love oos!!! xDDD

  7. i'm 14!!! how are u? what's your favourite muse's song??

  8. holaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:LOL::LOL:i don't study spanish but my best friend learn it!!! xDDD how are u?? yeha!! good name for the video!! :LOL::LOL: EVERYBODY MUST SEE MY VIDEO!! it's a joke xDDD it will be an horrible video i think xDDD but...............................yeha i saw muse last year in verona! matt was front of me :rolleyes::rolleyes: i wish that you can see them!! and matt..............will kiss u!! xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!! ok??!! it's a beautiful immagination! house of rising sun..:rolleyes: i love this song! but my favourite now is glorious......!!! xDD


    matt save u! with dom! xD he's spiderdom not? ahahah!! chris is wonderwoman! oh god..poor boy...xDD


    do u like french???:p


    bye byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    ciaooooooo xDDDD

    hallooo ahahxDD


    cheers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and have a great time!


    *hugs and kisses*


    (matteo domenico and cristoforo see u xDDD)

  9. :LOL::LOL: yeha i'm ok!! fortunately the sun is shining!! xDDD :LOL::D

  10. :Di come from italy xDDD!! how old are u?

  11. hey!!! how are u???

  12. heyà!!!!! matt matteo bells ......blabla xDxDDDDD he has lots of names xDDD ( he's also my love xDD xDD)

    :p i love these smiles!! they're so funnyyyyyyyyyy uhuuuuuuuuuu xDDDD (crazy time oh godddddnesssss xDDDDDD)

    so.....you're so lucky!!!! know..i want going to maldive!!! anyway the sun is shining xDDD HALLELUJAAAAAAA!!!!!! IT'S A MIRACLEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! xDD


    yehaaaa!!! ITALY is a nice country!! :stunned::erm::confused: nooo it's a joke!!! xDDDDDDD i hate italy xDDD i'll escape:uka:


    I'm writing to you and later i'll make a video tribute for muse!! xDDDD well...the title will be...muse funny espressions!! no..........bad name...-.-" oh i don't know ahah!!


    hey!! muse see u!! ok???????? xDD:sapphire:


    ciaoooooo xDDDD CHEERS!! =D*kisses and hugs*


    ................................dom is a sexy boy........................................................xDDD

    spiderdom the bestttttt and teddy chris tooo



    muse stayed in southamerica for long time O.O you saw them?? have u ever been in their concert??' ( GOOOODDDDDD MY ENGLISHHHHHHHH SO BAAADDDDDDDD S**T!!! xDDDDDDDDD)

    god save the queen xD and me too...xD

  13. xD xD i'm good u?? where are u from?

  14. hi! thx for l'add!! how are u??

  15. oh my god!!!! xDDDDDDDDD yehhaaaa you're crazy!!! omg!! tehehe!!:LOL::LOL::LOL: lolz!!yeha i'll see your video!! no! i do it now!!! noooo i have 6 in english xDDDDD (6= no good...:(:( xDD) your marks are with numbers or letters?? xDDD stupide question xDDD

    here the weather is cloudy :'(:pimp::sapphire: yeha i'm ok!!! thx for the comments in my album xDDDDD!!! yeha it's dom!!! ohh poor....little...stupid...dommy...xDDD :nerd::uka::rabbi:


    ooohh mattt!!!! my god!!! (matt) in italian his name is matteo ahahahah!!!

    domenico and cristoforo ahahah!!! omg!! sooooooo....snow-clad the street!! hurràà!!!



    well.....what are u doing??? do u have a questions?? come in italy!!! we can meet with matt xDDD eehhhhh!!!! xDDDD






    matteo, domenico and cristoforo the best!!! new cd is coming! but the name? you know it?? O.O i wish that they come in italy!!!


    cheers fuse by muse xDD

  16. ahahah!! hii!!! (we're muse xDxD) yeha!! i'll see that!! right now!! xDxD

    muse are poud of u!! cheer up!!!:D:D:p xDxDxDsun 4 ever!! xDxD i'm crazy now xDxD but today is a good day xDxD expecially in maths ahahah

    stop xDxDhow are u dear???:D



    PS: it's raining nooooo xDxDxD:LOL::eek::D

  17. heyllàà!!! i'm in your forum!! it's amazing!! i sign in it!! :p:p:p thx for the support :D:D




    oohhh the sunn :'(:'(:ninja::LOL:

  18. ooh great!! i'm great! the snow are falling xDxD and u?? what's the wheather???? :D:D but...:(:( wendsday:( i must go to school...NOOOOOOOOOO!!! 2 hours of maths!! :(:(:(

  19. yeha is a great song!!! i always listen to dom who say cheers!! xDxD he's so stupid!! i love their funny moments in youtube xDxD oh yeha wonderful day too

  20. aaaahhh glorious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O.o i respect u!!! xDxDxD

  21. wow this song is beautiful!!! compliments!!!!

    i love your songs!! and take a bow is a great song!!!

  22. yess!! oohhhhh the new cd!!! XP amazing!!!

    ok!! thx!!!

  23. heyyy u too!!! happy 2009!! wow..new year O.o xDxD

  24. heheh yeha! u too!! oh thanks! xDD ok if i have a problem...i will tell u!!

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