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Status Updates posted by illuz

  1. ehehe! cierto! domma nn aspetta altro te lo dico io xDDD

    beh le scarpe di james blunt sn dei strani stivali molto cool O.O penso ke jeli abbia prestati domma! o.O bellissimo il cappello rosa nn credi xDDD bello ed utile x ballare sui tubi e cubi eheh!!

  2. LOOOLLL! you're right!! ich heisse super fantastisch!! ich trinke shampus mit lachfisch!! xDDDDD soo funny!! i love "do u want to.."!!! alex danced xDDD so funnyyy!! yeha last year they went to ferrara a city near to mine O.o i wish they will come in Hawaii!!

  3. yehaaa!! that were great!! ahaha dom in lake of como LOL!! AWW muse's new album!!! and the tour in september! i wish they will come in italy! wow! it's amazing!! greaat!! i love franz ferdinand! expecially darts of pleasure! xDDD funny video xD

  4. where do u find your avatar?? it's amazing!!! do u like franz ferdinand too?

  5. omgggggg!! ammoraa ke colpo ke mi sn venutaaa!! ma ciertoo! adex potremmo chattare mejo su qst coso di cui il nome nn ricordo!!! aaww ma ke bell avatar giuoiaaaa!!

    la bassista è tornataaa!! like a virginnn

    i love u too xDDDD

  6. holaaa!! how are u???? sorry! i couldn't repond u soon but i had much things to do!! SORRY SORRY SORRYYY!! anyway..................omg!!! dommehhh my litte boyfriendd!! in that pic u are soooo sexyy honeyy!! ahuahauahauhhh!! :LOL::LOL:

    do u like james blunt?? aaww here he's so famous!! my favourite song is WISEMAN!! xDDDDDDDDDDDDD it's sad but..i like it xDDD!!! james! cool hat xDDD it's pink!! xDDD perfect for dom and his fake pink hair xDDD!!!


    a question for u (much stupid xD) : do u like horse?? :$:$:p xDDD

    look that!! love is in the airrrrr xDD




    ahauahauahh!! matty is soo small!! poorrr!! but he's soo cute!! aawwww :rolleyes::rolleyes:


    HEY U CRAZY KID!! write me soon!! and sorry again :(:(


    *howard hugs bellamy kisses and wolstenholme bye bye!!*



    banana matt the bessstt and f***k the rest!! yehaaa!!

  7. ahuahauahuhhh!!! hiiii!! yeha i live in italy and matt too! he lives in lake of como! i went there last year...but he didn't was there :'(:'( sooooooooo yehaaa i love shopping too!! xDDDDDDDDDDDD expecially for buy new shirts or shoes!! xDD i love converse!! xDD

    yeha...i'm still a student :(:D and i study languages: french, german and englishhhhhhhhh!! xDDDDDDDD and you? are u still a student too??? awww haarp!! it's a great dvd!!! the best for me! aawww i hope that u can go to see muse soon!!! and u can come to italy too xDDD we can go to shopping together xDDD not? xD

    hey! a cute pic for u!!


    awww :rolleyes::rolleyes: xDDD


    hey! write me soon!!!



  8. xDDD yeha i went to verona two years ago xD

  9. hollaaaa!! ahahaha nice pics!! xDDD expecially the first aawww spongebobbb xDDD lovely sponge :rolleyes::rolleyes: ahahah yehaaa the second one is so funny!! ahuahauahuhh!!

    and...my favourite singers!!!


    tehe! matt bellamy!! absolutely!! xD


    the beautiful hayley williams xDD



    kurt cobain!! RIP god...



    *in the groove hugs and muse kisses xD*


  10. holaaaaa!! how are u??????? yeha, i'm feeling good!! xDDD well. beautiful voice! what are u doing? yesterday we chatted on msn! xDDD aawww matt with red hair!! how is beautiful xDD why matt is jealous??? what's happen?? mmh my compatibility (long word xD) is with dommeh O.o but i talk in films xDDD

    anyway...the pics of the day!!



    what??!! :eek::eek: dom play the bass??? but..but...whaaatt??!! it's impossible xDD dum...xDD matt is drunk i think xD


    damn fan xDDD *jealous* xDDDDDDDDDDDD


    well crazy kid!! i'll wait your reponds xDD

    write me soonnn!!

    cheers!! *unintended hugs and sober kisses xDD*

  11. hey nice place!! have u ever been at muse concert??

  12. heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xDDDDDDDDD

    aaww i love OOS too!!!! but now my favourite song is glorious *______* xDDD

    yeha! but we must wait until the end of the year i think T.T


    hey where are u from???

  13. hhooolla!! how are you?? what are u doing?? really????!!!!! OMG!!! banana matt loves me?? aaawww that's coolll!! me toooo!! xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


    are u perfect for dom or for chris?? matt says anything :-((( :(



    matt's daddy!! he looks like matt !!! unbelieveble!! O.O

    omg you're right!!! they're so similar!! ahahahahah!!! death note xDDD the anime cartoon in mtv , isn't true?? xDDDD

    hey crazy kid!! write me soonn!! and keep going with your amazing videos and beautiful pics!!!


    *microcuts hugs and futurism kisses xDD*


  14. hhoooollllaaaa!!! how are u??? aaawwwwwwwwww do u love my pic for u??? aawww :rolleyes::rolleyes: me too!! i love your fantastic pics!! thx so much!! hey i had a great mark in french! :p:LOL: trés bien!! xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    ahahahuahauah!! matt's hair!! he's losing his hair!! he's bald! OMG!! xDDDD



    awwww so cute and littleee!! SCRICIOLOOO!! xDDDD






    heyyy!!! enjoy with matt!!! xDDDD adiosssssss


    hey u CRazy kidsSSss!!!

    *boredom hugs and kisses kane xDDDDDDDD*

  15. heyyy!!! xDDD wow aawww holidays!! i want it so much!!

    what's your favourite muse's song?? and cd??

  16. hollaaa!! how are u???? awwww you tooo!!!

    ahahaahhuahauah! i'm playing the drum with dommeh xDD he teachs me to play new born xDDD!!!

    remember we'll kill muse abuse!! xDDDDDDDD LOLZ!!


    THX VERY MUCH FOR THE PIC!! aaawwwwwww it's for meee aawww thx!! :rolleyes:


    this is my pic for uuu xDDDDDD my promise xD


    do u like it????????


    starlight??? yehaaaa i believe it! xDDD :LOL::p

    oui je suis aussi magician xDD!


    banana matt's watching u xDDDD

    hey u crazy kid!! write me soonn!!! :kiss::kiss:


    *bliss hugs and the small kisses!* for uuu xDDDD


  17. holllaa! mine is mizzeghe.94@hotmail.it xDDD i add u!!! xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    yeha! that guitar is shining!! omg!! me tooo! i want sing starlight with...CHRIS!!! my loooveeee xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD and his four babies!!! hurràààà!

    alfie, frankie, ava joe and enrie the best!! omg..impollinator xDDD ahahahauahauah!!

    dom had brown hair i think xD yehaaa matt is so sexy with red hair awww!!! :p


    little miss sunshine xDDD




    matt looks like god! xDDDD ah yeha!! he's god!! xDDDDDDDDDDD


    je suis magician loooollll!! xDDD


    hey girl! u crazy girl (kid)!!!

    cheers! and.................*starlight hugs and fucking m......f....xDD kisses xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD oooh gooooddd!! i'm crazyyy xDDD*


    matty-edward you-bella........me-jasperrr xDDD

  18. heyyy!! LOLLL xDDDD

    chris is the besttt!! xDDD you know? hey how are u??

    i love spongebob xDDDDDDDD

  19. hiii!! how are u?? thx for the add!

  20. holaaaa!!!

    i have the second pic!!! i don't know where i found it but i have itttt!! i would take it in a video!!! have u got msn?? me too! xDD oohhhh spongeeeeeee! bob! xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD sooo cutteeee!!

    hey great lyric!!! xDDDDDDDDDDDDD you wanna be a singer???? xDDD you can sing with matt!!! hurrrààààà :LOL::LOL::p

    yeha matt is a monkey!! he said that the monkeys are friendly O.O xDDDDDDDD ahahuaahuaahuaauhhh!!! stupid boyyy!! xDDD but he soo cutee :rolleyes::LOL:







    i love matt with red hair!! <3<3<3 bellissimo ragazzoo xDDD *beautiful boy!*

    -----i'm crazy now xDD-----


    hey crazy kid! write me soon yeha?!

    musse the best!! xDDD and yeha! banana matt loves u xDDD he's your edward xDD and u his bella ahahah!! xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD



    *pink hugs box and ashamed kisses xDD*

  21. holaaaaa amigaaa!! how are u??

    thx for the commentssssssss!!!!!!!!!!! :kiss::kiss::kiss:

    the zetas send lots of kisses to u!! xDDDDDDDDDDDD

    thx matt for your support xDDD ahaha LOL!

    i want see muse's film!! MUSSE LAY THE MOVIE!! yehaaaaaaaaaa! soon in the cinemaaaa hurrààà xDDDD

    hey matt and muses...GREAT COUPLE!! ^___^ LOLL!! i think that muse's cd realise to end of 2009 O.O!!! :supersad:

    it's too latteeeee i want it nowwww xDDDDDDD *hysteria xD*

    pic of the day make it by meeee xDD:p






    knights of cydonia xDDD spongebobbb xDDD

    anyway........................................................................i'm playing map of the problematique with dommeh and chris! i sing xDDDDD O.O


    HEY U (u and matt xD) CRAZY KIDSSS!!! cheers!

    *hullabaloo hugs and soldier's poem kisses xDD*



  22. ahahah!! hola musseee!! xDDDDDDDDDD how are u?? are u singing with matt?? :eek::rolleyes: goooddddddd!! xDDDD

    ahahahahhh! i'm talking with zetas! they're so intelligents and nice! xDDD i love them ahah!

    finally i make my first video!! and it's on you tube!! hurràààà!!! i'm a geniuusss xDDD it's a joke!! i wish that it likes u! xDDD


    dom's new jacket? omg! O.O xDDD

    pic of the day! made by me!! olèèèè xDDD


    ta-daaaammm!! xDDDD it's bellssss!! crazy kiddddddd!!! the boss of the crazy kiddd xDD


    write me soon dear!

    *haarp hugs and absolution kisses xDD*



    burrito is italian i think xDDD but it's a spanish's food xDD

  23. OMG!!! musse is beautifulll i love ittt!!! xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    oh gaia doesn't suffer for matt! she is so happy that dom and matt have a relationship!! me too!! xDDDDDDD

    ahuahauahhh!! matt hallucinogenic and dom drunk!! xDDD beautiful pic!!

    musse is soo cuuteee awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! i want marry him! or her?? xDDD



    matt's face is adorable!! ahahah!! and dom...aww dom! poor boy :LOL::p


    now a picture only for u!


    ta-dannnn!! matt and fluffy puppyy!!! his love! (after dom xD sure!)



    matt and his mexican hatt!!! SOMBREROOOO xDDD ahauahuh! i love burrito (it called burrito not? o.O)


    hey!! matt would visiter (visit xDD i don't know the verb's form xD) south america!!! so open your eyes and look at the streets carefully! matt is near! :rolleyes::p


    HEY CRAZY KIDDDDD!! good night and.....golden dreams!! xDD


    *black hugs and revelations kisses xDDD*




    -------------------------musseeeeeeeeee awwww!! soo cuteeeeeee!:rolleyes:-------------------------

  24. buenos días o buenas tardes! ¿cómo estás? Estoy bien! ( yeha it's a great progress!!! xDDDDD translate the bestt!! xDDDD)

    really?? matt loves italy than london??? :eek::D hurrààà!! xDDDDD but...dommeh loves latin america so much!!! xDDDD

    yeha he says: bye bye gaia! i love dom now!!! xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!


    awwww the piccc!!! the little animal is sooo cuutteee!!! looks like matt!! xDDDD

    reallyy?? chris looks like your friend?? omg!! chris looks like my brother!! xDDDDDDDDDD


    pic of the day (sunday! domenica! domingo ..?..le dimanche!)




    matt wants u!!! xDDDDDD


    ¡salud! (cheers! xDDD)


    hey crazy kidddddd!!! listen to me! i give u: *escape hugs and thoughts of a kisses atheist! xDDD (nooo seeensseeeee!!) *

  25. oh my godness!!! yehhaaa good italiannn!!!!! excellent xDDDDDDDDDDDD

    lolzzzz CIAOOO HOLLLAAAAAA!! you used the translate xDD??? yeha dom's dog called HENDRIX!! he has much immagination isn't true?? xDDDD

    i love haarp too!! expecially in take a bow!!! and in improv!! xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    "we love u london!! cheers!!" by dommeh xDDDD

    chris was very happy!! O.O yeha dom and matt have a secret relationship xDDDDDD :p:p it's a joke!! or maybe.....O.O ahahahahh!! i don't know!! but....dom loves matt xDD c'mon!! xDDD



    aaaaaaahahahahahhh matt see a zetas!!! beautifullll and dom takes a photooo!! omg that picture!! is amazing!!!!!!! it's DARK!! ( i love this word: DAAARRRKKK xDDDDDD aww when matt say it :rolleyes:)




    i believe i can flyyy!! i believe i can TOUCH the skyy!!! ( and see the zetas!! xDD)


    and now...

    the pic of the day!!! omg this piccc ahahahahah!! LOL




    O.O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek:


    ahahauahauahauhhh!!! *i'm dead xDDD*

    chrrriiiss the revengeeee!! xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    hey uuu crazy kidddd write me soon or chris will show u his smile!!! (creepysmile xD)




    and...be careful! bananamatt see u!!! xDDDDD

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