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Everything posted by horsie890

  1. Nevermind, I see someone has it already. :( People took all the fun stuff!

  2. I wanted to ask to keep the sounds of Matt swallowing in Map of Your Head, but that thread seems so overrun with...like, everybody...XD And the person who runs it told people to stop asking until he could catch up.

  3. :pope: Yes Please. :D That reminds me, I don't understand the love boat thread...s....what goes on there?
  4. After tackling him, but there was no way I could draw that and make it look in perspective and not flat out weird.

  5. I'm hoping people are going to laugh themselves into multiple comas after reading the next page.

  6. "A better idea than shooting lazors though the wall with LED Glasses?!?! D:"


    I swear there is one.

  7. DOCTOR WHOOOOOOOOOOOO. Tennant > Smith. And Bellamy = Tennant. But yeah.


    What is your email? Mine is horsie890@gmail.com.

  8. Indeed. It is now posted. :D

  9. I see you like Burn Notice and House. Between this and Nano, are you sure we're not twins?

  10. Would you be interested in swapping novels? I kind of can't stand mine in a lot of ways, but a few people have seemed to enjoy it.

  11. I did win! It took me another eight months to actually finish my novel, but I did get it finished/unofficially published through CreateSpace. I plan on turning my comic into a novel this year. It's going to be epic.

  12. Novel editing! I totally skipped the editing stage on my novel (it was for NaNoWriMo, hardly worth any attention XD), so props to you. Awww, I just imagined little kid Dom trying to have a lemonade stand or something, and then Matt runs by yelling about aliens and hides under the table/fort. Much better.

  13. I'm pretty good. I'm trying to think of stuff to add in to that comic, actually. I can't decide whether Chris and Dom should also be little kids or whether they should accelerate Matt's growth so he's an average (if short) human adult by the time they get to earth, so that when he meets Dom and Chris everything will be even more awkward. Also whether Matt should lose his memory or try to fly thanks to his half-bird DNA.


    ...I...put a lot of thought into this. ^^* This is why people think I'm insane.

  14. WOAH I SEE. That's pretty clever of you, Doris, but I have MYOOZ COMICZ ON MY SIDE!!


    I'm almost done drawing the second page of that little side comic. Matt as a little kid is so adorable.

  15. Okay that message was completely in caps, what happened.

  16. Bloooooooooo dom wants it.

  17. Thanks for the comment. ^_^ I'll try to stay on top of updates more.

  18. New friends! :D And yes, the inspiration was found. *Spoiler - Chris saves Matt's life by panel 2. XD*

  19. As it happens, I finished rough sketching the next page and have started drawing it. :D

  20. Thanks! :D JACKET LOVE <3


    I must try to continue comic soon. It's just sort of difficult to do because drawing doesn't come that easily to me. It's fun though. Next page should be exciting.

  21. Me too! And hear more of Matt's awful French. :LOL:

  22. Thank you for being super awesome and translating the article. ^_^

  23. I really want to see them in Vegas because I live here but I'm going to college near Seattle. I would even see them in Seattle again if they would book another date there, but so far no dice. :( Mr. Bellamy, I want to watch you sing again!

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