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Status Updates posted by achi

  1. achi


    Check this out:




  2. achi

    That was what I was telling while ago..if he did write you in another way or sumthing about him being tagged:rolleyes: Sorry..was watching a Queen vid:p

  3. achi

    Yeh it says his name..what I meant was..the comment wasn't actually wrote in a form of request in a number of photos:erm:

    I saw the photo with his comment.

  4. achi

    That wasn't his comment:erm: Or did he write you on a PM?



  5. achi


  6. achi



    She's alright;)


    But you did take pics of one band member as you didn't know where the drummer was:rolleyes: Shame you had to delete it:p

  7. achi





    Shame,tsk:noey: (:LOL: )

  8. achi

    Oh right.I didn't think of him talking at a gig..haha..silly me:LOL:


    No she wouldn't have time for msn;)What were you thinking:stunned:..she's more of a prayer person.

  9. achi

    Funny?:erm: You listening at his convos?:eek: That's quite a while being around eh:p


    Well she is yeh:rolleyes:

  10. achi


    I'm sure he would've responded in you..if you'd ask:)




  11. achi

    Bloody right you do!:LOL:


    Haha..missed ur chance of meeting him,when they're not that popular yet:LOL:

    *won't talk of our dinner guests:LOL: *

  12. achi

    Oops..sorry to have hurt your feelings:( I didn't mean it (though it sound like that,lol) I apologize.*peace sign* Alright..ur not that shallow:p (But c'mon you do like fit guys:eyebrows::D)

    Ah..same as what I was thinking..I thought they'd give some meanings to the letters:rolleyes: Not so original after all..tsk tsk:noey:


    Yeh I'm quite like that too in front of many ppl:LOL:

  13. achi

    Are you sure it's the catchiness of the songs you liked first or because some of them members were fit?:rolleyes::LOL: And what does Etc stand for? (I'm not sure if that's fit for a band name:LOL: ) Bloody shy????You???OMG:pope: ---:LOL:

  14. achi

    Jen...chat froze on me..meh=[

    Anyway..speak to you soon my lovely.Have a nice day:)

    Good night for laterz:happy::kiss:

  15. achi

    No f*#king way!That's a long holidays you've got!:indiff: (:p) Luck-e Tee:cool:


    Glad to now:D

  16. achi



    hahaha..not a genius afterall:LOL: I get to talked with Marie on musechat:happy: Oh back in Singapore...back to school:p:D


    Cheers hun..hope you had a nice holidays :happy:

  17. achi

    Haha..sounds like me:LOL:


    Yep..it should be a good one! *We must think positive:happy: *


    Could be them?:eek: (Well maybe not:LOL: )


    Hopefully we'll get an album this year Melissa!:eyebrows:

  18. achi

    Hello Melissa!Aww..it's alright..Safari does it to me too:LOL:Save thru Word:p:LOL:


    Thank you hun!My best wishes for ur 2009 too!:happy::kiss:


    It's not ur laptop playing tricks on you...it's MUSE:nerd:::stunned::LOL:


    New year..new Muse album?(fingers crossed)..new undertitle.woo:happy:

  19. Better late than never:p

    It's alright hun.Thanks very much.

    Wishing you a happy new year too:happy:

    All the best for 2009 Marcella:kiss:

  20. achi

    Happy New Year Janine:happy:

  21. Thank you!


    Happy New Year to you too Paola!:kiss:


    Have a great 2009!:happy:

  22. HAPPY NEW YEAR AM!!!!!:happy:


    Wishing you all the best for 2009:happy::kiss:



    Wishing you a bright 2009!!!!


  24. Happy New Year:D

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