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Everything posted by LeniInChains

  1. It's Kate's favourite song, so... my bet is it stays. I'm afraid Map won't make it though I have a bad case of Map-withdrawal syndrome and may be paranoid.
  2. Fernsehaufzeichnungen sind Eigentum des jeweiligen Senders, würde ich mal sagen. Und ja, klar wird mit Torrent gleichzeitig hochgeladen. Ich meinte eigentlich eher, dass man es danach idealerweise nicht auf irgendwelchen Videoportalen hochlädt. Im schlimmsten Fall wird aber selbst dort i.d.R. nur veranlasst, dass du es löschen musst und gut is'.
  3. Ich würde sagen, es hängt davon ab, um was es sich handelt. Wenn es Copyright-geschütztes Material ist, eher nicht, d.h. zum Beispiel Fernsehaufzeichnungen. Allerdings würde ich sagen, dass es relativ unkritisch ist, solange du es nicht weiterverbreitest oder irgendwo hochlädst...
  4. The app doesn't work... when I enter specific cities, it shows me dates and all surrounding theatres within maybe 100 miles but when I then enter another city within the same region, it says the same thing as it does for you even if I broaden the area. You may try to enter different cities around you.
  5. It doesn't come across that well live indeed I'm afraid, especially in bigger venues. I also think it's a bit too short. The first time I saw it live was at the E-Werk gig in Cologne though and I had never heard the song before and we had a hell of a fun time dancing. Another time I was sick in bed and couldn't go to my friends' party and they sent me a video of everyone going crazy to Panic Station even though lots of them didn't even like Muse. It has a raw quality of making people carefree for three minutes, it un-taints my outlook on life. /probably off-topic and tmi
  6. I know it's depressing because it says a lot about the quality of the album, yet for me it is the best song on there. What other song then? Follow Me is clearly worse as a single. Madness has an okay ending. Survival has hideous lyrics (is okay live though). I can see why not everyone is fond of Panic Station but I stand by my opinion. I really really loved the Prince cover as well. Funky suits them.
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